
Sunday, April 18, 2021

April Showers

 I feel like an old person talking about the weather, but that is what is on my mind. April has been so rainy. The following could be any day in April this year.

It has rained so much that the ground is saying, "No more!" It rained a lot in April of 2014. That has nothing to do with this year, but I remember it. It was the spring and year I started this blog. I didn't mention it all. Like I said, nothing really to do with this year.

If April showers bring May flowers, then it should be an amazing scene around here next month. The truth is I am wondering if it will be true this year. It rained so hard that the lemon tree lost all her blooms. I don't know if that means we will get some new blooms before spring is over or no lemons this fall. 

I planted some new day lilies this year. I have no clue if they will produce this year or not. Considering the cooler weather we are getting this April, then maybe I will have some success. I had 4 day lily plants. Two did not come up at all and the other two have still not bloomed. They have a couple of buds but this is the latest they have ever bloomed. I picked some pretty colors so I am hoping the new ones come up.

I have really been redoing a lot of my beds this year. I want more things growing in the ground than in pots. I am not getting any younger and need less to take care of.

You may remember I pulled up my roses two years ago. I had one that looked worthy of throwing in a pot and putting on the back deck to see if she would survive with no care. Well, bless her heart she has. This spring she is looking quite healthy. She is a hybrid tea by the name of "Oklahoma." 

Here she is...

I had a wonderful treat this week. Barbara, from Sweet Tea and Sandals drove over in the rain to visit. No sitting on the deck for us, but it was wonderful to meet her in person. I sincerely hope it won't be our last visit.

She is just as sweet in person as in her blog. Gus approved. She brought me a sweet present.
What could be better than a devotional book built around dogs for this dog loving girl? And the cover looks like Lemony.

Not much else happening here though.

Jeff is home from work this coming week, so I will be scarce. We are not going to Auburn or really anywhere. A stay vacation. We do have a wedding to go to in Birmingham next weekend. We hope to take some time in May to go to Auburn and relax at our home up there. I am hoping we can take in some baseball games.

I have a few honey do chores for him this week. I have been stitching on the huge sampler, "Let Freedom Ring." Hopefully next week I will have something worth showing in my stitching post.

Until then, if you live in northwest Florida try to stay dry.
A little soggy,


  1. Hi Sandy: How wonderful to meet a fellow blogger, it must be wonderful to have her at your home for a visit.
    The book is a lovely gift.
    Beautiful rose, I grew roses at out last home, sadly the new owners plowed them under, broke my heart.
    It is the rainy season here in Minnesota, soon to be flowers and green trees.


    1. I love roses so much, but I just don't have luck with them here at this house. I know what you mean about seeing your old home plowed under. We live just around the block from our old home. I had beautiful green grass and azaleas all over that large yard and they have let it all go to dirt. They have pulled up every single shrub and there is one camellia bush. I can't hardly drive by it without it making me sick to my stomach. I know the neighbors all have to be sad, because we worked in our yard a lot.

  2. We are getting LOTS of rain too. Still Waters Pond is going to become a lake if it keeps this up, but it had been quite dry so we are happy for the rain. I am SO happy that Barbara came to visit you. What a treat for both of you! Since she is planning to move up that way eventually maybe you will get to see more of each other in the days/years to come. She is a special lady, one whom I feel very privileged to have also met in person several times!! And what a perfect devotional book for you! Where do people find these nice things? I just don't do any shopping is my problem. That rose bush is beautiful, and what a gorgeous rose! Glad it survived! Stay as dry as possible and take care. Blessings to you all.

  3. The rose bush you tossed in the pot is looking fabulous, Sandy. What a beautiful blossom it produced. I saw on Barbara's blog that she came for a visit. What a blessed day you both had for a visit along with a lovely devotional to receive! Sorry that you have been very rainy! We were like that in spring 2020. Have a wonderful week!

    1. It has been a more than rainy month. The water can't find enough holes to go in. I do however think the winter we had actually has helped some plants. They actually got to go dormant and coming out seemingly fluffier.

  4. "...should be an amazing scene around here next month." Made me laugh aloud.
    Lovely rose, nice deep rich red color. You and Babara look like sisters!

    1. I had some sunshine yesterday and it was glorious so hopefully I will have lots of flowers soon. Right now they are droopy:)

  5. What a fun time meeting Barbara for the first time in person, Sandy! The rain couldn't dampen those smiles--that's for sure! Such a great gift she brought for you, too. I hope you enjoy your "staycation" this week and get lots of projects done. I look forward to seeing your progress on that huge "Let Freedom Ring," too. Enjoy your week ♥

    1. I did enjoy meeting her. She is just as sweet in person and we had a wonderful time with no lulls in conversation. As for Let Freedom Ring, I finished a ton of over one which was a big hurrah and have made some progress on it over the last couple of evenings.

  6. How wonderful to get to sit down and visit with Barbara. That really is special and I know you both enjoyed it! We are getting some of that Southern rain today too! But we need it so I won't complain...well, not much! lol Hugs!

  7. Yes, enough rain here too. Felt like a hurricane coming through last night, seriously. Yes. Enough. Isn't Barb just the dearest friend!! (Not a question!) I love her too! xo

  8. Our visit was absolutely delightful! It was so good to meet you in person, to befriend Gus, and to see in person your lovely home. I loved every minutes of it -- except the rain, of course. It would have been lovely to visit out on your deck overlooking the bayou, but as you've noted, the rain rain rain. Thank you for welcoming me into your home. We will have more visits!

  9. Oklahoma is a beautiful gal! So glad she survived the winter! I've been thinking about adding more roses to the garden this year.... time will tell! I hope the rain slows down a bit in your area...

    1. I just love roses and at our previous home 20 years ago, I had about a dozen plants. At our present home, the soil is just not a good fit so I gave up a couple of years ago and redid the beds they were in. This one I just stuck in a pot I had and put it on the back deck. It was so so last year but wow it is really looking good this year. It is full of buds now. Makes this girl kinda happy.

  10. So glad youre Oklahoma Rose plant is doing well in a planter. What a beautiful shade of red that rose is.


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