
Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Just Thinking

     As I took my blog break in January, I knew when I returned that I would come back different or maybe as the "original intent". I have a by-line at the top of my page that says...A blog about decorating, stitching, baking, gardening, family, and walking a faith-filled journey.

This blog is mine; my personal story. Every post doesn't have to be of interest to anyone but me. If you are only interested in stitching for instance then this post is not for you and that is OK. There will be another stitching post another day, and I won't have my feelings hurt if you don't comment on those that are of no interest to you. 

When I started this blog almost 7 years ago, I did so because I loved reading them myself. I have always loved biographies. I still do and most of the ones I choose are someone who has caught my eye. I am intrigued by them and want to know more of what makes them tick. My fascination with biographies began in 6th grade when I discovered a series in the public library. I think I read every single one that year. I remember Rachel Jackson being one of my favorites. I can't tell you why ---too long ago. So you see, I just like reading about people. ---Which makes blogs my modern day series of biographies.

Today's post is a no picture, lots of words that have come out of my quiet, reflective January. Sometimes I write a post to help me remember. This blog is a journal of sorts, most of which are only the good things in life. The hard things are kept in a paper journal or talked out with family members. One should never read my blog and think, "Oh, her life is so perfect!" Nope, life is full of hills and valleys and most are not immune.

I thought I would record a few things I read, watched, and thought about in January. Honestly, I did a lot of quiet. I don't care for TV. That is not something new. As a kid and teen, I spent much of my time in my bedroom reading or listening to 45s on my record player. I am still that person. Although now, I do love information and can be quite a nerd listening to podcasts or YouTube all in the search of information. 

I was also the kid who loved the World Book Encyclopedia set as a kid. There are two things that are still at Mother's that I would absolutely want one day. One is her sewing machine and the other is the set of encyclopedias. 

But, you know in this world of information everywhere you can just plain and simply take into much and hence January was myself telling myself I needed an information overload break.

When I taught in the youth group many years ago I was constantly reminding the high school girls about being quiet at times so they could hear the Lord speak in an otherwise too busy world. IT was so true then and even more so now.

My month has taught me to I need to make it a priority to not overload my mind with the clutter of others' thoughts and opinions. Of course, if you are still with me in a sea of just print you are reading mine.

One thing I left off was FlossTube. Well -other than Marlene at Stitching by the Lake. I simply must listen to her. I found I was being influenced to want a pattern or such. Now being influenced is nothing new. Isn't that the goal of advertisers, but it seems now the entire Internet is one big advertisement? I just needed to stop. What does Sandy want to stitch today or does she even want to stitch today? Other than Marlene, I didn't watch much stitching. 

I turned off the news completely except for the day of the Capitol upheaval. You know what, I am still informed. I decided which news shows I would watch and basically it is one a day along with following SmartHer News on Instagram. I am also going to her website more and rooting for her to get that up and going so I won't be dependent on social media. That decision alone made me calmer!!!!

I read a biography that my mother and daughter had both read long ago. I read Megyn Kelly's biography. I enjoyed it and have started listening to her podcasts. I listen on Apple on my phone. When a topic or guest interests me I put it on and listen while cleaning house. I have found her to have a variety of unusual and interesting guests. 

I would say that in the entire month of January, that I watched the one news program I chose on some days ...not all. I listened to Marlene, Megyn on some days and that is all that I allowed in. I gave up Twitter completely. I decided I didn't need to read people arguing all day. I didn't even want to read sports because Auburn had gotten rid of another wonderful coach and I was just not listening to that either. So no point in getting on Twitter. I may never go back. So far, I haven't.

I scrolled Instagram once a day and left if off at the beginning of January for a week.  I scrolled my cousins on Facebook once a week. 

I have decided all of those habits are good to continue. 

I did come across this and have followed faithfully. Kirk Cameron (remember Growing Pains) is doing a 100 Day Campfire Revival on social media. The longest time has been about 17 minutes. It has been so good and has furthered helped my feelings about the nation. I am really really enjoying it.

I am over trying to stress about the dividing line drawn in the sand. I am ready to focus on what I can do and that is pour into my family. I will pray and let God do His thing. I will learn and teach my family about this great nation and the importance of following Christ in life. That is it. 

A simple life lived. I am going to carefully choose what I put in my mind. I want to be informed without being over informed if that makes sense. It does to me.

Some verses I have pondered over this past month...

Matthew 5:16 Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father so is in heaven. (NASB)

Philippians 4: 8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.

Micah 6:8 He has told you, o man what is good; And what does the Lord require of you; but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.

That is January in a nutshell. Now, what comes next? A return to my byline. An occasional post about all those things when and if I feel like it:) 



  1. This all sounds very healthy, choosing instead of being led around! I like it.

    1. Thanks Boud. How quickly we get led around with all the input. Sometimes we just need to flip the switch off.

  2. Very refreshing, first blog I've read of yours, very nice!

  3. This was a thought provoking and inspiring post all wrapped up together, Sandy. Thank you for sharing the verses at the end; I am keeping a journal of sorts with Bible verses, quotes, etc. this year and plan on adding the Micah one (the other two have already been written down). I hope you don't mind me adding it to my journal. Like you I want to be informed, but I just want the information without the opinions or being told what I should be thinking. Happy Wednesday.

    1. I think a ton of people are just sick of the news and the opinion pieces. I am thirsting for just some plain news without so much bias. I made a similar notebook a few years ago of verses, quotes, hymn lyrics and new song lyrics.  I still add to it, but I keep it handy when I need a quick pick me up. That verse in Micah sums it up. That is all we as an individual need to do, so yes add it! 

  4. Sandy: What a wonderful post, I think you have said what most of us think, a blog does not have to be about one thing.
    I have Megyn's book in my pile of must reads, I have heard it is a wonderful read, I do admire her.
    If not for God we would not be able to survive what is happening in this world, us believers are the ones helping by Prayer for the non believers.
    I hope you have a beautiful week


    1. Thanks Catherine. Faith is what has brought us and generations past through much worse. I have no idea how some make it without the Lord.

  5. Welcome back, Sandy! My blog is also my journal. Most days it is not very interesting at all and I am blessed by friends who continue to visit. But I can look back and that's what counts! Perfect verses at the end of yours today! Blessings!! xo

    1. I figure if my days are not all that interesting then I am blessed and happy. At least that is my thoughts. I like to look back and see the good too.

  6. OH wow! How I enjoyed this, Sandy! Very refreshing! I love good honest, from the heart communication! I have also pulled away from most of the news and have limited my time on Facebook to just scrolling through to check on family and close friends and post my blog on there and something uplifting. I never was on Twitter...really glad! Looks like I didn't miss anything there. I am not really on instagram either. I have an account, but only to see other people's pages. I've never posted anything there. I am enjoying blogging more and more...making good friends here who are down to earth and people with whom I have something in common. I limit how many I follow...I just can't keep up with too many. My focus on my blog has changed a little bit recently with the gift of Lily Grace. Not sure what God has in mind there, but it must be something because here she is and she is already a blessing to others as well! Crazy, huh? You've loosened my tongue here. Sorry. I should save this for my blog. LOL. Thank you for your honest and open post. We need more conversations like this.

    1. You loosen the tongue anytime you want over here!!!

  7. You are 1,000% correct! Choice is the key to everything! That's one thing I enjoy about can choose what you want to watch and when you want to watch it. And, when that stops working for you.... then you can choose something else! :-) Every morning I wake up and say "Today is a good day to have a good day"!!! And then proceed to avoid the folks that are determined to have a bad day.... lol! Smile on! :-)

  8. I blog as a journal as well. But usually it is light and cheery. I appreciate your delving deep into yourself and sharing it. Very thought provoking. Thank you.

    1. You are welcome. I feel like last year my blog got off track. I will be back to my normal self next week:)

  9. Sandy, I have read your blog for several years, but I’m not prone to commenting. I just couldn’t resist after reading your wonderful comments. The world would be a better place if everyone took a break from the “news” programs. Also if one adhered to your posted Scripture ❤️ The comments you made relating reading blogs to biographies rang a bell in me......that’s why I read blogs, I love biographies as well. Enjoy your family, take care of your health, and wait for Christ’s return.

    1. Thanks Judy. I am glad you have enjoyed reading along. I felt I lost my way with the blog last year. I will get it back to normal next week. Thanks for your kind words.

  10. Uplifting post. The verses you quote are inspirational.
    I began watching the Drew Barrymore Show, and stopped because her quirkiness was too ovre the top. I went back to figure out why the quirky bothered me. The results...I'm use to entertainment that doesn't include me feeling happy, imformed, content, but not happy. We are what we watch and listen to makes sense. I love the show now. It is a source of happiness.

    1. Thank you. Yes, we definitely need to choose what we watch and let it be good for us.

  11. Thanks for telling me about Smart Her news....she is my only news source now and it is much easier to read than to listen to the network news. I have whittled my Floss Tube down to just the ones I really like to watch who share the same esthetic as me. I have not ordered much since Christmas, mainly flosses. And I do feel more free now that I have unchained myself from five posts per week. I have started listening to some Agatha Christie books on You Tube as I stitch. I find it is much more restful and I pay more attention to my Quiet is good. I like quiet, Marvin not so much. I do find the God often speaks to me when my heart and mind are quiet.

    1. I have seriously thought several times about getting the Audible subscription but I honestly am just being a stingy miser. I hate to pay for one more thing. I saw something the other day about an app that you could use through a public library for listening. I need to go back and check that out. I will watch more as the month goes on, but I am just fine with only doing what I choose and not just to fill a moment. If it makes me start feeling like I need more than I can possibly do or avoiding some quiet I am choosing to leave it off. Our blogs should be for us and not chained to pleasing an audience. If they want to follow along I am good with that, but I don't want to feel like I have to write on a topic like stitching or adhere to a schedule. Life is short. Jeff is really tired with the job. It has been an unusually hard year and he can retire in August. I think he is pondering whether we can swing it and maybe do something part time to make it. We are in prayer about that.

  12. Your blog is your blog, Sandy--write whatever you feel like. Get as personal as you want or keep things quiet. It's all up to you--I will be here reading no matter what :) I'm with you on the Flosstube--have never been a fan and I find myself so bored that I fast forward. I watch one or two now and then, but nothing regularly. What I like about blogs is you can search through them to find a finish or topic that caught your interest and you wanted to refer to it again.

    Just read your reply to Arlene--definitely check out your local library for audiobooks through Overdrive. I often listen to books while I stitch--find it much more calming than trying to listen and watch television. Plus, I listen to audiobooks while I get my steps in each day :) The library is filled with goodies--all for free! (Ha Ha--getting down off my retired librarian soapbox now :)

    Hope you have a restful day doing what makes you happy! ♥

    1. Thank you for telling me the app I needed. I downloaded it and renewed my library card this morning. I also picked up Mother a larger print book in hopes that she will dive in. She once loved reading, but says her eyes get too tired to read these days. There is nothing of interest for her on cable and she can't work a computer or do anything beyond cable, so hoping she will read. Always working on her. Anyway, I am all set on Overdrive to listen while I stitch or clean. Yippie.

  13. Philippians 4:8 is a favorite of mine, too. It's cross stitched and framed on the way about 18 inches from where I am sitting right now. I claim that verse very often when the wrong thoughts try to overtake me (on any topic or temptation). God's Word is very very powerful. When we remember that and apply it, we are so much better off!

    Thanks for sharing what you've been up to!

    1. I often quote Scripture out loud. I mean that is what Jesus did. I used to have the most wonderful book of Scripture patterns back in the early 80s. It is the one pattern book I regret getting rid of. I have never seen anything quite like it. I wouldn't mind doing a wall of my favorite verses much like a sampler wall.

  14. Good post, Sandy. For several weeks after my brother's death in December I found myself living an existence where the news barely penetrated. When I started to emerge from the profoundest part of my grief, I realized that not being connected to the "news" was actually very freeing. It's become obvious over the last 4 years, and during all the coverage of COVID, that the Media thrives on keeping us all on high alert. Feeling like we need to keep tuned in lest we fall behind somehow. When I first sat down and watched the evening news a few weeks ago, like you, I realized I really hadn't missed anything important. And catching up takes about 10 minutes. ;^) I am much less addicted to what passes as news at this point. I am now curious though about SmartHer news. Will check it out.

    1. I think you will like Smarther News. She has a website, but for now Instagram is the place to go to get the best updates. I am seriously so over news and she keeps me informed and is the first person in a really long time that I think still  believes in true unbiased journalism. 


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.