
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

A Stitching Post

 We are almost halfway into April and I haven't talked about stitching any, mainly because I don't have tons to share. I have been skipping around which is not my usual but nevertheless what has happened.

I did finish all the pages across the bottom of my heron. It is now time to stitch a bird.

The creator for Crossed Wing Collection does a beautiful job of making things look so lifelike. The lily pads are just beautiful.

I finished my first flower on Thirsty Hart, but didn't take a picture before I put it up. I am going to change up some colors on this pattern for certain. I piddled around with it one evening instead of stitching and didn't make a decision. 

I then pulled out one I have had in the bag for quite a while. I didn't have a small just calling my name so I pulled out Cats on Parade and stitched two nights on it.

This can be stitched in a frame. I covered that picture up. I do want to do a drum with it and of course I chose a different color than the one from the pattern.

I am going to pull out Let Freedom Ring this evening and stitch on it this week or at least until I finish the pages I have started all the way across.

I have been enjoying the outdoors and walking but I have also been going through some stuff in my sewing room, so since that is sewing related I will put it here.

I have already admitted many times that I should be in a HELP group for people who buy fabrics because they are pretty but never uses them. One load has already gone to donation and I have really really been trying to use what I have to do my little pillow backings.

I still have a good bit of fabric and no real plan for some of it. I have whittled it down to one shelf and then my plastic bins with small small pieces that are not in this cabinet.

I then went through all my sewing patterns. I am donating a big box of them.
The top blue bin has apparel patterns and the diaper box has kids or craft patterns. I probably won't be using any of them any time soon, but I decided to hold onto a few for now. I really shouldn't!

The navy bin has an extra iron and some batting and the clear bin has some ribbon from Mother's smocking days. I am going to be on the hunt for someone to give some of that too, maybe.

I also am donating a bunch of old sewing paperback books, Classing Sewing and Sew Beautiful magazines. Some of these were mine and some were Mama's. I have a hard time throwing away any old books, but I stuck these oldies in there. 

Mama and I took a class way back in the day and each made a macrame purse.

I am also going to try and sell her smocking pleater. We discussed it and I am never going to use it. I dreamed of doing it at one point, but my time to do has passed. I have other things I enjoy more. It is funny how our mind and even passions change with time.

She and I talked about it and of course, she doesn't want it back at her house taking up space. We determined that if we didn't get it in the hands of someone who use it that it would end up on a shelf at Goodwill with it time being passed as well. 

I haven't decided where to list it though. I dread listing things. I am a procrastinator and a half on those kinds of things. 
eBay? Facebook Marketplace?
Where have you had success selling?

That is what I have been up to in the crafting world. 
Cleaning so I get my groove back to actually do something,


  1. Hoping you do get your groove back. Your work is so beautiful. I like the cats on parade and look forward to seeing it finished! Thanks for the update! xo

  2. OH my, I've never seen that smocking thing before! Is that how you make smocked dresses, etc.? Since I never had a little girl I never got to buy those sweet little smocked dresses that were so pretty, and I never got into sewing dresses. My three little boys were too rough and ready for anything smocked! LOL. I love how organized you are! I would love to look at old patterns again. I used to make my own clothes when I was a teenager, but didn't do as much after I got married because I went to work and then I stayed home raising baby boys. So I got away from sewing, and never did take up cross stitch either. I always admired others' beautiful work, however, and I can't wait to see your heron when it is done. Enjoy your cleaning and stitching, but also keep enjoying these beautiful spring days while they last before it gets too hot to go out!

    1. I am having trouble staying inside since it is so nice outside. We know the heat will come soon. My mother was and is still an amazing seamstress. I always longed to be able to do what she was doing, so much so that I might not have enjoyed as much as I should have the life that God called me to do. I thought I would retire and just sew sew sew. It seems I don't like it nearly as much as I like gardening, baking, or many other things. Which is one reason I should just donate the rest of that fabric and those patterns. I am a "slowly get rid of things" person though. I hope I can find someone who will enjoy the pleater though. It feeds the fabric through and pleats it for the smocking.

  3. Sandy, your Heron piece is looking incredible. You are so right about their birds/designs being life-like/realistic. I wonder if there are any local seamstresses around that would want the pleater or would know of anyone. Enjoy your Wednesday!

    1. I am hoping by listing it on Facebook first I can find a local person, I personally don't know a single person who even sews. I get asked all the time to sew things for church:) I am going to do it this weekend. Wish me luck.

  4. The smocking pleater and Martha Pullen -- have those days left us forever? Our world has changed so drastically over the past 20 years or so when such detailed needlework beauty was embraced and the genius creators of such things were so respected. I have no counsel how to go about selling the pleater.

    I look forward to seeing your beautiful needlework with my own eyes, in person, very soon! The flamingo you sent me this past Christmas is a treasure.

  5. I've never heard of a smocking pleater. That looks like quite the contraption. I can only say we are going to try Facebook Marketplace first when we start listing some of my brother's things. I hope we can find homes for the last of his things locally. I look forward to hearing if you have success.

    1. I am going to try and list it today. Wish me luck.

  6. I just did a quick search of completed listings on eBay and see that these pleaters sell from $100 to $300 and quite a few have sold just during the month of April. So, there are folks that use these... it's just a matter of finding them.
    ALWAYS buy a piece a fabric that you find pretty (when you see it).... it will haunt you forever if you don't... I have pLenty of experience in that department... :-)

    1. I plan to list it before the day is over. I don't want to get rich, just find it a good home. Fabrics just get me. My husband won't go near one with me/ He knows I will be awhile.

  7. Oh, your heron piece is growing so nicely, Sandy! The detail in this one really is incredible! And your new Cats on Parade will be such a darling finish!

    I love fabric, too! My mother got me started on that, but hers was mostly upholstery fabric. She was constantly buying remnants of it at a nearby Ethan Allen manufacturing facility. And she had countless things reupholstered. I'm sure the couch she had after my dad died was the same one they bought when they married 60 years earlier--just reupholstered many times :)

    Oh, I've never seen a smocking pleater! My grandmother was a beautiful seamstress and made me the most darling smocked dresses when I was little. Oh, how I wish I had one of those sweet dresses still... I don't think she had a pleating machine, though. I'm sure you'll find a buyer for it, Sandy--someone will be thrilled to have it!

    Enjoy your day--it is dark and gloomy here. A good day for laundry and stitching :)

    1. It would not do for me to have had an Ethan Allen outlet close by. It would only add gasoline to my fire. I am going to list the pleater today. I don't really want to get rich, just find it a good home.
      It is quite dark and gloomy here too. Rained so much yesterday and today, but I think next week is supposed to be superb.

  8. I say, I've never seen a smocking pleater. I've read instructions how to smock, though. Thinking of your wonderful crossticking, I bought a small starter kit for a robin bell pull. Now I have to find a good needle. :)

    1. Oh I hope you have fun with the stitch. I hope to find a good home for the pleater. IT just seems that was Mama's hobby not mine and I am finally good with that.


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