
Monday, July 24, 2023

A Little Stitching and a Birthday

My latest stitching...

The whale caught my eye, and I just had to stitch it. It was hard with all the color changes. Probably not the best time in my life to choose something so hard, but then again it was a much needed distraction. I could only stitch in a 10 X 10 block. This means the back looks like an explosion of new starts and stops. I found that if I tried to travel further I would end up pulling it out. Not sure if that was my eyes on the darker linen or just the many many colors involved. I did love stitching it though. I think it is truly adorable. I downloaded a seahorse as well, but have stored it away until next summer. 

I did get my July Christmas ornament stitched. It will be given to a lady that works with Jeff. She is having a daughter in September. 

Palmer turned 2 years old.

Palmer enjoyed his party with family and friends who live close. He really liked all of his presents. I think Tucker and Miles enjoyed it all as well. Here a few pictures of the grands...


Tucker with his friends.

and Miles.

Miles has a birthday very soon.

I love my little boys.

Life is still really hard around here, but we are plodding along. Mother doesn't seem to be making it through this fall. The leg is healing but it has brought on a multitude of other issues. I am losing hope that she won't end up in a nursing home. She is still with us at our house. We tried things at her house and it was a big disaster. I am about to make some phone calls for some home care to tide us over the next few weeks to see how things go. 

My visiting y'all is sporadic at best. It is not a fun season, but feeling like I just need wisdom about what to do.

Take care and enjoy summer. I am trying really hard to embrace the goodness along with the hard.



  1. It sounds like home health aides are the way to go for now. And distraction stitching! Happy birthday to the boys celebrating.

    1. Just hoping to find that just right spot for Mama. One where she will be happy and thrive. Lots of decisions for us.

  2. So happy you have those precious grandsons to bring some joy and laughter into your days. Praying for your mother and all of the decisions you need to be making regarding her care, etc. I KNOW how difficult that is. May God give you the strength and wisdom to work through this, and to still have time to take care of you as well. Sending you (((hugs))) and prayers.

  3. Your boys are adorable!! I am sorry for the heartache you are experiencing with your mom's health issues. It is so hard to watch and hard to make decisions for her that are tough. I hope you can get some help with the home care. Prayers, love, and hugs!!

  4. Can't get over that Palmer is two! Each one of your grandboys are adorable, Sandy. I know you cherish the time spent with them. Praying that you are able to get some home care assistance for your mom. The Lord will provide you with the strength and wisdom. Thinking of you, Sandy.

  5. Miles looks like Jeff to me.....he is getting so big!! And Palmer and Tucker are adorable too. Love that whale...that was some serious stitching. Prayers for you this morning as you have your cataract surgery. Praying all goes well.

  6. Happy Blessed Birthday Palmer, I would sing but then the dogs in the neighborhood would howl and the neighbors would call the police, I sound like an animal that was run over.
    The Christmas ornament is so sweet, congratulations to your husband's co-worker on their baby.
    The Whale is beautiful, the colors are so vivid and bright, I will be looking forward to seeing the Seahorse stitched next summer.
    So sorry about your sweet Mother, I hope you find the perfect help for her, it is so nice to have help come to your home to help out.


    1. Thanks Catherine. I pray we can find the just right place for Mom.

  7. The whale is just beautiful! I’m so glad you shared it! I love those colors! Happy Birthday to Palmer! 🥳 They are all such cute little fellas! I hate to hear that your mother is having some setbacks. Praying that you will find just the right people to come in and give y’all the help she needs. Take care.

    1. Thanks Mandy. Just praying she will improve and that we can find that just right place for her. I want her to be happy.

  8. I'm so impressed with your whale, Sandy--that really must have taken a lot of concentration to stitch all those colors. Not sure I could have done it. Your little ornament is darling and I know it will be appreciated by the parents. Happy Birthday to sweet Palmer--can hardly believe he is two already. All of "your boys" are just adorable. I'm so sorry that your mom is not showing much improvement, Sandy... it is heartbreaking to watch our parents fail and feel so helpless. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and sending a big hug ♥

    1. Those boys keep me going. I couldn't love three little boys more. They are all growing so fast. Just hoping that the Lord gives me wisdom to help her make the best decision. We visited one place on Friday and plan to visit the other on Monday.

  9. Praying for you during this difficult season that has got even more challenging than it already was. May you recognize God's grace and be given more of it with each passing day. The grandsons are so cute. I just want to reach into the photo of Palmer and gently squeeze those pudgy cheeks.

  10. Prayers for you, Sandy, as you manage your mother's care. I'm sorry she is not doing well. The grandboys are all adorable - and growing fast. I'm sure you enjoy every moment with them. What a blessing.

  11. Just wanted you to know prayers continue for God’s mercies and grace. Karen


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