
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Seven Years

 I almost forgot about my blogging anniversary. To be honest, I actually did forget. I woke up early this morning for some reason because since the time changed I have NOT been waking up early. It popped into my head that I hadn't posted my monthly photo of the bayou that I wanted to do this year nor had I given any thought that I had started this blog 7 years ago this month.

Here is my March bayou pictures taken about 7:00 am this morning. As Jeff would say, I have already missed the best part of the day.

Maybe with these photos I will capture different times of the day as well.

Blogging can give one a glimpse into a life such as mine, but there is really so much that one can never know about a person's life. Seven years ago was one of those tough years in life. It was really a roller coaster ride. I had so many blessings that year; one being gaining a great son-in-law and planning a wedding with my daughter. There was also great loss that year with a family member's death and great stress and turmoil with my job. I suppose I had enough good and enough hope to think I could start a blog.

I kept a paper journal of the tough stuff that was going on because it was therapy to write down those hard feelings. I kept a happy face for Lindsay as she was starting out with a great adventure and as a Mama I was so happy for her.

Just thinking back to that year reminds me of the tough stuff, but also that I am so blessed. I really have no clue what I hoped for with a blog. I just knew I enjoyed reading them immensely. At that time, I mostly read teacher blogs. I think most of those have completely died out, but they were helpful and fun. I slowly found others I enjoyed reading that were in the stage of life that I was. I have learned and been so inspired.

I think a part of me had no clue how to be retired. I really didn't have to worry about that, because my time got quickly filled with other things. I am busy and life is not at all like I kinda thought it would be. However, it is so much better. I hope you didn't hear perfect. Nope! I go through stuff just like everyone else, but I am happy where God led the after teaching life.

Now, onto a few other tidbits. 

Holy Week. The week leading up to the celebration of the Resurrection. The foundation for everything I believe. 

I get my second vaccination this coming Monday. I am ready to be with others. I am quite an introvert! I am content at home cleaning, working around the yard, and just general puttering. I have found some positives from the year. I really don't have this huge desire to go out shopping again. I have discovered that other than cross stitch wants and an occasional book I have plenty. I have been simplifying things over this year. All that said, even this introvert misses an occasional human interaction with someone other than my family.

Not a lot:) but some. For one, I have missed my small group. A year ago, I would have been silently complaining about having to have my house clean for my small group to come over on Wednesday nights. Now, I am looking forward to having them over. We have Zoomed for a year now. One of the members really had to be locked down because she had some severe issues a few years ago with her respiratory system. Last week, I made a pound cake for one of the group member's birthday. I cut each couple a piece, then wrapped it up along with my whipped cream and strawberries and Jeff and I quickly delivered it to each home before our Zoom meeting. We ate our cake on our Zoom meeting. Everyone will have had their vaccine next month and we will resume in-person meetings. I am ready.

I will round out this anniversary post and March (how time flies) with a couple of photos. 

I have been outside a ton. I guess I have found that very therapeutic as well. I have been pressure washing.

I had no idea how bad that porch looked until I cleaned it. Jeff borrowed a friend's electric one. It is very easy for me to handle, so he is getting one of those for his birthday. Maybe if I can do this a little more often it won't get so bad. I still need to wash windows, but I will wait for some of the pollen to settle down. Are we really ever finished?

I was out at Lindsay's and she had her new oyster prints up above the cabinet. I love seeing decorating ideas so I will share the quick picture of them. I am not a photographer as you can see the TV in them.

I think they turned out so pretty.

Gus and I have been walking a lot these days. We walked down to some apartments on our road and then decided that since azalea season is almost over that we would help ourselves to a few of this lovely color to bring home.

I also found two perfectly good lamps by the side of the road and brought them home. I don't particularly need them, but I feel certain I can find someone who does.

I cleaned them up and brought them in to do just that.

They swivel out and even had the expensive lightbulbs in them. They work great.

Gus has  has taken a liking to my chair, so the blanket has become a permanent attachment to it.

Looks like he is living the good life...huh? Oh and don't mind the feather duster:)

I will leave you with one last picture. Tucker looks pretty pleased. He got a golf club set like Daddy's if you can call it a set. It has two clubs. The big driver and a putter. The balls are foam. He has enjoyed these immensely. 

I think there is actually one of Daddy's in this bag too, so that expensive one is Daddy's.

Tucker is one of those blessings of retirement. I get to spend lots of time with him and count that as a huge blessing. 

This ended up being a way longer post than I planned. Every now and then I get a notion to write. 

I will be back after Easter. I hope you have a blessed one.

He Is Risen Indeed!


  1. He is Risen Indeed!! It is good to look back and see how God answers prayers ...for me it is a faith builder. And being a mimi and being so important to a grandchild is such a blessing for both parties. Great idea on the delivering of the pound cake. I am sure it made the zoom meeting a fun time.

  2. I always enjoy your posts, Sandy. What a great idea to deliver a pound cake treat to your small group members to enjoy together via Zoom. Your bayou picture for March is a beauty. It sounds like the 7 years since you have started blogging have been filled with many blessings. Wishing you a blessed Easter weekend!

    1. Have a most wonderful weekend and Easter. I am glad I decided to blog, otherwise I wouldn't have met all the wonderful stitchers like you.

  3. He is risen!! Happy Easter. I really enjoyed your catching-up post! Tucker is so adorable! Happy blogging anniversary! I am getting so tired of Zooming with my community group from church. I think most of us are ready to get together again. Two of the couples are not getting vaccinated. The rest of us have. Not sure what that will mean for our group. Time will tell! xo

    1. If they don't want to meet in person maybe y'all can zoom them in, but I am with you I am ready for togetherness and hugs.

  4. Sandy: Happy Blessed Easter.
    It has been a hard year for all, I am happy this is almost over.
    It is good to hear you will be getting together with your friends soon.
    I did not know how I would do retired, it has been a hoot for us both in the last five years, with volunteering and Church Mike is in charge of the cemetery, I am in charge of all the sewing and cleaning of alter cloths all linens used during Mass service, there is a lot of ironing.
    Gus needs to be near you, I bet he miss's Lemony.
    Tucker is positively adorable, it is fun seeing him grow up through your blog, thank-you for sharing him with us.


    1. Thank you Catherine. Tucker is the best. I had no idea how much I would enjoy my time with him. My hubby can retire this summer for years but will work a while longer. I think I am ready for him too because of the stress of his job, but it will be a huge adjustment when he is here everyday. I actually love to iron. I may be the only person in the world who would say that, but I do.

  5. Sandy, Congrats on 7 years of blogging and hope you continue to do so. It's been so nice getting to know you. The bayou photo is beautiful and I agree with Jeff, the early morning light on nice days is the prettiest. How nice of you to bring a piece of that delicious looking pound cake and strawberries and cream to your friends for your virtual meeting. I can imagine how nice it will be to gather with everyone again in person. I personally dislike zooming. I think that is interesting that Gus took over your chair. My 2 cats were never allowed in the bedroom by my dog and they moved right in sleeping at our feet where the dog slept. I would have brought home those 2 lamps in a heartbeat, I"m sure you will find them a home where they will be appreciated. I love your daughters oysters!!! They look so nicely framed over the cabinet. Tucker is precious with the golf clubs!!! I hope you have a Blessed Easter.

    1. I suppose the couple is moving in the rental next to us, but those lamps were like brand new. You simply must gather them. I let them sit all day and no one was getting them. Gus has slept a good bit on the big bed I bought for Lemony. I took her kennel bed down, since he had one. He is getting used to things but I know he misses her too because he wants to sit with us a lot. It takes a while not to tear up everywhere you look. I am ready for in person. I am very over Zoom. Tucker loves the clubs. He seems to like sports items in general. Have a great weekend.

  6. Gus is the perfect picture of relaxation. Have a happy Easter.

  7. Sandy, thank you for your blog visit and comment! My Lindsay got married seven years ago, too on March 1st!
    I enjoyed my visit to your blog and hope to visit often!

    1. Thanks Deanna, Oh how time flies. I can't believe how those 7 years have passed by so quickly.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.