
Thursday, June 24, 2021

A Hodgepodge of Topics

 I am letting my phone pictures inspire this random assortment of topics if you will...

First up is a picture I took at Mother's house the other day.

That will take you back --huh? A classic Tupperware container from back in the day. It was sitting out because she had baked a cake. What do the two have to do with each other you ask?

Mama stores her hairnet in it, and she wears a hairnet when she bakes a cake. No hair on her head is going to show up in a cake she bakes. Now, I have not really investigated this topic with her in depth, but knowing her she has probably found a hair in a cake at some point in her life and been shocked by the sight--- so she wears a hairnet. That is what I am speculating.

Speaking of her and cake...

This is a picture from several movies I made of them interacting over cake. It was fun to watch the interaction. He wanted to go over to her house one day and as soon as we entered the front door he asked if she had cake.

He is quickly learning that Grandma means cake. She had some in the freezer so she got it out and defrosted for him. They had quite the conversation going.

This was all good for her. A good day.


A picture left off from birthdays that I thought was very cute.


I have always said Jeff's purchase of our  Jeep was his midlife crisis. Not a sports car but an old YJ Jeep. We have the last year that model was made. It has square headlights is how you tell the model. Anyway, he babies that thing and to be honest I thought he was nuts when he got it, but I love it. It is the dog mobile and the beach mobile. Here is a picture of just two things that show his love for his Jeep.

Katie found him the wheel cover for Christmas one year. I think it goes well with the Jeep and our love for our home state. BUT...don't miss Sasquatch carrying a flag. That is his most recent acquisition. It joins a redfish tag on the front and missile firing button that sits where the cigarette lighter goes. You just never know what comes next. I am sure a 60 year old silver haired lady driving to the beach is not one expects to see driving it:)


Jeff, Paul Allen, and Katie went on a fishing trip down to Melbourne. This was Jeff's 60th birthday present. They caught tarpon. 

Did you notice there are no photos of Jeff? I think he enjoyed being the photographer of the other two as much as fishing.


Then there is Father's Day at Harbor Docks in Destin with Tyler and Tucker....

There has been lots of rain with the Tropical Storm and then lots of just Gulf inspired rain. It has cut into my outside time so there will be a stitching post soon.

The storm caused a tornado in my hometown just across the line in Alabama and a horrible horrible traffic accident on I 65 that was hard to get the mind off of...killed lots of kids. Those are just hard to fathom.

It reminds me to be so very grateful for all my blessings of days.


Moving on to a happier topic.

We had one more celebration of two good friends retiring...
Cindy and Betty are officially joining my ranks.


I have also read 2 more good books. The first was The Winemaker's Wife by Kristin Harmel. It is another novel about the French Resistance during WWII, but had a twist I didn't see coming. 

BUT,  this one is a true winner...

It is a new release and the first for Virginia Hume. I really enjoyed Haven Point

I have also got Mother reading which is wonderful. Our library has a whole section of large print books. She will tell me she doesn't need one, but she reads through it in no time, so until she actually doesn't read one I am continuing. It is far better than TV and she is not able to handle any technology.

I will leave you with Gus on a very lazy morning.

Very unusual for him. I think it was because he had already expended a day's energy that morning. The rain has had him going nuts. He looks as if he is saying, "Don't bother me, I am resting!"

The sun is shining this morning so I am going to get out there in the humidity and enjoy it today. 



  1. What a wonderful assortment of random pictures, Sandy! I remember those Tupperware containers. Too funny on the hairnet! It looks like Jeff and the kids had a successful fishing trip. Do they keep them or release them? Congratulations to your friends on their retirement! Love the picture of Gus!

    1. They release. In fact, Jeff releases most of his fishing. Occassionally such as the other day, he will keep a redfish or trout for eating that night.

  2. Now I know what I am missing on mine....a missile firing button! How have I got along without one this long! heehee! And I am QUITE a bit older than you driving around in a red willys! I love it! And it IS a fun vehicle to buy stuff for. I need some stickers too! Love your family photos! Hugs!

    1. They are a fun vehicle to drive. All the waving and stuff has to make you smile:)

  3. What a fun post, Sandy! I would never have guessed that the Tupperware container (yes, my mother used to own some of those!) would contain a hairnet. I was going to guess leftover frosting!

    So many fun photos; I love the one of your Mom and Tucker communicating about cake!

    Congrats to your retiring friends and to the successful fishermen. The Jeep wheel cover is amazing!

    Loved reading this post!


    1. Thanks, Mrs. T. Mother is slowing down and has some bad days but Tucker has been a bright spot in her days. I try to keep her making cakes so she feels useful. It is so cute that Tucker has learned to associate her with them.

  4. Great pictures and kudos for getting your momma to read more! Gus looks very relaxed! Great fish photos!! xo

  5. Sandy: Cute post, I heard on the news about the large crash, it breaks my heart.
    Beautiful fish, I do not think I have ever heard of a Tarpon, are they good eating?
    Nana and cake a perfect match, my grandmother also wore a hairnet when cooking and baking.
    Nice jeep story, I love it.
    Gus looks comfy.


    1. Tarpon are strictly game fish, so no eating there.
      Thanks, Catherine.

  6. Wonderful post! I remember the Tupperware containers like that so much, and no, I never would have guessed a hairnet inside! LOL. Funny. Our parents' generation had some fun/different ideas about things. Although I don't like to find hair in any kind of food, that's for sure! Wow, they sure caught some fish! That was wonderful! Oh, and Tucker and cake and Grandma...I love that too. So many sweet things in this post...Gus at the end. Thanks for sharing all of it with us. Very nice.

    1. Thank you. Watching Mama and Tucker is very entertaining. He has been crazy about her from the very beginning. I love to watch them together.

  7. Well wearing a hair net while baking a cake is probably a good idea really. And I love her hair net container. I am sure that Tucker is good medicine for your mama. I have a few books I am reading...they are just okay so far. I really miss reading good books that did not preach at me.:) Looks like a fun girl day with your friends.

    1. I know what you mean about the books. The last three I have mentioned have been rare finds these days. I really enjoyed all of them because of the lack of new good reading material. It has honestly felt so good to lose yourself in a good book.

  8. Sandy, When I bake or cook for anyone besides my husband and myself I always wear a shower cap that is designated for baking and cooking. I would be mortified if someone had food that I made and they found a hair in it!! So, I'm right there with your Mom on this one!! What a great day fishing!! Do you eat Tarpon? I go to Tarpon Springs in Florida but never saw Tarpon on the menu's. Tucker is growing by leaps and bounds!! Love the photo of Gus relaxing too!

    1. Tarpon are a sport fish, so no tarpon on the menu. In the early days of settling Florida, men like Thomas Edison came down to fish them on the Gulf side. The pictures back then of them were huge. I think they are were often overfished and not released that led to a smaller population of them.

  9. Now I'm wondering if I should wear a hairnet or a shower cap like Mary when I cook. Yikes--I never thought of that... But, no, in reality, I'll just take my chances :) Your mom is so cute in that photo with Tucker--how wonderful that she gets to see him and he will remember her and her tasty cakes. She sure does have a beautiful head of hair :)

    I can just picture you driving the jeep :) But, it really is the perfect vehicle for your family. The fish are BIG! Do they release them? I really know nothing about fishing other than fishing for small fish in a small lake.

    Love the photo of your three men! So nice that they were able to all be together on Father's Day. Enjoy this last bit of June ♥

    1. Yes, tarpon are released. They are just for sport fishing.
      I am with hairnet for me.
      It does Mother so good to see Tucker. She has some really bad days in the mix but he always brightens her day.

  10. That is hilarious about the hair net and the tupperware!!!!! A true sign of the generation before us...who knew the two are still used much less connected!!! Altho, I do admit to having 2 pieces of tupperware left and my daughter in law has begged me to put HER name on it in the inheritance!!! hahahahahahahahaha! Looks like you're having a really fun summer so far!!!!

  11. Those fish!!!! They are gargantuan! (spelling????) I am so impressed.

    Hairnets: back in my teen days of working the 60's version of fast food places, hairnets were required. I am still shocked (and disgusted) at the leniency of free-flowing hair in today's restaurants. I'm right there with your mom on that one. And yet, I found hair in my entree at a restaurant in Northern Virginia years ago. That led to an immediate apology by the restaurant manager, a free dinner for both Beloved and me that same evening (as well as replacement of the offending plate that started it all) AND a coupon to come back. They desperately did not want us to report them to the health department. We obliged.

    1. hair. I do know when I was in school it was preached that you should wear one but this younger generation is too image conscious to wear one I suppose.

  12. What great pictures. Those fish are amazing! And the picture of Tucker and your Mom is so sweet. I have to say, I have worries that hair will be found in something I make, but I've never thought to wear a hairnet when cooking at home. Probably my early days in restaurant work have made me allergic to them. I imagine the jeep is fun to drive. And yes... I THOUGHT that was a Sasquatch carrying a flag. Too funny.

    1. Yes, that is Sasquatch. I just shook my head when it came in the mail:)

  13. I like hodgepodge, a great way to catch up.


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