
Friday, November 17, 2023

All the Fall Feels

 I thought I might better get a post up of my fall pictures before Thanksgiving week arrives and I sure enough don't have time to post.  
The owl above was out a little earlier int the pine tree than he usually arrives. In fact, all three grand boys were over yesterday and Mother when he made his entrance. Mother spotted him from the couch. He didn't seem at all disturbed by us looking at him. He usually arrives with nightfall and hoots away out there, but for some reason he came early and sat there a long time. Lindsay even got this picture through the deck slats. There is just so much fun to watch in nature. I was walking Gus earlier today and just loved seeing the birds. One female cardinal didn't seem at all disturbed by Gus when she was perched in the shrubs and he came close. I view all of these sightings as blessings.

Last weekend, well actually on Thursday before Veteran's Day, Jeff and I slipped away to Auburn for a long weekend. I left Paul Allen in charge of Mother, and this time she actually let me go without  talking about going to her sister's house. It was overcast in Auburn all weekend, but the trees were so pretty. They usually peak around Thanksgiving up there, but I loved seeing all the fall color. 

I had the best time noticing all the different oaks, maples, and elms all around the neighborhood and town.
I crunched through leaves in the yard to my heart's delight.

We ate out Friday night with our good friends and watched the ballgame with them on Saturday. It was quiet in Auburn as they were playing in Arkansas. Overall, just a nice weekend for Jeff and me. I take what I can get.

Life is truly so busy that a regular day of keeping Miles and not having to go anywhere is as good as it gets these days. I don't have any days to myself anymore. It is the season I am in and I make do. Mother got a test injection this week and will have another the first Monday of December which will last for 4-6 months for pain. Keeping my chin up with her is the hardest. 

Not knowing what the days going forward hold is not the easiest, but it is remembering life can be hard, and my  faith will sustain me. 
I do my best to notice all the good and count it as a blessing just like seeing birds on my walk. Pity parties never make you feel better. They must be short in length. 

This little munchkin along with the other 2 keeps Mimi's chin up. Miles liked the mall kid's area. This picture is just too cute not to share. He visited there with his parents while we were in Auburn last weekend.

While in Auburn, I did a little relaxing in the bedroom reading this little gem of a book that I leave up there. I relaxed and stared at my lovely birds and flowers stitches. 

Gus might have decided I had been sitting too long. Anyway, the book made me want to reread the series of books about Mitford. I must admit I didn't like them at first. I think my life was too busy to really slow down enough to read them. When I did finally settle into read them since retiring from teaching, I really liked them. Father Tim was such a wonderful character.

Other than the daily chores, lots of doctor appointments and all the stuff most everyone does in life, I have been trying to get a handle on photographs. I knew I already had a problem with mine, but when I brought more albums than you want to even know...maybe close to 50 from Mother's house, I knew I was in trouble.

It has been completely overwhelming and quite frankly still is. These 2 boxes are ones I pulled out of albums because there isn't enough room for them. I pulled them out and labeled them with dividers by season and year.  They are basically the same ones I have in my albums, so there is now one set for Lindsay and one set for Paul Allen. These 2 boxes contain about 20 years of just our family. Then Mother was the keeper of history for her entire family. I have been going through and have many set aside to give to her siblings, but she wants to see them first, so....

Lindsay's bedroom is still overflowing. I give up until after the new year. 

I will admit it is all driving me a little bonkers.

I am still in Thanksgiving/ fall mode here. We will celebrate Thanksgiving here with everyone home. Not one drop of Christmas is anywhere yet. I am thankful that it is a bit earlier this year so I don't have to feel rushed. I wish people didn't rush things so much these days, but I know I am in the minority on that these days. I will be ready to put it up after the turkey is cleared away. I might even cave in to all of it if I didn't have the festivities at my house and I like for Thanksgiving to look like Thanksgiving.

We may go to Auburn for the Iron Bowl weekend. It is in Auburn this year, but we don't have tickets. We are all just taking about going up. Not sure yet. If I do, then Christmas boxes won't come out until the Monday after all that hullabaloo. 

I did restart my Florida sampler on smaller count linen and in the center of the sampler rather than the side. I had miscalculated the amount of edging and I didn't want to stress and I started thinking about how large it would be on 28 count. I am liking my change to 36 count summer khaki. I am making many color changes in this sampler as well.

I have my December ornament almost finished. Just need to find a color ribbon to make a bow. I will share soon. I started the reindeer ornament again for myself this time. More to share soon.

My eye surgery is behind me and now I am just doing the drops as anyone who has had this done knows all about:)

I love Thanksgiving and try to embrace it with all the gusto I can. I love that I spend time being grateful and then move in to the Christmas season. 
Happy Thanksgiving,


  1. Wonderful post filled with chatty news. Love that you can find a few moments to let us hear from you. Sending good thoughts and many prayers. Karen

  2. Thanks so much for all the news, and you're making light of what really is a difficult time. I remember the drops after cataract surgery. It was like a part time job, keeping track of the various ones and frequency, especially when you're tapering off from the first eye, while already starting up for the second. But I expect you're glad it's done. I know I was.

    1. It is a LOT of drops! It consumes your thoughts for a good while.

  3. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You are raising grandchildren after retirement. Be blessed with your mom. Brenda

  4. You have so much going on, I don't know how you do it! Oh, and adding photo album, organizing, sorting, etc. to the mix...I can certainly relate Oh, the Mitford series was a great favorite of mine. I had all the books, and finally gave them away when we moved here. Sometimes I wish I still had them to read again, but then I know I can just check them out from the library rather than having them take up space on my shelves. I am glad your mother is doing as well as she is. That is a relief for you. One day at a time. I pray your Thanksgiving day will be filled with joy and laughter and making new memories. I also wait until after Thanksgiving to start putting out Christmas decor. I can only handle one holiday at a time! I believe Thanksgiving gets shortchanged too often. I hope you take care of yourself in the process. Oh, that owl!! I LOVE owls. What fun he has hung around for all to see!! Very special. Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Brenda said it so well (above). Happy Thanksgiving!! Sending love and hugs!

  6. So glad your surgery is over. Looking forward to hearing how your vision is once you're all cleared up. That is such a cute picture of Miles. I'm kind of tickled to see Arthur the aardvark. I didn't realize he was still popular with kids. My sons used to enjoy watching Arthur in the late 1990's. You make me want to pull out my Mitford books and read them again.

  7. Happy to hear your surgery is over and you are down to the drops, Sandy. I am glad you and Jeff were able to get to Auburn and enjoy the time there. The foliage looked so pretty. Love the picture of the owl and of Miles. What a cutie! Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving!

  8. The dreaded eye drops...thankfully Marvin did those for me. Stitching on 36 count!! Your eye surgery must have been good.:) I can stitch on 36 count but 32 is my choice of late. I got my Rejoice Evermore back from the framer and it is just beautiful if I do say so myself. I am busy getting ready for painters this weekend. I am re reading Winter Solstice by Rosamund Pilcher. A friend invited me to their book club where they will discuss it on Monday. So no stitching this weekend, just reading. I hope you take off to Auburn again...the pictures there look so relaxing!

  9. First of all, I'm so glad your surgery is over and went well, Sandy. The idea of cataract surgery scares me so much, but I know that I will eventually need it, too. Loved seeing the owl in the tree--we don't see them very often here, but often hear them hooting in the woods at night. I just love that sound. And yes, I, too, love seeing the birds--especially cardinals and hummingbirds. How nice that you and Jeff have a special place to escape to. How far is Auburn from your home? I'm sure it was fun to walk and hear the leaves crunching away. Love that photo of Miles--he is looking like such a little boy now rather than a baby. Oh, they do grow up way too fast. I wish you and your lovely family every blessing on Thanksgiving Day! ♥

  10. I'm glad to see that your eye surgery went well. My annual eye exam is later this month. I am hoping this time the doctor will say my cataracts are "ripe" enough for surgery. That one photo you took of the varied colored leaves on the sidewalk -- that is really pretty. Really. Like you, I enjoy crunching leaves under my shoes. Not a whole lot of that to be done here in North Central Florida.

    Have a good Thanksgiving!

  11. Hi Sandy: So many people do not enjoy what is free in life, enjoying nature is one of my favorite activities, I enjoy seeing the buds pop in the spring the greens God has given us the fall colors which are amazing and the birds we are avid bird watchers.
    Gus is so sweet in both photos, I take Mikey out for walks every morning at 4 am its so peaceful and quiet.
    Miles is a hoot and so cute.
    It is nice to hear you were able to get away a bit.
    We are avid readers.
    We went through all our photos and gave to the families ones that we thought they would like.
    Nice progress on Florida Sampler.

    Happy Blessed Thanksgiving

  12. I'm stopping by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! I hope this holiday is filled with blessings. Sweet hugs, Diane

  13. Lovely post Sandy and the leaves up in Auburn are beautiful. I think the colors pop more on an overcast day.

    Yes, Mitford is so good! That Jan Karon book you are reading looks good also. I had difficulty in getting into the first Mitford book, but once I did I was hooked. One blogger that I follow, suggests in times of difficulty or stress, returning to a favorite series (like MItford) so as to be in an old familiar neighborhood, revisiting old friends and their stories. I've done this a few times and it truly does help.


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