
Saturday, May 1, 2021

Some Stitching Finishes

 I finished Spring's Messenger by Scattered Seed Samplers. It turned out even cuter than I thought it would.

I stitched this on some 36 count raw linen I had in my stash. The model was stitched on 36 count but a lighter color. I am pleased though with the colors. I made only one change in the called for floss colors. It called for only 3011 on the leaves, but as I was pulling the colors out I noticed that 3012 was a tad lighter so I did some of the leaves in 3012. 

This would be cute finished up in a Priscilla style finish, but I don't have room in my home for anything else, so I did a simpler finish so that it can fit in more locations.

I just love this. I love birds. I love robins and their lovely blue eggs. I mean ---this is a Sandy piece.

Some rick rack I had in my stash along with a cute fabric also in my stash. 
This little birdie is going in the bird basket for now along with my other birds until it is time to pull out patriotic stitching. I will love it next year.

Oh, and two things happened in my bird watching this past week. I was in the circle playing with Tucker when he stayed with me one day and not 1 but 4 bluebirds came out in the circle and landed. They stayed a few minutes. I couldn't believe it. I have barely seen 1 in my life and 4 at one time. Incredible!

I had moved a bird bath up to the bed with the bottlebrush shrubs and I came back from a walk and came into the circle yesterday and a cardinal was enjoying some water in the bird bath. 

Both of these things just thrilled me....I am such a nerd.

While I was in a finishing state of mind on Friday, I pulled out the two Prairie School Santas from January and February and styled them up into ornaments. 

I love them in spite of my less than perfect finishing skills. 

Here is the Santa stitched in February.

The bells were a last minute thought, but I love them so I will be adding them to all of these stitches.

Here it is hanging on the hook I use to make cording on some shelves. Gonna be so cute this Christmas.

I might have had a little mishap with the one I did in January and I had to stitch it again in February. Just keeping it real here! 

I am not too sure about the ribbon on this one so it lightly attached. I will look for a little more muted blue satin ribbon next week.

They are done on 40 count. 

Here they are together. I just really like these. There may be more of these in the future.

That is for now.
I will be back to my heron next week.

We are headed out to see Captain Billy Bowlegs to land in Fort Walton Beach today. It is fun festive couple of weeks as the pirates take over the city. 

Arggghhh my friends,


  1. Oh my gosh, Sandy, I love the robin AND both Santas!! So clever with your finishes (in spite of what you think)!! And seeing a cardinal AND FOUR blue birds... awesome. You are not a nerd, or I am too!

    1. Thank you Terri. I was proud of the stitching finishes. I struggle with the neatness factor that some others have, but I get better each time.

  2. How neat to see the bluebirds! WOW! And I love the stitching you do with birds...they are my favorites! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. That many bluebirds was a very rare sighting. I was so excited.

  3. Wonderful stitching finishes.
    Have a nice Sunday. Manuela

  4. Both of your PS Santas are darling, Sandy. I love your Spring's Messenger finish -- the bird, the nest, the eggs, and the colors. What a perfect finish you created for it! Well done! And, I don't think you are a nerd at all. Happy May!

    1. It is hard to believe it is already May. Time is ticking quickly. I really love the robin finish too. It turned out cuter than I would have thought.

  5. Wow! Four blue birds is fantastic.
    Your Santas are adorable, and the jingle bells are a perfect touch.

    1. Thank you. Blue birds are kind of rare here anyway, but four just blew me away.

  6. Love your Robin...that is so cute! And the Santas are super cute and will be fun to hang in interesting places at Christmas. I wonder if Tucker will notice them? And seeing 4 Bluebirds! Wonderful! The Bluebirds have been very active and prevalent this spring. It seems like everyone is seeing them more than ever! We have this couple still working on their new nest in the birdhouse. I do hope they will make it all the way to baby birds fledging this time around! That would be a first for me! And Cardinals are always a treat to see. I love to see the juvenile ones too, and love watching the parents feeding them. God has created so many beautiful things for us to enjoy! We are blessed indeed. (not nerds!)

    1. A fellow bird watcher understands the excitement. I can't believe that many bluebirds were there. That was a very rare find here.

  7. All sweet finishes, but I really love the way you finished Spring's Messenger! I'm thinking that i need to think of ways other than pillows to finish my pieces as well. Enjoy the pirates... don't let them steal your gold! lol! :-)

    1. Thank you! I love little pillows too, but this finish seemed a bit big.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Your little bird finish is delightful, Sandy--such a darling design. And a simple finish like the oval you did is always my favorite. Your Santas look so cute with the bells on the bottom, too. I still need to stitch the gold-robed ones. I can't find a coordinating gold gingham ribbon that I like, though.

    How wonderful to see all those bluebirds! I have only seen one in my entire life and that was last summer. I did a doubletake as I really wasn't sure that's what it was... They are so pretty and I'm thinking I should really set out some houses for them to entice them to nest here.

    Enjoy the rest of your week! ♥

    1. I would imagine gold gingham would be hard to find. I just love those little PS Santas. I really need to try and do a flat finish and just do a whole set of them. They are so cute.I have only seen bluebirds the last two springs of my life. I was in shock when I saw them. Kinda stood there in awe.


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