
Friday, December 10, 2021

A Little Stitching and More

 I have been drawn to stitching on “A Shepherd’s Song by Plum Street Samplers. I have so many projects going that I will admit it is driving me nutty. I guess you know what the goal for ‘22 is… finish all those large projects before I  move on to anything else. This stitch has been a good stitch for the busy month though.

 I have completed two full pages.

Here is a reminder of the what the pattern looks like.

Here is a picture of my heart.

Palmer looks so much like Tucker at that age.

Garden Notes…
Here is my broccoli. They have started making.

Here is my little rose plugging along. I am going to add a pink one to it next year, but no more!

Here is my gigantic angel wing begonia.

Now, the host as next to that begonia is giving up until next spring along with my day lilies, but the geraniums are loving life.

I shared the next pictures on Instagram, but if you wait until December you will see some autumn color on the coast of northwest Florida.

It is a busy time of year but I am trying to keep the focus in the right place. 

Merry Christmas,


  1. Merry Christmas! I have several of those angel wing begonias, which propagate like wildfire. The ones I gave to neighbors are growing equally fast, and they're pleased with their expertise (!). Lovely to see the beautiful little boys. I hope their Mom is recovered from Palmer's birth now.

  2. Sandy: What a stunning design and fabric, are you using the called for fabric or your own choice? just curious.
    The boys are so cute and adorable and those eyes are positively beautiful.
    Nice gardens.

    Merry Christmas

  3. Beautiful eye candy this morning Sandy!! Like you I want to finish some of my big projects in 2022. I did complete Winter Rose Manor...a year of stitching on that one. No plans to start anything new because I have so many to complete. G Legere is top on my list. Kiss those sweet cheeked boys for me.

  4. Sandy, your stitch is looking fabulous. Your geraniums look awesome. Tucker and Palmer are so adorable. Wishing you and yours a joy-filled holiday season.

  5. Everything is beautiful. Can't imagine having flowers like that in December! 🙂

    The boys are growing so fast and the stitchery is gorgeous.

  6. Those boys!!! How adorable!! I appreciate the time and talent for stitching and yours are always so beautiful. Happy weekend! xo

  7. You can certainly tell that those two cuties are brothers! What fun your Christmas will be this year with two little boys there, Sandy. I so love your progress--your stitching is so lovely. It seems so strange for me to see flowers blooming this time of year--lucky you! And what beautiful autumn views from your deck. Enjoy your Sunday ♥

  8. Love all your beautiful flowers/plants. And those boys are so cute. I love how still Tucker is and you can tell Palmer is just a flapping his little arms around. Adorable. What a blessing. Beautiful views from your deck. This is a beautiful time in Florida. We are blessed.

  9. Precious grandbabies!!! I'm so far behind on my blog reading....

  10. Keeping ur focus on the right place does, indeed, help us get through a demanding season. The boys look so cute in their Santa pajamas!

    Your plants are impressive, but I'm always a big fan of the geraniums.

  11. Sandy, Shepherds Song is coming along beautifully! YOur Grandsons are so precious and such a blessing in your life. Your views are gorgeous from your deck. I would have my coffee out there every morning to take in the beauty. Beautiful flowers, you have a green thumb!

  12. I love your plant tour. Having moved to a home where there are lots of new plants to learn, I'm eager to experience spring and even summer to see what we've got. I was thinking when looking at pictures in an earlier post how much Palmer looks like Tucker. What adorable grandsons. :)

  13. The stitching is lovely. And your flower pictures are awesome. We've got a long way to go before Spring and I'm already missing flowers and color. The kiddos are adorable. I want to go sit at the pretty and peaceful looking.


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