
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

So Long April and Catching Up

     April is just about to say goodbye. It has been a rainy and cool month. In fact, Jeff and I both said it was the coolest April we remembered. That wasn't all bad as we know what looms with summer. It is ending with a nice week. 

I took the monthly bayou pics on Monday morning. They really don't tell the month's story since the sun is shining, but they are what is going on this week.

Everything did truly seem a wee bit behind as far as nature. The live oak leaves dropped a little late and the new leaves are just now out. My day lilies bloomed later than I ever remember blooming -just this week for the first time. I had two that never broke ground, so I ordered 5 new ones. I am so excited about them. They are going to look great early summer with my new spiffy beds. They are beginning to get new leaves in the ones that were on them when they arrived. I chose them for their bright orangey reds but Jeff says I chose them for their names.... Rocket Booster and Alabama Jubilee. The place I ordered them threw in one called Ink Heart. Anyway, I can't wait to see them bloom.

The bottlebrush shrubs are bursting with color and I want some hummingbirds. No sign of one yet. Pooh.

The front porch has some geraniums for now. Not sure they will hold up in July through October. We will see how long they last but for now they are really pretty.

My side pots have been redone too. I will share my downstairs salsa garden next week.

Oh and my lemon tree may not produce this year. The hail storm we had two weeks ago knocked off all the blooms. I don't know it if we will rebloom or if we just sunk for this coming year.


Jeff was off last week, but it was a pretty slow week. He played a little golf and fished. We headed to Birmingham to a wedding last weekend. The groom is our best friends and we raised out kids together. Now, they are all grown and are all scattered. Our friends and us were noting this was probably the same time we had all the children in the same room in many years. Lindsay came up Saturday for the wedding while Tyler kept Tucker and Gus

Paul Allen was in the wedding so Jeff, Katie, and I went to the Birmingham Zoo on Saturday during the day. It was a beautiful day. I had thought it would be stormy but it turns out it was stormy at home more than up there.

This is the only picture I took of the weekend. Paul Allen and Katie at the rehearsal dinner. 

We celebrated Katie's birthday one day last week.
Tucker loves Katie. 
He walked up to her when he arrived and said, "UP!"

Helping open presents.

Paul Allen had him believing he should be getting a present, so when I told him it was only Katie's birthday he went back to tell his uncle that it was Katie's birthday. 

He is such a fun age.

He is potty training and getting a big boy room all fixed up. Lindsay wants to work on potty training before she moves him into the new room, but they are decorating it and talking about it and going in there a lot. He is doing well on his potty training. 
I am such a proud Mimi.

I will share his new bedroom soon. He has moved his books in there and some of his things so he is doing a lot of talking about it. I hope sleeping in there goes well, but I think it will.

That is a wrap for April. 

Ready for May flowers,


  1. Tucker is a cutie. I bet Katie didn't mind the help at all. Love your pots of flowers, Sandy! I keep thinking about getting pots of petunias and geraniums, but then tell myself why bother when they will die shortly after being purchased.

  2. What a beautiful family you have.

  3. Your plant pictures have me thinking I should get myself outside and start doing something with growing things. But then I remember we just had freezing weather again last week. It has been a chilly, but beautiful spring here in Indiana. Reading Robin's comment above, I'm thinking this would have been the perfect spring to plant petunias. I think we could have gotten a good two months (if not more) out of their blooms.

  4. Great photos, Sandy! I always enjoy seeing your bayou photos and your flowers. I just don't have a green thumb, though I continue to try.

    Always fun seeing pictures of Tucker and hearing about his latest sayings and doings!

  5. Happy Birthday Katie! Happy New Room Tucker!
    Your landscaping g is beautiful. Handsome grounds inspector you have there

  6. Happy Birthday to this special young lady! And Tucker is adorable and so big to be getting into a big boy room! Love your pretty flowers...geraniums are beautiful and do well here too!

  7. Potty training - oh my, he is becoming a big boy!! Your flowers and plants look healthy and beautiful. Great pictures, and happy birthday to Katie!! I enjoyed your post!! xo

  8. Such beautiful bayou pictures! Love your view! And I enjoyed all the family times and chatter. Tucker is going to be a wonderful big brother!! Exciting times ahead for your family. Yes, better rest up now!! Your flowers are lovely. It has been a cool April, I agree with you! But I am quite thankful for it. Summer comes all too soon here and lasts way too long. So let's enjoy cooler days while we can! Loved your post. Have a blessed week.

  9. Paul Allen is such a cutie!
    Love those geraniums... that's what is going to be in our pots this season as well. The bottle brush trees are so nice... I don't remember ever seeing those around here (NJ), then I looked in your bio and was reminded that you live in Florida. lol!

  10. Now that I can say I have visited in your home, I can see places where I sat, where I stood, and it all comes together. You have a lovely place and all your homemaker touches make it both personal and inviting. The pictures of the bayou are beautiful.

  11. Sandy: This is a sweet post.
    Happy Birthday to Katie and congratulations to the newly weds.
    Tucker is so cute, it looks like Gus gave the thumbs up on the planters and gardens.


  12. Oh, Sandy, I so love the photos of the bayou--I think I would just sit on the deck all day and look out at that pretty water. Of course, it would be too hot pretty soon! We just got home from Naples and were so relieved to be out of the heat!

    It's so sweet that Tucker likes Katie so much--they say babies and kids can tell a good person and trust and enjoy being with one so she must be one of the good ones :) Happy belated birthday to her! And good luck with the toilet training--can't believe he's such a big boy already. Where have the years gone?!

    Enjoy your week ♥


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