
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Stitching and Catching Up

Since, my last post, I have stitched another page to "The Shepherd's Song." Granted it has been almost two weeks since my last post. I am in love with this sampler. I haven't picked up something in such a long time that I can hardly put down. This one has been it.

Here are the first three pages across the top complete. I only have one more to stitch and the top row will be done. 

I must put it down for a bit because I have two smalls to stitch Lindsay for January and February. I wanted a clock for January, but I had so much trouble finding just the thing. I finally settled on The Prairie Schooler year stitches that were from the mid 1980s and shown stitched in a cubby shelf. I am changing the colors and time and all so I will just wait until I stitch it to share. I may do the February stitch as well. I am starting this stitch this evening.

To finish out my year of pictures on the bayou; here are December's pictures. The first one taken at 6:08 AM. I could see a beautiful sunrise through the window this morning so I hopped out of bed to grab my last pictures for the this yearly feature. The entire year of monthly pictures are under the label "bayou living."

This one was later in the day.

We made it through the shortest day of the year. Yippie! Now, we can start the climb back to long favorite.

We have had mild weather thus far as I suppose many have had. I am super great with that. I have done some outdoor time which I will share a few pictures.

A few weeks ago, I went with Lindsay to the Destin Christmas parade. My job was to help with Palmer so she could have fun with Tucker. I happily obliged.

Tucker fully understands gathering candy now. Of course, Mommy has learned to make it disappear soon as well. 

I think Tyler was in a golf tournament and Jeff was fishing that day, but either way it was a bright sunny morning at the parade, so I stopped back by the beach on the way home.  Life had been pretty busy and nothing clears my head like a stroll on the beach. By the time, I got there the clouds had rolled in but it was still very warm, so I just dropped those shoes at the sand dunes and headed out.

The surprise though was the fencing along my favorite beach entrance. I am sure they are there to help with erosion. The sand will catch over the next few months and build back up. These fences were every so many yards. Rather than fight that and go to another entrance down the way, I just went out to the water's edge and dropped my little rear on the sand and sat for about thirty or so minutes and let the salt air do its job.

My friends, the sandpipers joined me and I had the most wonderful visit with them.

Grandkids make great blog fodder so here are a few more pictures of them.

At church the other Sunday, they had a cookie decorating station set up in the hallways and it was a huge success. Tucker had one thing on his mind; putting sprinkles on that cookie. I had fun watching.

This was also them grabbing a picture in the lobby. 

Palmer is 5 months old.

I have had a busy couple of weeks...just life. Mother wasn't feeling well. She can be down for a few days and then back up. She doesn't eat well and is weaker as the days go. I get so excited when she has a good meal. Jeff fried some fish the other evening and for some reason she ate well and had an Ensure that day so that was a win.

I had a huge sewing project for church which nearly did me in. All straight lines mind you. I made big slipcovers for lots of the wooden decorations. The poor girl was having to touch up paint each year so we discussed last year that I would help out with this. It turned out to be a bigger project that I thought:) My sewing room looked like a bomb went off in it. Gus would come to the door and look in like he couldn't believe it. He usually sits on a rug with me when I am in there, but I think he thought something evil might happen to him. Anyway, a good project is behind me and I got to put to use a lot of fabric I had hoarded and would never use. That felt good. I got the room put back together today and the fabric cabinet looks ooh so much better.

We are having our family gathering tomorrow evening as Tyler's parents are coming down from Atlanta Christmas Eve. We are treating it like Lindsay and Tyler would be traveling this year but they won't have to which is very good for them with the little one. Tyler's twin who lives in West Palm just had a baby so the other grands will head down after Christmas to meet their new little one.

Paul Allen and Katie will probably slip back over to sit with us old folks on Christmas Eve for a bit. We may even take in a movie on Christmas Day. Either way, it will all be good. I have the house ready for tomorrow. Our traditional Christmas Eve menu is always easy and fun. Beef tenderloin, potato soup in a bread bowl (I just get them from Panera Bread and add my soup), and salad. Of course, desserts too.

In other news, Jeff's bother has started to show some signs of the lung cancer. This is an important Christmas I think for Jeff and his sister. 

I am looking forward to my family time. I wish everyone who reads this little corner of mine a very Merry Christmas. I will be back sometime next week. Lindsay has her specialist appointment in Pensacola for those who have been praying for her. I will update you on what we find out then.

Merry Merry Christmas Friends, 


  1. Wonderful post full of good news and pictures of the kiddos, and that bayou is gorgeous!!! I have been wondering about Lindsay, and will pray all goes well with her appointment. Praying she is making good progress. Sounds like you will be having a busy next couple of days, so have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your family. Praying for your mother too, that her appetite will perk up and that she will enjoy Christmas with the family. God bless you all, and make lots of happy memories together.

    1. Merry Christmas, Pam. Thanks for your sweet and kind words.

  2. Thank you so much for the lovely view of the ocean!! I used to see a view like that at least monthly and it has been WAY TOO LONG!! I am in nursing school right now and there is no time for travel or vacation right now. Thank you - I needed that view of salt, sea and sand! Love the post full of grandkids and family!! Your blog is wonderful and I look forward to following. Have a safe and blessed holiday season filled with your family!

    1. Thank you. The beach is truly a magical place. I can be all out of sorts and go for just a few minutes and feel so much better.

  3. I love your family updates. Those are the most beautiful children. Never too many pictures of them. I always look for news of your Mom, too. Is she the oldest family member? I hope for good medical news for everyone, too.

    Merry Christmas, and a good new year.

  4. The boys are so cute and those are fun 5-month photos of Palmer. I enjoyed my visit here and want to wish you and yours a very merry Christmas!! XO

  5. It sounds like you've had a very busy month on top of the normal busyness of preparing for Christmas, Sandy! It's so funny to me to see your photos of the beach and folks in shorts in December, but that's Christmas in Florida, I guess :) I was hoping for another white Christmas here like we had last year, but no such luck. My grandson has never seen snow and we were all hoping to watch his reaction! Oh well...

    Loved seeing the photos of your kids and grandkids and I pray Lindsay gets some answers from the specialist. It's so hard to watch our parent fail. My mom ate like a bird most days and I, too, remember the wonderful feeling I had on days she actually ate well.

    Wishing you a blessed Christmas with your lovely family, Sandy! Enjoy those sweet grandbabies ♥

    1. It has been very warm this fall, but it turned a wee bit chilly in the mornings for the last two. It is supposed to be warm up in the day though. I wear heavier clothes than most because as I get older I get colder. You may have noticed in one of the pictures a lady about my age with yoga pants and a long sleeved shirt for the parade. She was so hot, so yes, it was really shorts weather that day.
      Watching Mom is hard. She has good days, but she has some tough ones too. I do not like watching her on the tough days. She just doesn't eat enough so you know you can keep that strength up.

  6. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
    Enjoy the Christmas days.

  7. Merry Christmas Sandy!! May 2022 be a blessed one for your family!!

  8. What a wonderful, but busy month you have had, Sandy! I always enjoy seeing pictures of Tucker and Palmer. Hard to believe Palmer is 5 months old. Praying for Lindsay's appointment and praying for answers. Wishing you a joy-filled season.

    1. Have a wonderful Christmas. Are you getting any snow?

  9. Oops, I forgot! Your sampler is looking fabulous.

  10. Nice pictures, gorgeous afghan, and what a cutie laying on it. Your cross stitch is so pretty!

    1. Thank you, Sandy. Have a wonderful Christmas.

  11. Merry Christmas Sandy & Family: I want to wish Linsey that I hope she has a good report from the doctor.
    I am so sorry to hear about Jess's brother, i will add hime to our daily Prayer list, it so sad to have news like this especially at Christmas.
    Nice progress on The Shepherds Song a very pretty design.

    Merry Christmas
    Super cute photos of the children, I love the look of concentration on Tucker's face doing the sprinkles, so sweet.

    1. Tucker loved putting those sprinkles on. I am really enjoying working on the Shepherd's Song. Have a wonderful Christmas.

  12. I'm sitting here avoiding stuff that needs doing - kind of overwhelmed over Christmas prep all of a sudden. We're having our kids home tomorrow, too. Mostly, I'm overwhelmed that our new place still isn't the way I'd like it. I know it doesn't matter, but I wish everything was put away and the house decorated exactly as I want it.

    Anyway... my point is, reading through your post, seeing the pictures (of the parade and when you went to the beach) I imagined what a blissfully peaceful Christmas season you must be having. Being in Florida sounds so much better than Indiana at the moment. And then you shared about the big sewing project at church. Thank you for that! I was reminded that everywhere people are busy with all kinds of things. Nothing is perfect, but all can be good if we just keep the main thing the main thing.

    Ok, back to work for me. Enough procrastinating... ;^)

    1. O nothing is ever perfect. You should go back into my archives and read about my imperfect Christmas one year. December 2017. It is all an illusion. The beach is good for what ails me though.
      That sewing project nearly did me in. I would have loved to spread it out, but I couldn't sew with the baby here and I didn't want to be sewing at Christmas or after so I pretty much spent 4 entire days in my sewing room sewing.
      Merry is all about the memories made not the perfection.

  13. Beautiful post, Sandy, with the photos of your stitching, the bayou, and family. It completely got past me that we've now passed the shortest day of the year. (I've been distracted) Your plans for your family Christmas celebration sound wonderful. I'm glad your mother has her good days and am sorry Jeff's brother's health is getting more concerning. I continue to pray for him.

    Best of Christmas wishes for you and yours!

  14. I will think of you tonight and tomorrow since we did our Christmas with family last night. You and Heartthrob make some new traditions.

  15. I will keep Jeff's brother and Lindsey in my prayers that there health issues are resolved.
    Your Shepherds prayer is gorgeous, great progress for this time of year!
    Your grands are adorable and I love seeing the scene from your deck.
    Merry Christmas!!


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