
Monday, April 26, 2021

Stitching Progress

 April is closing in, so I thought I would do one last stitching post for this month. I have a few family photos and some gardening photos to share in a day or two.

I have been back at Let Freedom Ring. It may not look like it but I accomplished a good bit last week.

I was able to get a lot of that over one stitching done on the letters and got some work on the building. I have a long way to go, but I did get back some enthusiasm for the piece. This one is just going to a big one to finish, so someday out there it will be done!

I also started a sweet spring piece that Catherine from I Love to Stitch shared with me. It is a club piece and she was so sweet to share. I had hoped to get more done this weekend, but it was quite busy. I will share that in my next post. I am going to go ahead and finish it this week though. It will have a little time out for spring. I can't wait to stitch those eggs in that next.

This is the pattern.

I will be back later in the week with family and flowers. For now, I am completely pooped from last week. Gotta rest today.

Feeling my age,



  1. You are off to a good start on the Spring Messenger piece, Sandy. Your Let Freedom Ring piece is looking awesome. I am glad you have gained some enthusiasm back for it. Happy Monday!

    1. Yes, I am so excited about Let Freedom Ring. Making a mistake just did it so setting it aside helped. It is not going to be a quick project either. Enjoy your week!

  2. Spring Messenger pattern is adorable. Let Freedom Ring is a lot of well done stitching.

  3. Your Let Freedom Ring is going to be gorgeous to frame someday. And I love that sweet little Spring's Messenger. I look forward to seeing what you so with that when it's finished. :)

    1. I have no clue how I am going to finish it. I think it would be pretty as a box lid but since I have no room for such as that we will see what I can come up with.

  4. That Robin is sooo sweet! Take it easy, girl!

    1. Isn't that robin cute? I have spied this designer's patterns for awhile. It is a cute stitch. I sat around a lot yesterday and stitched so made a wee bit of progress.

  5. Pretty stitching! I like the Spring piece!! Rest now!! Take care! xo

    1. I had to rest all day yesterday, but today I am ready to go again.

  6. That sampler is going to be so beautiful when it is done. It's a lot of work, but I know you will enjoy it when it is done. And of course the robin is sweet. Have fun, and but take it easy. Blessings to you today.

    1. I had to really rest yesterday. Our out of town weekend really wore me out. I was kaput yesterday, but feeling better today.

  7. Beautiful progress and a great start on your new little project.

  8. Let Freedom Ring is looking fabulous! Sometimes a break is what's needed and then everything old is new again! :-) LOVE that Spring Robin design.... I signed up for the club this year as I could resist no longer! lol! Happy stitching!

    1. I think you are right. I put it away and it flowed so much better. It is a large project so it is not going to be done quickly. I am loving this little club pattern. I think I am going to have to join.

  9. It's nice to see your Let Freedom Ring growing so beautifully, Sandy! And that sweet spring design is so very charming. I never seem to hear about these club patterns until it's too late. Will have to do more investigation :) Hope you're getting some stitching time in today! ♥


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