
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Stitching and More....

 First up is October's Christmas ornament. This one may be my favorite this year. I have made all of the ornaments this year into flats, but this one I did into a pillow. I noticed that the pillow is not any heavier than the flats, so there may be more before the year is over.

The pattern came from the latest Christmas Just Cross Stitch magazine. I just love the little cardinal.

Here it is hanging.

The next picture shows the backing fabric. The trim is some rick rack from the With Thy Needle and Thread's Country Store. I have a lot of it and every single thing I have ever used it on, I have loved it.

I have also started my Florida sampler. I ran into a color issue right away and knew I had to adjust. 

This little oranges look like pumpkin spice colors rather than citrus oranges. I stitched them and immediately knew this wouldn't do. I bought an orange to bring home to look for new colors. I brought out lots of colors laying them across my orange. Some interesting notes... the above orange is organic and shows what a Florida orange looks more like here fresh from a tree. Of course, they might not be that perfect in color fresh from the tree. The tops are lighter near them stem getting the sunlight and the bottoms are a little darker. The pattern maker had that concept right, but just not the coloring. Now, I have seen oranges that more like an orange crayon color. In fact, I saw some in Target yesterday. I know they have to have been messed with in some way because they are all one color not as I describe with the tops and bottoms. Since the above picture, I have been working on the ones coming down the left side with different colors. I couldn't use the colors that matched the above orange perfectly because on the linen they looked like lemons, but I have played around a bit more and think I have found a color match that I can live with.

BTW, that orange was delicious and I have been on an orange kick for the past few days.

I also have stitched on the tree so there will be more to show next time. I am changing it up a wee bit too. The Spanish moss has to be just right since I walk out my door to that daily.

Gardening Time...

I did find orange pansies and planted 2 pots of them to go with my blue/purple ones. Pansies are just such a happy flower. I am drawn to them every time I walk out and they lift my spirits when I drive up or walk back in the circle. My pictures are from a week ago. They are really popping now and will fill out the pots in another week.

In the blustery wind the other night, one of my begonias was laying over pretty good, so I snipped that stem and added it to some of my roses for a pretty vase of goodness.

The weather this past week was just perfect. Cool mornings and then the most pleasant days. The next picture is just some wildflowers in the neighborhood. Just so much goodness all around.

One morning I went out to water the roses and decided to capture the sunrise. I absolutely never take for granted this view. I am so blessed to live here. I love the coast. I was made for it.

Such tranquility in nature in the early mornings.

To finalize this post I have some family pictures. Tucker is 5. How can he be 5? Does anyone who has read this blog since he was born believe he is 5 already?

We celebrated on his actual birthday with supper and cupcakes.
I made this picture but Lindsay edited it and I think it is just about perfect.

There are many so I am just going to share a few. 

Lindsay and Tyler were with Tyler's family out to eat this weekend and captured this family photo. It is a good one.

Today at Tucker's friend party at the park Lindsay got this one of Paul Allen and Katie with all the boys.
Another really good one...

Tucker had a monster truck themed party. I made cake and cupcakes and Lindsay made a cute sign plus she had the tables all cute with the theme.

A friend of a friend knew two guys who have jacked up trucks that look like real monster trucks. They came by with them to the park and the kids got to go out and see them. It was a big hit.

And because my heart is ... oh just because....

And that is it for this post. 

Happy Fall,


  1. So many great things in this post! Tucker is so adorable and his party looks like so much fun! I can't believe he is 5, either! Time sure does fly! I love the pillow you made. The pansies are beautiful, too! You do have an amazing view each day. I think I would probably just live outside looking at that all day! Haha! The Coast is a special place for sure. Growing up, we would always go visit my aunt and uncle in Ocean Springs, MS every Memorial Day weekend and I just loved it. Life just felt magical on the coast!

    1. I always felt like the coast was magical too as a kid. We lived just across the state line. My driveway was 9 miles from the state line. I wanted to live there and that was my dream. I never take it for granted that I live here. There is just something about it. Time needs to slow down.

  2. Love your ornament and its finish, Sandy. Is that from the Dec. issue of Just Cross Stitch? No, I can't believe that Tucker is five. Seems like only yesterday he was born! I love the pictures you shared, each and every one of them. It looked like he had a wonderful birthday celebration.

    1. Late answering, but yes it is in this year's Christmas issue.
      Thank you. Those boys are just growing up so fast.

  3. This was so happy and full of joy! Love your Christmas ornament and I am sure you will get the little oranges just right! Love the pictures of the boys and the family together, etc. Looks like a really great birthday for Tucker. Your sunrise is magnificent! God's beauties for us to enjoy. Hope other things are going well for you right now. You've been in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. Nature does the work for those photos. There is so much beauty outside. Thank you!!!

  4. Sandy: Love the new ornament, perfect finish, I like pillows and flats for ornaments.
    The black and white photos of the boys is stunning, worth framing.
    Happy Birthday Tucker, boy time sure is flying by.
    Nice photos.
    Love the flower photos.


    1. I plan to print that black and white photo and put it on the shelves soon. It just really captured how cute they are.

  5. Such a beautiful post filled with lovely things, Sandy! That ornament is so darling--I had also noted it in the Just Cross Stitch magazine as one of my favorites. Your finish is perfection! The photos of your family are wonderful--Happy 5th birthday to Mr. Tucker. Oh, they grow up way too quickly. My little grandson is in the Paw Patrol stage that Tucker was a few years ago, but by the time he's five he'll probably be all about the monster trucks, too.

    Your view is SO VERY LOVELY! I would never tire of gazing out at it in all kinds of weather, but that sunrise is truly special. Hoping you have a wonderful week ahead ♥

    1. I am so blessed to live where I love and have my family so close.
      Paw Patrol was huge around here for a good long time. The boys love anything that rolls. Their favorite toys involve wheels inside and out.

  6. Happy 5th Birthday Tucker!

    Wow! That is difficult to being he is 5 years already. That is wild time has gone by so fast.
    Your ornament is beautiful. The cardinal is a really nice touch.

    1. Thank you. I just loved that little cardinal. I think that is what drew me to that pattern.

  7. Lovely lovely post, Sandy! That black and white photo of the boys is stunning. Really beautiful. Something about the black and white captures their personalities and freezes the moment in time.

    This was such a delight to view and read. So much love in your family and so much beauty of bayous and blossoms. Oh, and your ornament. I love it!

    1. Thank you. Nature provides so much goodness to photograph. It always does me good to get out in it. I am so blessed to have all my family close by. I agree about that black and white photograph. I think I may print that one and frame it.

  8. What a fun post!! You are the boss of your own floss so change away!! I love that Christmas ornament. I did not purchase the Christmas ornament edition of Just Cross Stitch but now I may have to pick it up. Love seeing your beautiful flowers. You ought to get a canvas of the picture of the bay to put at your Auburn house. That is so beautiful and calming. Finally Happy Birthday Tucker!! Yes, time does fly by and even more so as we get older. Enjoy those three sweet boys...they grow up too fast. Landon will be 15 on Friday...

    1. Time is flying. When I started reading your blog, Landon and Kendall were the stars and oh so little.
      I rarely pick up the magazine anymore, but to finish my challenge of the SAL I was needing something. The reindeer really caught my eye. For November I am doing another from it and then I think I will do a Santa from good ole PS to finish out the year. Lindsay has set claim to 8 for gifts so that was really my goal in all of that. Next year I will start work on that Advent calendar for Miles. Have fun in the mountains.

  9. Hi Sandy.´,
    your newest ornament looks great. I have the magazine. I must stitch it too.
    Happy Birthday to Tucker. He is five years. Wow, the time flies.
    Have a nice time. Manuela

    1. Thank you Manuela. Time has truly been flying by.

  10. I really like that Christmas stitch! And your pictures are all beautiful. I agree the B&W picture of Tucker and Palmer is stunning. And your sunrise... Wow. Just wonderful, Sandy. I know you said you don't take it for granted, but I've just got to say, you are blessed, girl, to see that every morning. :)

    1. I am sitting here this morning looking at that sunrise. It is one of the first things I do each day-look out to see it. It never fails to be beautiful. No matter the weather or time of the year. I am truly blessed.

  11. What a good post this is, Sandy. Things are looking up for you as our Lord enables you to cope with the stuff of life. Love all the pictures of the stitching, florals, family and birthday celebration. Yes, I've been reading your blog since BEFORE Tucker was born and yes, it's hard to a believe he's already celebrating his 5th birthday!

  12. Nope - not believing he is 5. 15 will be here in a blink. I love the trees on the pillow with the deer. Sort of a graphic/retro vibe. Happy coastal fall!


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