
Thursday, November 9, 2023

Making the Most of Time

I did not intend to be away from the blog so long, but my stage of life dictates my comings and goings. I shall not linger on all that, but try to pump out some good stuff here.

Stitching Time

My stitching time has just been so limited lately for a few reasons. 

~Sometimes you can just run into problems that take away motivation.

~I am trying out lots of new light situations and even sitting arrangements for evening stitching which was brought on by my lamp breaking and quite honestly my sight... I will talk more about that later.

~And the fact that the amount of light this time of year puts me in a funk physically and a wee bit mentally. I am a light person. When it starts getting dark earlier, I feel like a bear who just needs to hibernate. I will find myself drifting over to the couch to just lay down for a minute to rest and then I am just completely out. I am trying to fight it hard so as to not sleep away to many precious hours that could be spent reading or stitching.

OK, so where am I in my stitching world. I have stitched all of my 12 ornaments for the stitch along...I have not fully finished them, but they are stitched.  I hope to fully finish the last one next week. Lindsay is using most of them as gifting in her work place. I think I will need to do that reindeer with the cardinal again for myself.

For November, I did a quickie.

For December's, I stitched a coastal themed one that I have stitched before. I will share next time. I have enjoyed stitching these. I don't think I will commit to 12 again next year as it is time to stitch Miles's Advent calendar that I stitched Tucker and Palmer a couple of years back. 

For other stitching, I have run into some troubles which I partially blame on eyesight and just my mind these days. I have to restart my Florida sampler. I am waiting on my new linen to arrive. Since I am restarting (thankfully,  I wasn't far along) I am using a lighter 36 count linen. I think my color selections of floss will work better and the size will be much better for framing. I have to say I like the pattern, but I am changing almost every color of floss. When I pull the chosen floss out to stitch it just doesn't mesh with my view of the real item. Maybe that is the flaw in choosing a sampler based on your actual geographical location in life.  Also, the pattern symbols are just stinking hard to see. Could be my failing eyes. Who knows? 

Speaking of eyes, I had said I was waiting until January to do the second eye. I have changed my mind due to more than one reason which I won't bore you with. I have no idea how it is all going to work out, but I feel a strong need to get it behind me. I have my second eye surgery on Tuesday of next week, so that will further interrupt my stitching time. Something to look forward to in 2024. As for the eye surgery, I don't think this cataract surgery thingie is life changing. Yes, I can see better but not as much as I would like. Manmade lenses don't work like God given original lenses. However, my eyes are failing me, so I am just going forward with the decision and hoping it will all work out.  40 count stitching may be over for me. I am feeling that way now anyway, so the surgery is not going to be the reason. 

Reading Time

I have read some lately. I don't always share my books, but I think I will this time. I read, no listened to Under the Bayou Moon, by Valerie Fraser Luesse. It was an enjoyable listen. The one thing that stood out to me was the author's description of the Louisiana bayous. It was obvious she had great love for the area. I relate to that as I love my bay and bayou...

Speaking of my bayou and bay, we went out for a boat ride Sunday afternoon.  It was a glorious day. We saw 3 bald eagles circling some hopping fish. I don't think I have ever seen the likes of that. One was clearly a bald eagle and the other 2 were younger without the white head. IT was quite a sight. Earlier in the week I saw 2 ospreys putting on a show for me right out back. One kept landing in the pine tree outside the kitchen window and making some wild noises. I think they were mating. Lovely views which I am unable to photograph because I am challenged in photography.

My second book was the new book by Erin Napier called Heirloom Rooms. I had forgotten I preordered it. I am a complete sucker for a decorating book. I liked it but I would not run out and buy it if you are a decorating book nerd like me. The material to read is the best part of the book here. She takes you on a real life journey about REAL homes, not staged looks. I did enjoy the pictures of the real homes. Fun to see them as they really are with drink glasses and used blankets strewn instead of all signs of life put away from sight. I enjoyed it but I probably could have read a library copy and been good with that. It was good and made me think.

My third book as of late was John Grisham's book, The Exchange. It was billed as the sequel to The Firm which is on my list of favorite reads. I read it before children during post planning of the school year. Someone left in the teacher's lounge in the take if you like reads. I took it home and started and spent late nights of post planning finishing it because I couldn't lay it down. The new book picks up with Abby and Mitch in 2006. I was sad I purchased it, not sad I read it, but quite frankly I don't think you can write a sequel to The Firm. The Exchange is an ok read by Grisham. I haven't read many of his lately and it was just ok for me. I had no trouble reading it or wanting to finish it, but it is not great. Check it out at the library and save the money.

Grands Time

I know everyone is past Halloween, but here are my little boys all enjoying their time in their neighborhoods.

Tucker and Palmer ready to go.

Palmer actually wore the Marshall outfit to another even, but decided on the astronaut outfit for the evening. I think it might have had to do with his teachers at daycare commenting on how cute he was in earlier in the day.

Are they not just adorable driving down the sidewalk/

Miles was a banana...and he was eating on a banana. There is a church 2 blocks down from them so they just went to the trunk or treating there to make it a wee bit easier. His favorite thing was glow sticks.

It seems I always share sunrises. Jeff and I went over to a little park on the other side of the bay to see the sunset one evening. It wasn't all that spectacular, but beautiful nonetheless.

I have to say I have listened to the most wonderful message series at my church that was so timely for us. Three parts that caused me to listen multiple times to each one. He is meeting us in our difficulties. 

Hebrews 4:16 

Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.

The last line of the closing prayer on the last part of the series really caught Jeff's attention.

"Help us remember we are not the owners of our lives, but the stewards of our time."

I am looking forward to the coming holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I truly love Thanksgiving and going into December having focused on my blessings with Thanksgiving first. The weather has been just about perfect for about a month here and I have soaked it up. I have sat on my deck and strolled around the neighborhood. I have not been all that productive with chores outside, but I am just loving the time outside. Nature really does soothe my soul. Now, this time change and lack of light make me have to be out there even more during the day.

I have taken a break from Instagram with my daughter. We decided to fast from it for a month. I have a few more days to go. I know when I go back I am going to be unfollowing a few. During this time I knew exactly which things I have missed and things I haven't. Stitchy friends, decorators of homey homes, and joy filled focus on Jesus...

The world is a mess, but I try to focus on what I can do each day. I pray for our nation and for our children and grandchildren. That is all I can do. I remind myself often of the C.S Lewis quote from another time in history when the world was a mess.

Let us do sensible things and cherish the time we have with family and friends.


  1. Love the ornament and I comment you for keeping up in a stressful time. I agree with you about cataract surgery. Maybe I will see more of a difference when I get the other one done but not counting on it. I went through my floss tube subscriptions and only the kept the people I really enjoy. I need to cut down on wasting time and floss tube was eating up the minutes for me. I was so glad to see your post and those boys are adorable but that banana.:) Thanksgiving will just be me, Marvin, Todd and Amelia so we are going to Stone Bridge Farm in Cullman for lunch. I have painters coming the first of the week and while they should be done in two days....I am taking the easy route this year.

  2. That sunset looks pretty spectacular to me, Sandy! It is always good to see you here and I enjoyed catching up with you. Both of my eyes are done and I finished the drops yesterday. I do see better and am very happy with the outcome. Much better now that both are done. I wasn't sold when just the first one got done. Big difference now so hang in there!! The boys are adorable and getting so BIG!! Hang in there, my friend. God is in control and He's got you!! Hugs!

  3. Your November ornament is a beauty, Sandy. Love the darling cardinal on its perch. I enjoyed seeing your boys in their Halloween gear. Will be thinking of and praying for you and your second eye surgery. I ordered the pies from Yoder's earlier in the week; that is our Thanksgiving meal assignment for the family gathering. Enjoy your Friday, Sandy!

  4. Prayers for your eye operation and all health
    The Bible quotes are beatiful...stewards of our time...good to remember always

  5. This time of year is hard for me, too, Sandy, with the shorter days... I crave sunlight and it is a rarity up north during the winter. Today it's a beautiful sunny day and my mood and energy level are so improved from yesterday's gray day. I wish you all the best with your next eye surgery. My younger sister (about your age) had both her eyes done and the second was much better/easier than the first. So, I sure hope yours is good.

    Loved the photos of the boys trick-or-treating! My little grandson went as Chase from Paw Patrol and he just loved everything about the night!

    I've enjoyed seeing your monthly ornaments and will miss them next year, but I totally understand you wanting to get the Advent Calendar stitched for little banana boy Miles (too cute!). Hope your mom is doing as well as can be expected. Enjoy your weekend ♥

  6. Great post, Sandy, and especially the quotes (the one Jeff liked, and the last one about doing sensible things with family and friends). Quotes really do buoy my spirit when I feel like I'm lagging, especially scripture, but by wise people, too.

    I am praying now that your cataract surgery goes well. I would like to see better, too.

  7. Hello Sandy: I will have you in my daily Prayers for your eye surgery, I think earlier is better for the surgery, I would not wait if it were me.
    The shorter days of light are hard to get used to, it tells me the cold will be settling in soon.
    The boys are so positively adorable and that car they are riding is a sweet idea for them to get around, the banana and wagon made me smile.
    Congratulations on finishing the stitching on the twelve ornaments.
    I am an avid reader, I am not sure the sequel book would be for me, I liked the Firm but do not want a sequel, but that is just me and my feelings.
    Have a great week.

    Love the cardinal design, very pretty.

  8. Gosh, the boys are so adorable. Looks like they had so much fun on Halloween! I hadn't even heard about the sequel to The Firm. Now I'm curious! I may have to take a read. I would probably have to go back and re-read The Firm first. Haha! Praying for a smooth recovery from your eye surgery. It will be good to have it behind you, for sure, and I pray it helps and makes a noticeable difference for you. Your little pillow is so pretty. I think looking for stitching blogs is how I originally found yours! I love looking at people's stitching projects. I have tried and just couldn't get the hang of it, but I love to admire your work! Keep enjoy your outside time and those slower moments. It's tough with the time change, for sure. I just want to go to sleep when it gets dark now. Hope everything goes well this week! Take care!

  9. The pictures of the boys are so cute. And that little Christmas stitch is very sweet. While I'm not yet needing cataract surgery, I do fear that once it's needed, my handwork might come to an end. I have progressive lenses, but have enjoyed seeing close up without glasses for years. I fear after such a surgery, I will not enjoy the same clarity of vision without glasses. I have a an eye exam next week. I am curious to see if my cataracts are holding steady with all the medical stuff I've been through this year.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.