
Sunday, January 30, 2022

January Stitching

 I haven’t even responded to one comment from my last post but I wanted to get the stitching recorded for January so here goes.

I worked on my heron a good bit and made quite a bit of progress. I think I van get the rest of his body and tail feathers done in February and the the neck and head in March. Hopefully, he will be ready to frame before Easter. Goal!

Then I gave a little bit of time to Thirsty Hart. I think I can say I am almost halfway done with this one,

Oh and here is the final picture of Lindsay’s Valentine’s stitch. I honestly feel like January has flown by. I a, sure those that have had an icy month might not agree, we have had the coldest weekend here in a long time. It has been sunny but very cold. I am dreaming of spring now. It can let up,

I will catch up with everyone over the next few days.



  1. Wow...good work. You have talent!

  2. The Heron is looking fabulous as is the Thirsty Hart piece. Love the colors in both! Well done on getting Lindsay's Valentine piece finished! It is darling. Have a blessed day, Sandy!

  3. Sandy: The Heron looks amazing, I really am looking forward to seeing this framed.
    Nice progress on Thirsty Hart.
    Lindsey's Valentine is such a pretty finish, do you have a cord twister or do you do your cording by hand? just curious, I have a twister and love it.


  4. I love herons so this piece is really very special. You have gotten so much done and it will be gorgeous framed. The Valentine's stitch for Lindsey is really sweet, lovely finish too! Your getting so much done even with sitting for Palmer.

  5. Hello, Sweet Sandy! That heron is so beautiful. As always, I am in awe of your beautiful needlework. Have a great week!

  6. Lovely work, Sandy! I recognize the talent required for your projects and yours is amazing! Thanks for sharing!! xo

  7. They are looking beautiful, Sandy! Your work on the heron is amazing. I love watching herons, especially in flight. But Thirsty Hart, I really love. One of my favorite Scripture verses!

  8. All your stitching is so beautiful.
    Have a nice week. Manuela

  9. Oh, these are all so lovely! I can't wait to see the final Heron project. We enjoy our herons here on Still Waters Pond, although they seem to have disappeared for now and will come back in the spring I guess. The Canada Geese have taken over the pond for now. You do such beautiful work...oh and the "thirsty hart" will be so lovely. That is a favorite verse for me too. That's such a sweet Valentine. I don't know how you manage to do all of these and take care of a sweet baby too! You are amazing!!!

  10. What a sweet Valentine stitch. And your other larger stitches are just beautiful, Sandy. I love the colors in the Thirsty Hart stitch. We're expected to get more snow and some ice later in the week. It's been such a mild winter I've fooled myself into believing we might make it to spring with no terrible weather, but I think this week will blow the lid off that dream. All is good, though. Today is beautiful, blue skies and sunshine, tomorrow in the 40's. I'll dream a little longer.

  11. All your stitching is so nice. You've mnade really good headway with the Heron. January is thankfully gone and hopefully February will be better. So much snow and ice, and cold for so many. I'm counting down until Spring. Keep stitching.

  12. I'm always amazed at how much stitching you get done, Sandy even with little Parker to care for. Do you stitch during his naps? That's what I always used to do when my sons were little. Now, though, if I'm watching my grandson, I end up napping when he naps, too. Just getting older I guess. I do love that heron--my he's going to be a real focal point in any room. The Thirsty Hart piece is growing nicely and I'm sure Lindsay loves her new Valentine. It must be fun to have someone ask you to stitch them something! I can't see any of my boys doing that--ha ha!

    Hope February is a lovely month down there. We're in for more snow and ice tomorrow. Haven't seen the grass in over a month now! Take care... ♥

  13. The heron is fantastic! You're making good progress.

  14. Your taste in the choice of patterns to stitch is always beautiful. I especially like "Thirsty Hart". I'm sure Lindsay enjoyed the Valentine stitch you made for her.


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