
Sunday, August 6, 2023

More Birthdays and Life Lately

      August brought more intense heat and a birthday for sweet little grandson #3, Miles. He turned 1 year old and his party was scheduled for outside even though it is hot. If you dare to live in Florida, then you know it is hot .... you grin and bear it. It came a torrential downpour and lightning storm though, so plans were changed to inside. All worked out just fine.

     July and thus far in August have been some really really hot days with heat indexes in the upper 110's most days. My emotions have run the gamut from intense sadness to a smile mixed in to keep the sanity. It was not the summer I had planned, but it was the summer I got, so I am doing my best to find some goodness in it.

     One good thing was little Miles's party. Katie decorated their tiny home so cute, and both families piled inside and made it work. Paul Allen braved the elements from the porch to grill hotdogs and hamburgers. Little Miles seemed to enjoy it all. I will blow up this post with all the cuteness of the decorations and Miles.

     Entering the house, Katie had put up a banner with pictures of Miles taken over this past year.

     Near the table she had all kinds of baseball things including a hat from Paul Allen's childhood.

    The little hat was given to Paul Allen by Nana way back in 1992. Miles has gotten to wear it quite a bit.

     Someone liked his cake. He sat there for quite a while just digging and stuffing his mouth.

     Katie let me bake the cake for him and his cupcakes for the guests.

     Mimi and PaPa gave him a water table. He got to play today in it.

    And in the background you could see that the other grandparents bought him a playhouse.

     As I said, this summer has been a wide range of emotions. One such crazy thing that happens to me every time I think about having to clear out another home is to go on a search for what I can get rid of. I have had to clean out far too many homes ---I say. Knowing that I would want to bring home a few things from Mama's I would come home and walk around just opening up drawers and such to see what could leave my house. It is an odd thing that happens to me.

     Katie helped me by taking the Cricut from my craft room. I have used it all of like 3 times in almost 10 years of having it. I had such grandiose plans for it, but life just kept having other plans. That was the same with that new fancy sewing machine I bought almost 10 years ago too. First though, the Cricut was gladly relinquished to Katie for her to have in classroom. I told her if Lindsay or I needed something she could either make it for us or we could borrow it. She promptly put it to good use and sent me her new bulletin boards that she used the Cricut to make all sorts of things.

     She is an excellent math teacher and her class name is Palmer's Pandas.

     That sewing machine is leaving too. It has not been my favorite thing I ever purchased and you know I learned that what I thought I wanted to do when I retired from teaching was not actually what I wanted to do. I will take 3 grand boys filling my time any day over the other plans. 

    I do know that I want to keep Mama's sewing machine. If there is any one thing I would want of hers it would be that for so many reasons. Maybe I will share more about that one day when my brain works again. For now, I have made plans to move the newer fancy machine and the sewing table I bought for it to Mom's to put in the sale at her house whenever I reach that point and bring hers that is in a sewing cabinet here. I should probably let it go as well, since I have been sewing and loving my old 1979 Kenmore bought in college. However, like I said it would be the one thing I want to keep of Mom's... Maybe one of the girls will want one of them one day. It is a 1950's Kenmore and sews like a dream too.

     Jeff and Paul Allen moved the big pieces to Mama's new assisted living facility today. She will spend her first night over there tomorrow night. I am going to move her stuff slowly there. The plan is to let her get in with just the basics and add to it as she thinks of something she wants. I will do some light decorating over the next couple of evenings. For the remainder of August I will just let her get settled in and slowly let family come in and get what they want and then after Labor Day I will see about having a sale at her place. 

Mother seems to have trouble even thinking about what she wants to take because of leaving behind so much. I totally get it, but I am even having to pick out clothes to take. Hopefully, she will fully get in the groove soon. 

     None of this has been easy. While she has good days, this was just a life changing fall. I think she will improve, but there was just no way she could keep her home like she liked it or cook. The fall just slowed her roll. The place she is going is very nice. It is just an adjustment for all of us. We took her over this afternoon after we had moved the large pieces in so she could see how that looked. There was a church service going on and she seemed quite interested. Jeff forced her to pop in and look and there were many ladies who look like great candidates for Mom's next best friend. Praying for that!!!!

     The facility already had her name at the refreshment station in the town square.

    When I get her all settled in I will take pictures of her new home for the blog. I am praying for good days like today for her. There have been some really low days this summer for both of us. Jeff too. 

    Thanks to so many of you have sent me words of encouragement. ---Sandy

P.S. Barbara at Sweet Tea and Sandals accidentally permanently deleted her blog. Shudder to think... Here is her new blog address -


  1. Prayers with your mom. I am getting older and older. Praying can have someone come in when needed.

  2. Prayers for your mom to settle in and be at peace in her new place. I will also pray she quickly makes friends there. Thank you for letting us know about Barbara's blog!

    1. I have been thinking of you too Becki. Handling all the crazy has brought me to my prayer time more than ever so you are on that list. I pray Mother will make friends quickly too.

  3. Miles certainly looked like he enjoyed his party and his cake. Great theme for a party! His water table looks like fun. I hope your Mama settles into her new place and it is a good fit for her. Continuing to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers, Sandy.

  4. What a cute bd party for Miles and I am sure it lifted your spirits. Katie did such a good job and I know she appreciates the Cricuit. I will pray that your mama settles into her new place and will make some new friends. If she makes friends, that will take a load off of you, Sandy. Praying you get some rest this week as well.

  5. Greetings Sandy: Miles is adorable and the decorating is so cute.
    I know how hard it can be to move a parent, it was hard with my Father mother in law and Father in law.
    The places now are so welcoming, the refreshment station is so cute.
    I hope you Mother is able to transition easily.
    The water station and playhouse are so sweet, Miles looks so happy.
    Have a wonderful week.


  6. It sounds like the transition for your mom is going well, even though I know it's a huge undertaking with a lot of decisions to make about everything. The birthday party for Palmer looks wonderful. Wish I could have had one of those cupcakes!!! Thank you so much for the announcement about the change with my blog. I appreciate the help.

  7. It will be so nice to have your Mother there but I know how hard the move can be. We had to do that for my mother in law a couple of years ago. It was an enormous task and I'm glad we were able to do it. Take care! I'll go visit Barbara now! Thanks for letting us know!

  8. When I had to move my dear friend, Helen, to assisted living it was covid time. The place was basically closed down. No communal dining, no crafts, no visitors except family and we had to take a covid test and wait for the results before we could go in. It was devastatingly lonely and not a time to make a change like that even though it had to be done. Miles was celebrated well and your cake and cupcakes were SO CUTE! It's a blessing to have those boys!! Hugs!

  9. Thanks for letting us know about Barbara's blog. I've always been afraid that would happen to me! Have already visited her at the new place.

    Praying for you and the eldercare responsibilities. The assisted living looks like a very nice place and I'm sure she will find friends quickly.

  10. I hope and pray that your dear mother is settling in well, Sandy. I'm glad you found a place that suits her and I'm sure she'll make friends quickly. And you can rest at night knowing she's got people to look after her.

    Loved reading about Miles' birthday party--that first one is so very special! Katie is SO creative and it shows both in her home and at school. It's nice that you have a daughter-in-law who has things in common with you in terms of creativity :)

    That's terrible about Barbara's blog--thank you for letting us know! Have a good week and I hope things calm down a bit knowing your mom is safe and cared for. ♥

    P.S. For some reason blogspot isn't allowing me to comment with my normal Google account so I don't know if this will appear anonymously or what?! Anyway--this is Carol from Stitching Dreams :)

  11. Looks like sweet little Miles had a great birthday, and his cake is awesome! I'm also impressed with Katie's cricut skills! Very cute! I know her students will enjoy their classroom decor. Thinking of you as you are in the midst of such tough decisions and responsibilities. I'm also so glad you alerted me about Barbara's blog! I would have sure missed it!

  12. Dear Sandy, Somehow I missed this post. I can't believe it's been a month already...I saw that you are celebrating an anniversary today! And thank you for your comment on my blog. But I didn't know your mother had gone to an assisted living. I know it was being considered before. Praying by now she is settling in and feeling somewhat "at home" there. I know it isn't easy. but once she gets used to the routine and all the activities and people around her, she will like it. My MIL actually thrived when she went to a nursing home. She loved having people to talk to and regular activities/ much as she was able to do. So I pray for your mother and for YOU, as you adjust and decide what to do with so many things, etc. I totally understand. (((hugs)))


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