
Monday, April 5, 2021

Easter Weekend

 A joyous Easter Monday here! 

I have been blessed to be in the company of my family and to worship the Lord. Just knowing last year that we weren't able to go to church is mind blowing enough. I know there are many who couldn't go this year and I feel for them so much. I am grateful for the fact that I could attend and also teach "my girls". 

I am so grateful for being able to have my family around the table to eat and visit. It is always so much fun to watch the kids be together and enjoy each other's company. OF course, Tucker is still the star of the show. His day of sharing is coming soon.

I am not photogenic!!! but it is what it is. Aging is not always easy, but a part of life so here is my family all gathered on the deck. I am far more happy to be able to take this picture than to worry about my poor posture OR bad hair days.

Mother was able to take one for us before Tucker was over it.

I am going backwards in time for the remainder of the post.

Tucker had a visit from the Easter bunny before church.

Mother, Jeff and I actually attended church on Saturday evening. We had a service then and two on Sunday morning, so as to spread it all out and it helps me out so that I can cook early Sunday morning and then go in to teach at my regular time slot.

Jeff was lagging behind in the parking lot, so Mother and I had our picture taken at church.
IT was quite chilly this weekend. I simply had to wear pants (no cute Easter dress for me) and hunted down a jacket to match. I had gone to a bridal shower earlier in the day, so no changes were made to the outfit.

On Good Friday, Tucker was off from school since he goes to a church daycare/school. Lindsay decided to take off and spend the day with him. We went up to the north end of our county to Baker. They have a wonderful strawberry farm. My goodness... we had so much fun. We were able to get up there before the crowds.

I told you it was cold. I had put away all the jackets and scarves. I had to dig them out for this trip.
Tucker was dressed in the cutest camouflage overalls and boots.

He enjoyed picking them. There was absolutely no trouble with him picking the wrong ones. He loves strawberries and he knew exactly which ones looked best for picking.

I honestly don't know who had more fun, but suffice it to say Mother AND Tucker enjoyed themselves immensely.

A little heavy on the pictures but they were all so cute.

The strawberries were so pretty. 

While driving home, I had a side thought. When I retired and began cross stitching again, one of the first things I stitched were the Little House Needleworks monthly cottages. I loved every single month except June. It is a strawberry cottage. I just didn't understand that one! It dawned on me that strawberries are probably in season in most of the country in June, but for Floridians that is not true. Well, strawberries are probably a much more year round thing in south Florida, but this is strawberry season in north Florida.
It all made sense as I was picking them.

So many blessings, but the most wonderful blessing is the resurrection of my Savior.
He is alive.

Looking forward to a great week,


  1. Loved seeing all the pictures...your mama looks like she is doing well. That Tucker is a cutie patootie for sure. I always gave our children their baskets on Saturday morning before Easter Sunday. That way, no fussing, arguing etc before going to church. We had a quiet Saturday evening, then I cooked for Amelia's family. Enjoy those little ones....I miss mine.

    1. Mama is doing well and feeling good these days. I will take it!Easter for my kids was dyeing eggs on Saturday and a little bit of candy in their Easter basket. Candy was all the Easter bunny brought. As with everything these days, more is the name of the game it seems.I would like to slow time down for sure. It is not lost on me that I am in the days of grands loving me and wanting to be with me.

  2. Happy Easter day after
    Beautiful family
    Those strawberries are incentive to move to Florida.

    1. I would imagine it is the same feeling I get in October when it is still hot here and no sign of a pretty orange leaf:)

  3. Christ is indeed alive!! Hallelujah! Tucker is adorable in every photo you shared! The strawberries look wonderful! Ours are done here in central Florida. I am glad you had a great Easter!! xo

    1. Well you just made my point even more about that strawberry cottage in June. I think my mind is set around falling leaves and pumpkins in the fall even though I don't see any colored leaves until the second week of December here. In school there were so many bulletin boards with fall stuff even though we were still sweating:) you accepted fall was supposed to look like that. I just couldn't wrap my brain around the strawberry thing in June. I think of blueberries in June because I grew up across the line in Alabama and we had a blueberry festival every June. I thought strawberries might be done there because the past month I was getting such wonderful ones in the grocery store that said Florida grown.

  4. What a wonderful weekend you had with your family all around!! And that Tucker is just so cute!! Those strawberries look yummy too!! You look great...don't ever think otherwise! And you are a wonderful Grandma, Mother, and wife and daughter! You had it all covered this weekend. And yes, it was cold here too. But spring came back today with warmer weather and sunny skies! Now we just need some rain! Have a blessed week and relax after such a busy weekend!

  5. God's Blessings to you all!

  6. Sandy, you had a beautiful Easter weekend as shown by the pictures -- spending time with family, attending church services (and being with your "girls", and adventuring with Tucker.

  7. Lovely time together. And yes,here in the northeast June is strawberry time. My late husband's favorite fruit. And he had a June birthday. So I made strawberry shortcake every year for him. To me, the smell of strawberries in the fields means June and summer.

    1. I now understand that Little House Needleworks stitch having strawberries much better now. I guess here we are just in summer mode:) Always so interesting to see how different areas do things. That is one of the things I love about blogs.

  8. Sandy, We go strawberry picking in June, love sunwarmed berriers right off the vine. You can see Tucker had a great time picking them, he didn't have far to reach either!! Lovely family photos and so glad you were all able to get together at Easter. I'm hoping my family will be all vaccinated soon so we can get together for a nice dinner.

    1. It is good to have the second shot and have some more freedom. Almost all my friends have theirs now so woo I come. The kids have a little longer to think on it since they all had it. I don't think Lindsay will consider it until she has the baby. I think they are all not in favor in getting one brand of them, but here at the health department they have used Pfizer and I have heard of no big problems with it. We did enjoy picking the strawberries and we have all been eating them all week. I have a few more left, so Monday I may freeze the last few for smoothies if I haven't eaten them all:)

  9. Looks like you had a lovely Easter. How nice you were able to be family. Hubby and I finally got our 2nd shots so we're feeling a bit more free; but many family members still are not; so we all stayed away. Your weather looks nice and sunny even if a bit cool.

    1. We both have our second shots too, so it is feeling good to get out again. The weather has been mostly pleasant and I am making the most of it.

  10. Yes indeed, it was a chilly Easter in the Panhandle this year!!! I still wore my little frock of a dress with a cute sweater but underneath it all I wore warmer undies than originally planned.

    The strawberries are gorgeous and what fun you all had. I'm glad you got to do that. My family talked about picking strawberries. I declined the offer due to the cold and then it turned out they ran out of time anyway. But I enjoyed your pictures of it!

    1. IT was a cold Easter. One of the coldest in my memory for an April one. We are actually getting some pleasant days, so I have been outside more than in doing things.

  11. Sandy: This is an adorable post, it feels good to be able to do things that we were not able to do for a year.
    You have a lovely family and of course Tucker is the center of your four generation photos.
    Oh my fresh strawberry's, what fun to be able to pick your own.
    Have a lovely week-end


    1. Yes, four generations. I am so glad Mama gets to enjoy that little boy.

  12. Been catching up with your blog a bit and Oh My!!! how cute is that Tucker boy?????? Wasn't it just yesterday that he came into ya'll's world?? and is she expecting again? Seems I've missed so much. You just look so happy to gather with your family again...doesn't it feel like we've been let outa jail?? And to be able to hug my gbabies again? Cannot even explain the joy!!!! Seems like maybe our world will get back to some type of normalcy!!!!

  13. How nice to spend this time with your beautiful family.


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