
Friday, January 28, 2022

Catching Up

 The longer I stay away the harder I find it is to compose a post. I am going to try and get my brain juiced up and share what I have been doing with my days. 

I am still on my yearly January refresh of organization and cleaning. I did get one closet painted. Painting can only be done on the weekend, because I just can’t pull that out and keep a baby. I started with my smallest project. I learned a few things that will help me going forward and I am not doing every closet in the house. Just those that have a lot of use and consequently just have a good bit of scuffing.

I started with my short closet (it is over an air intake) that is a multipurpose closet in our kitchen to garage hallway. It holds the medicine cabinet supplies, the paper goods, lightbulbs, batteries and my very large cookbook collection.

Here it all freshly painted. If you are wondering what that white box is, it is a recipe holder. It has index cards and the letter filers. It was there from my mother-in- law. I have chosen to leave it there because it is a sweet reminder of her.

Now, here it is all filled back up with lots of cookbooks. I do use a lot of them. I still have some I could get rid of and I suppose I could write he recipes down from many of them but I have a great fondness for cookbooks although I haven’t bought a new one in quite a while.

I have one more in that hallway that holds small appliances, a portion of my bedroom closet and them a storage room that I am planning to do. 

I have also been organizing and sending off home movies to Legacy Box. I had sent my small ones on reels and the first of our VHS tapes last year. I watch for good deals. For instance last year, during the Super Bowl game they offered a 60% off. 
I chose the flash drive for them to be put on because, I knew I could make multiple copies for the kids and other family members from a flash drive to a new flash drive. I have done that with my first two batches. 

I am storing them for myself and family members like I do my floss. I take an index card and write what is  on the flashdrive and them store it in a snack size Ziplock baggie. 
I have enjoyed watching these again and sharing them with family members. We have all had some good laughs and some cries too, but all good to have them useable.
I have a box currently sent away, it takes about 6 weeks for them to return, I have one more set of 7 to be sent off. Down to the last of them. I will of course look for a good deal during the Super Bowl this year and get them all done. Either way, that is task I want checked off in ‘22.

I have been steadily but slowly like the tortoise not the hare checking things off my list. January has been a good month for that. The painting tasks are really all I have left to do. Of course, each task you do often adds new ones to the list but that is just the way of life. When I get those done, my mind will shift to outdoors. I have a good many things outside that need to be done. 

Currently, I am listening to the sounds of workers outside. This time of year he water in the bayou recedes so that you can often see dock problems. Three of our neighbors have been getting work done. One a whole new seawall, another a whole new dock, and a third a new retaining wall higher up from the seawall. We are getting some new likings on our dock. Over time they do just deteriorate. We all jumped on the guy while he had his barge over here. I feel for the boys because it has been some of the coldest weather around here. Real wintery. They have suits on but it is still just so cold.

I do have one question. The other day I saw an Instagram post with a question for viewers. She was talking about organizing books (of which I own a LOT) and placing them on shelving, she asked if you took your book covers off. I was in shock at the answer percentage. Why? I love books! 
****Libraries, bookstores, and fabric stores all have the same effect on me. I can walk in and  just know I am going to be there for a while browsing and soaking up such sights. I love looking at all the covers and wondering what is in that book. I love all the color and patterns in fabrics just wondering what possibilities they hold. Never would I take all the covers off. I wouldn’t know what the book is at a glance. Now, I have taken a cover off to decorate a space with the books working with the color of the spine but I am one who can’t even throw a cover away. The answer turned out to be 75% yes that they remove the covers before placing them on their shelves with 25% no. Well that sent me into deep thoughts on whether I was missing out on something. I haven’t tried it yet. Probably won’t but I am curious. Pipe in with your thoughts:)

I have been stitching and hopefully before the weekend is over I will share my progress on two stitches. I have also been sharing my stitching time with some books. I will share one of those with you later too.

As Jeff and I suspected his brother has started the downward slope with his cancer. My posting will be sporadic as I predicted this year. It’s life. 
And poor Jeff had a whopper of a place cut off his nose. They had to do plastic surgery afterwards. I have to play nurse with bandages of which I am, not good. I am a squeamish nurse. 

On a positive note, a prayer was answered. An older lady has moved into Mom’s neighborhood. They are walking together and she went with her to her church who has a game night for seniors twice. Dominoes! Mother loves them. Back at home she was in 2 groups and she has missed that. This has been so good for her.

Other than that my days are spent loving on Palmer. I did have Tucker a few days as their daycare got closed for sickness a few days. Those days wear me out. All is well. 
Be back soon with some stitches,


  1. Prayers for everyone's health

    Book jackets aka covers...the 75% that remove them are not book collectors unless they store the book jackets in an archival box. The value of a book greatly diminishes without the cover. Sunned/faded spines, as in no protective cover, also decreases value.

    That is great news about you mom! Getting outdoors with a friend is a healthy way to get exercise.

  2. Removing book covers - the ones that are paper and not attached to the book? Yes,I remove those as they just get all bent up and wrinkled when read. But, I no longer buy hard copy books - only E-books as I do not have room for hard copy books.

  3. Always good to catch up with you, Sandy! Your closet looks great. I have so many cookbooks and rarely use them because it is easier to look something up on line. I just don't want to get rid of them!! You sure stay busy with your little guys! What a blessing for you all! xo

  4. I do not remove paper book covers because they usually tell about the book and make it more interesting. However, yes, they do get torn corners and edges over time, as I have a lot of very old books, but still I try to save it if I can, even if I put it inside the book rather than outside. Now, I do not know how you manage to do so many things and keep a baby too, and sometimes a toddler amaze me! You have a lot more energy than I do, but I think you are also younger than I am. I'm thinking taking care of little ones must keep you young! Also, I am happy your mother has someone to do things with and they have common interests. That will be a blessing for both of them and a little break for you!! Wonderful news! Take care! Oh, your closet is beautiful!! So well organized and neat. Love it.

  5. Good to see your latest post, Sandy! I buy mostly paperback books these days as I share them with my Mom and a friend so it took me a minute to figure out the book cover question/comment. Your pantry closet looks good; well done. I think that is super news about someone moving into your Mother's neighborhood. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I do enjoying having my morning coffee visit with you!! You have alot more energy than I do! The closet looks great, so nicely organized too! I have alot of cookbooks and have a hard time giving them up. I only have been able to get rid of a few. I am in the 25% group!! If it's a hardcover book with a jacket, I take off the jacket while I'm reading it but when I'm done it goes right back on. Sorry to hear about Jeff's brother failing and I'm sure your a good nurse despite your squeamishness!
    That is wonderful news your Mom found a friend close to her that they enjoy similar things.

  7. Your closet looks very bright and neat!! I have pared down my cookbook collection over the years. My mother has a whole closet full of them. Re books, Yes, I do take the covers off because they just bug I cant stand it when they get torn or wrinkled etc. I need to do some outside decorating come spring....I have been looking at some outdoor furniture for the patio. I may even get some urns etc for flowers. So glad you mama has a new friend but sorry to hear about your brother in law. I know you will be a good nurse for Jeff...

  8. It's nice to catch up with you today. I love staying busy but you really have your hands full with the little ones. Enjoy your weekend. It's COLD but at least we have the sunshine!

  9. I'm so sorry that Jeff's brother is failing, Sandy. That must be so hard to watch. I've often thought about how hard it will be when one of my siblings or my husband's siblings die...

    Love your brightened up closet. I, too, have tons of cookbooks, but rarely use them. Still, I can't seem to get rid of them. I do try to take my son and daughter-in-law one of mine each time I visit. They love to cook and seem to enjoy looking through them. I am shocked to hear about people removing the bookjackets! What?!?! They contain so much information about the book and the cover illustrations are what often pull me toward reading a book in the first place. Actually, I read mostly on my Kindle these days as I find it easier on my eyes with the lighted screen at night, but I still have lots and lots of books (intact in their jackets!)at home :)

    I can't imagine taking care of both Tucker and Palmer for too many days in a row! I can't even handle my 18 month old grandson without being dead tired at the end of the day. You are such a blessing for the whole family, I'm sure.

    Hope you're having a great weekend! Sunny and very cold up here, but at least we missed that snow storm :)

  10. What a beautifully bright closet. If I could just be motivated to do something similar here. One of these days, the linen closet needs to be emptied and given a fresh coat of paint. Otherwise, the paint in our new place is in pretty good shape. Not necessarily colors I would choose, but I can live with them for a while. ;^)

    At Christmas time, my sisters and I recently had the last of our family's 8mm tapes turned into digital files. It was a big job done in three stages. So good to have that accomplished.

    Are you talking about dust jackets on hard back books? If so, I keep them on as long as they look nice (taking them off only when reading a book). Unless there is a pictorial cover on the hardback I will keep dustjackets well past their prime.

    I'm so sorry to hear your brother-in-law is declining. That is very hard news. On the positive, I am glad your mother is finding happy things to do.

  11. Sandy: It sounds like you are keeping up with your goals, mine not so much, life does get in the way sometimes and throws a curve in a plan.
    I do not take off the covers due to in the library we have its fun to walk in and see the different colors of book covers plus easy to find what I need at a glance, we have three shelves 15 feet long with books.
    I was cleaning a drawer and found my recipe box from eighth grade, what a hoot.
    It sounds like you are having a ball with Palmer.
    Prayers will be said for your brother-in-law, I hope Jeff's nose heals quickly.


  12. I've been AWOL so long with newspaper issues and a wedding . . . I just now got to go back and catch up with you. You've been so busy and so blessed! I love your family photos and even though I don't have the eyesight or takent for stitching, your work somehow calms me and I love your creativity! Happy new year and new season to you!

    1. Hey Leslie Anne, Just saw this. Sometimes the comments don't go to my email and I forget to look on the comment page. Congratulations on the wedding. I have loved having my family expand.


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