
Friday, June 18, 2021

A Stitching Post and Flowers

   I am finally sharing a stitching post. These early summery days have found me not wanting to sit still for stitching and then being too tired for much stitching in the evenings. I do have two things to share.

I finished the Cats on Parade by Blackbird Design.

I will make this into a drum like the cover of the pattern. I chose an orange linen rather than the called for peachy linen. I like my choice very much. I think it lends itself to an old school look. I hate to say vintage because that would mean I am vintage, but it does make me think of something from my childhood.

It also calls for a stitched top which is cute but I think I will do a fabric top and bottom using one of these two things from my stash.

Each one of these cats would be so cute stitched individually.

The next stitch...

I also finished up the very old Auburn pattern that I had been holding on to for years. It is rather large and would probably be better suited for framing but I made into a hanging thing instead. It will be fine on my Auburn tree at Christmas or in my sewing room on an easel.

I have also worked on some other stuff but progress is nothing worth showing. I am about to start and finish Palmer's name for Lindsay. Then I must do him his ornament for the first Christmas. We are about 5 weeks from his arrival.


I am also going to throw in a few pictures of my day lilies I planted this year. I had ordered them and really didn't know what they would look like. I went out every morning waiting with bated breath for each of them to bloom. It was like watching a boiling pot. I thought they would never bloom. 

This one is called Rocket Blaster. *Remember Jeff said I picked them because of their names:)

When they finally did they did not disappoint. 

Jeff said I probably should have planted them in a clumps of the species rather than a straight line. I think he was right and maybe I can correct that for next year. It is sort of like imagining a straight line of flowers in separate containers on the counter rather than one big bouquet. It would be a little more eye catching.

However I am fully loving the pops of color when I walk back into the cul de sac from a walk.

My favorite has been Alabama Jubilee which is the orange red.

In the bright sun of midday it is really more orange.

When I ordered them the company sent one freebie. It was called Inkheart. 

I just love that purple center and it matches the shrubs so well that I think I need more of them next year.

These are the ones I have had for many years.

I go out each morning early to water my potted plants and look to see what is popping up. 

I will end with a duck video. They are still hanging out close by and last weekend they walked right up on the deck. 


Gonna try to stay dry over this weekend as we are about to get the outer edges of a tropical storm. We could use rain - not flooding but rain. IT is all starting early this year. Whew! 

Hanging on,



  1. Hello Sandy,
    wonderful stitching. I'm looking forward to the finish drumroll.
    Have a nice weekend. Manuela

  2. Oh, you are so talented! I love your cats stitchery...will be so cute for the fall! And I Love your daylilies! I need to find some and plant them here at this house and see if they will grow year after year. I tried growing them at our last house, but the deer ate them and even the ones they didn't eat only lasted a couple of years and then they quit coming back up. Where did you order them from? I hope that storm doesn't do you any harm. Praying this hurricane season will be mild. Loved the ducks on parade!! So sweet! Happy Father's Day weekend!!

    1. Those deer seem to love everything.
      I ordered them from a place called Homestead Nurseries which I thought was Homestead, FL but it turned out to be in Missouri. I hear people talking about them multiplying but the ones I had never multiplied. It may be a Florida thing. I will keep you posted on them.
      We have had a rainy blustery day but the town I grew up in across the Florida line in Alabama had tornadoes this morning. No deaths but lots of damage. That is the problem that often happens inland.
      Have a good rest of the weekend.

  3. That cat piece is going to be so cute!! Marvin has been wanting to plant some day lilies at Grimmwood. He is the gardener in the family. Out new house has some flower beds and I need to weed them and pull up a few plants that I do not care for. The HOA paid us a welcome visit and brought an azalea...not sure if I want to plant it or gift it to our friend, Barry, who is a big gardener. It is hard to believe that Palmer will be here soon. Get ready for those baby snuggles.

    1. I love azaleas. No fuss and beautiful in the spring. Day lilies are pretty easy too. They are like hostas...they go away at winter but come back each summer.

  4. Sandy: The ducks are so adorable and fun to watch, I have heard if they keep coming back to the same area, they may lay eggs the next year.
    I like the color fabric you chose better, I am a Blackbird Design fan but like your choice of fabric better, it stands out better on your fabric.
    Nice Auburn tribute for your tree.
    I grow Daylillies, they will grow much bigger each year, I have to split mine up every other year, the Stella D' Oro's in the last photo are my favorite.


    1. I do think the ducks may leave eggs next door. They have a grassy area right along the water with no seawall. I am hoping there will be some babies along later.
      I love those Stellas too. Good and reliable they are.

  5. Your day lilies are gorgeous, Sandy. Well done on your Auburn finish! It is a beauty. Also, well done on finishing up the Cats on Parade piece. I like it on the brighter orange fabric that you used. The ducks are fun to watch! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks...I really liked the orange too. I hope to not wait too long to fully finish it. I am hoping those ducks are going to have some little ones wandering along soon.

  6. Sure hope the storm passes you by!! Love your projects and those flowers are gorgeous! The colors are amazing. Thanks for sharing! xo

    1. We have had a windy blustery day but all good. The town I grew up in just across the state line had a terrible tornado. No deaths though..just lots of damage. That is the worry of living inland from the beach.

  7. Such pretty stitching. And the orange background is brilliant.

  8. Oh, my goodness--how cute is that duck family! So sweet!

    Love your black cat finish (you know I have a soft spot for black cats), Sandy, and really prefer it on the orange fabric you chose. It's interesting how fabric choice can change the look of a finish, isn't it?

    Your Auburn finish looks nice as a hanging ornament--good to have it finally on display, I'm sure.

    Lovely day lilies! I have always heard you should plant in clumps of an odd number of plants so I usually do clumps of three or five. Not that I'm a gardening expert--far from it in fact :) We have so many deer that I've about given up on my garden these days.

    Just got back from a horrible rainy week in Naples--ugh! The worst weather ever... it rained all but two days, but we did manage to get a lot of work done on my inlaws' house :)

    Enjoy your week ahead ♥

    1. I am guessing your vertigo was a light case. Mother has had that twice and I saw enough to know I don't want any part of it.
      I usually do the odd numbers too, but somehow I envisioned these a row of color along the sidewalk and it ok, but I do the think the clumps would be a bit more punch. I like
      IT has been so rainy here. We are just now getting a break from it, so I am sure your Naples trip was not fun. The beach is not fun if you can't get outside:)

  9. Love the Cats On Parade! And I do like that brighter orange! The day lilies will branch out on their own... leaving them as is just might save you time dividing them a couple years later... lol!

    1. Thanks...I like that orange much better too.
      You know day lilies that I have had previously don't really multiply here. I hope these actually do. I don't know if it is our sandy soil or what. That was one reason I ordered these.

  10. What a cute stitch! And the flowers are beautiful. What a vivid orange! Only 5 more weeks 'till baby arrives?!? How exciting.

    1. I can't believe the little guy is almost here. I feel like a mama too with so many things to get accomplished before his arrival:)

  11. Those lilies are gorgeous, especially "Rocket Blaster." (smile) And the duck parade -- how fun is that!


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