
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

A Child's Nautical Themed Room

    I have been promising a peek at Tucker's big boy bedroom. Since they are having another boy, the baby room will stay as it is and Tucker will move in the room next to it with a nautical theme. I realized when looking back that I never really did a final room tour of Tucker's nursery. This post was the closest thing I had to one. You can see the idea. It is safari animals and Lindsay is the queen of utilizing space without it looking cluttered. Tucker's closet is the best used of space ever.

    The pictures I am sharing with you are all taken at different times. She would send me a picture here and there as she added things. I have been there several times as she put it all together. Tucker has been in on the process too. He knows it is coming. The test is coming next week with sleeping in there. 

   The bedroom set is one Mother had in her home before moving down here and downsizing. Lindsay was  the lucky recipient of it. It only has a dresser and one side table but it is perfect for the room she has. Now, I know what you are thinking...way too fancy for a kid. I think it could be for some kids. Tucker is so good and neat and while he is all boy, Lindsay has trained the activity for outdoors. I knew that Amanda at Dixie Delights (see sidebar) always had nice furniture in her boys' rooms, so it is staying and can always be changed later if needed.

The first purchase was bedding. I happened to be looking at Pottery Barn one night after she said what she was looking for and the nautical striped coverlet and pillows were on clearance. She had the navy one. Step one done! I then had some LLBean points and bought here the perfect sailboat sheets. She found an anchor lamp and I stitched his name above the bed. You can see an unclose and how it came together post on the name stitch here.

They moved his little chair in and then added some baskets above for his books.

Gus approves also.

Then we helped Lindsay pick up this little shelf similar to the other room. It is great place to add the cutsie things to carry out the subtle theme. I know she brought all of his clothes and other goodies in this weekend and fixed up his closet, but I know have the final pictures. She has had a very busy week.

His dresser got filled with his clothes this weekend and he is working really hard on potty training and doing quite well. Mimi's baby is a little boy now.

Tyler made the cutest coat hook out of boat cleats. He can hang hats or book bags or jackets or whatever as he grows.

Here is a closeup. I thought this was so clever.

Here is Tucker holding his shark that is hung above it.

That is a quick trip of his bedroom that hopefully he will move into without tears next week. The rails for his bed are here, so time to move up and make room for the baby.

I will try soon to get a little tour up of my downstairs playroom. He is coming for a little while to play this afternoon. We will see if he approves of the changes.

I will close with ---------for the first time I have not been ready to put my summery stitches out in their basket. I love summer and that is good thing since I live in a climate which can feel like the surface of the sun from May to October. 
I have enjoyed spring this year and boy did this Memorial Day weekend just sneak up on me!!! I tucked my spring items away and pulled out the patriotic things yesterday. 
To me summer comes with this weekend. Here we go!

It came in with a bang. Home insurance was cancelled and the new company is ---well, Jeff and I are still trying to digest the amount. It has been a tough pill to swallow. All those people migrating to Florida may want to rethink it.

Everyday is a blessing, so I am going to toughen up and be grateful.

P.S. Forgive any errors or misplaced time to edit.


  1. I love Tucker's big boy room! It is fit for a king, or a captain of a ship! I am sure he will love it once he gets used to the big boy bed, etc. It's good to do it now before the new baby arrives so he won't feel like he's being "replaced" or displaced. There's always a transition time with new babies, but I think you are all preparing him very well. He is such a cutie pie. I love his shark and the hat rack. And his chair is so nice and comfy too. I am sure he will feel very special and grown up in his new room. Can't wait to see the playroom! Thanks for sharing. Exciting times!

  2. I am so glad I live inland and my home insurance isn't crazy like that of folks closer to the coast line and hurricane paths. Sorry for your insurance changes. Tucker is adorable and that is quite the 'big boy' bedroom!! I hope he moves in with courage and joy!! Keep us posted! xo

  3. Sandy: That room is adorable, how sweet to have a big boy bed, I think it is perfect, after all a Captain deserves the best for his ship.
    That pose of him in the chair and standing by his shelf is so sweet.
    I love spring, the fresh smells of flowers coming up and the trees blooming, it is finally warm here.
    Have a lovely day.


  4. It is perfect....I know Tucker man will enjoy having a new room and being the big brother. Love how his name looks over his bed, just perfection and stitched with love. What little boy who lives in Florida would not want a shark in his room?lol

  5. Very cute, very clever, and very classy!

  6. Tucker's nautical themed room is terrific. The sailboat sheets make it extra special. :) And his name cross stitched and hung above his bed is perfect. What a cutie.

  7. Love, love, love Tucker's new bedroom and I hope the move in went smoothly! He looks so adorable sitting in that little chair and your cross stitch looks wonderful hanging on the wall. Hope the potty training is still going well--it would be great to not have two in diapers :)


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