
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Being Productive

If I don't post weekly, I find it harder to get up enough motivation to record any events around here. However, posting weekly is pretty much out of the realm of possibility with the stage of life I am in. I am back though and will start with the weather like a good senior citizen. 

Cold...I think I have made it abundantly clear here on this  little blog that winter is not my favorite season. In the spirit of not wishing my days away and being productive, I have tried really hard to find good things to do inside. I was doing well with no complaining until the weather decided to drop down in to the 20's. Nope...that is a no go for keeping my whining down. I have survived those days and hope that stuff is done and gone.  This week is ultra gloomy and overcast but it is warmer, so I will take the gray skies for now while I thaw out.

*Those pansies in the above picture did survive all those low temperatures. They are at my mother's assisted living place and are just gorgeous. 

With that out of the way, what have I been up to? 

A good many things...stitching, reading, cleaning and sorting, tending to family, and all sorts of odds and ends that really aren't all that interesting but I will share an overview anyway of that list.

First, we will start with the selling of things in my closets. I shared in my last post that I had the home movie camera and projector in the last post from the 1960's that I had decided to part with. I have no idea why I couldn't just get in the truck and drive it down the road to Goodwill, but I couldn't. My goal wasn't to make a ton of money either. I just wanted to pass it on to someone who might be excited about it. I know that sounds a bit sappy, but I am who I am.

I first listed it on eBay not really thinking it would do much and it didn't, so I listed it on Facebook Marketplace where I must admit I hate dealing with the crazies. I have sold things before, but you have to be patient and let all the spammers, perverts or whatever those things are before you get to a person who just really might be interested. 

I listed the camera and projector and just decided I would let it ride for a long time....honestly, thinking it might take all year. This week, a young girl messaged me that she wanted the camera. I met her at Publix. Turns out she is a young person similarly aged to my kids I would guess who is a photographer. I asked her if she would be interested in the projector too. Yes! She was so sweet and told me I could follow her business site on FB and see what she did with it. I think just as record players are making a comeback old photography is too. She was able to get film and will use it for business. Needless to say that was EXACTLY what I had in mind. The price for both pieces was $75 and I honestly think I could have made more, but I was astounded one would pay that. It was a win and after looking at her work I think she will make good use of the camera.

I am still involving Jeff in helping me make decisions on all this closet stuff. I am really feeling good about it. This is how I make winter work for me. Now, last week when I was wearing lots of layers I will freely admit to a good bit of grumbling.


Now, for other topics. We got the new seawall in May, and then so much happened over the summer and into the fall that we just had to let go on any thoughts of filling in between the old and new with dirt. I wasn't worried about safety. The old one was there and has worked for coming on 4 decades to keep erosion from happening, but we had a gap between them that just had to sit. This past month we have managed to get it mostly filled with dirt. 

We decided to go up to only the height of the old one in filling it. Factors that would have been an issue were the live oak that we didn't want to cut down and the old deck which we didn't really want to start pulling things out to put dirt under it. The sea wall will prevent erosion, but trust me in a major category storm (3-5) water goes right over it!!! We feel we have made the best decision. WE may to make a step on the ground side over by the steps for the littles but I am not sure yet. Of course, grass will have to be dealt with this spring since it is a mess down there.

The next 2 pictures will show you what it looks like on the deck side of the dock.

The metal piece under the walkway looking thing on the left in the picture is the new seawall material being used all over Florida. It is like corrugated metal (not sure of the makeup of the material) and is very strong. Because of the corrugated design you have to do the walkway on top of it. From the water, no one can see that we have the hole. It is not too deep and if something is dropped it is reachable. We mostly wanted the side in the yard to be filled with dirt so no kids fell in the gap. 

You may notice the dirt had to be poured in from the deck which really means the gap is really small. It looks larger in the up close pictures.

My son-in-law Tyler and a good friend are the masterminds behind getting this job done for us. Tyler brought a trailer load of dirt from a job site. He works in construction and managed to get us some helpers. This was one of those things Jeff desired to do so badly, but it is not even a remote possibility for him anymore. 

On that note, he fell off his bicycle right after we received his diagnosis in September. It was not related in any way to the Parkinson's. He tried to answer his phone while riding his bike. Lesson learned the hard way. Anyway, it messed up his shoulder and he is now seeing a physical therapist which honestly is such a good thing in so many ways

Gus has taken a liking to my new chair. 

And Miles is growing up so fast.

I have been stitching and reading when time allows. I will share the two things I have stitched on since my last post. 

The shells...
there are six in the piece and I have completed 2 of them...

The Ole Florida Sampler is coming along too. I am still undecided about any backstitching. 

I love this sampler and the house reminds me of the house my dad lived in. He was the middle son.

My other big project that I have been working on for so long and it too was laid aside because of the events of the summer is my ancestry book. I have finally finished my side and am now am working on Jeff's side. I am super proud of the work I put into it. The kids like it and we are planning a trip this summer to the cemeteries where their great great great great grandparents are buried. I don't know if I will be able to go as far back as I did on my side because both of Jeff's parents are gone and there just may not be the resources available to me as I had. Jeff's mom did leave me a hand written account of her maternal line that should prove to be helpful. I may share this material in a post down the road sometime.

That my friends has been January in a nutshell. Too cold to do all the things I really enjoy but getting some stuff done that I wanted to get done too. Not to bad if I do say so myself. 

I hope to catch up on my blog reading this weekend. I still say it is my favorite medium although there is a lot less of it going on these days. 



  1. I love that photograph at the end! That is really special! And that sampler is going to be really nice when it is done! Love all the other photos too...Miles really is growing and he looks a lot like his cousins! Such a cutie. And Gus looks quite happy in that chair! I know your plate is full right now, and even though we miss hearing from you more often, we certainly all understand. Family matters ALWAYS come first! Just be sure to take time out for you to do the things you enjoy when you can. Those pansies are amazing!!! Wow!! I hope you have a blessed and beautiful weekend. It will be chilly again next week, but not for long. We are blessed here in Florida to have short winters!! Blessings and hugs to you.

  2. That great big boy is baby Miles? You're sure? That was a surprise.

    1. I know ---he seems to be growing up faster than the other 2 grand boys.

  3. It is great to read about your January and see the projects you (and the fam) have been working on. Miles!!! Oh my gosh, they grow up so fast! Adorable little man! Gus is adorable too and looks good on your chair. Take care of yourself, Sandy. xo

  4. Like you I am glad for the warmer temps this week. Staying inside for a week is hard on us I did get a lot of organizing, stitching and reading done. And today I added another branch to my family tree on Ancestry. I made my tree public so that any of the family that wants to borrow information or photos can do so. I just picked up The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese ....that should keep me busy for while. And I am monogamously stitching Summer Moon by Plum Street!

  5. Sandy, I am glad you found someone for the camera and projector. It sounds like a winning situation for you both. What an adorable picture of Miles! Love Gus' expression! Glad it is warming up for you! Happy Friday and enjoy the weekend!

  6. Those pansies at your mother’s assisted living place really are showing off!! What a neat gal to buy your camera and projector! The sea wall project is something so foreign to me, since I've never lived on water. I learn things from you! Regarding your stitching, I really like the sea shells and the white flowers on the sampler.

    I’ve enjoyed the cold weather, as long as it does not include snow, ice, or hail. And that it doesn’t last too long!

  7. Sounds like you've had another busy month, Sandy! I'm so happy you found someone to purchase your photography equipment who will really use it and enjoy it. Lovely progress on your stitching and that photo of your father's growing up home is so interesting. Was he always a Florida resident? Miles is such a cutie--astonishing how quickly he's growing up.

    We got a break from our frigid weather of last week and enjoyed a day that reached 60 yesterday. It felt so wonderful to be outside again. I know that probably seems chilly to you, but to us, it's wonderful! Hope you have a relaxing Sunday and enjoy these last few days of January. Another year seems to be speeding by, doesn't it? Take care now ♥

  8. Sandy, how wonderful that such a deserving young photographer found her way to your old camera and projector. This post was a nice catch up. You've been very busy, and I'm glad for you that your winter weather is likely mostly behind you. While 20 degrees is expected here throughout the winter, it's cold to me, too. I can't imagine being prepared for that living in Florida.

  9. Hi Sandy: It has been very warm here this winter except for a couple of weeks in the beginning of December, 50s today, yikes the golfers are out today I am seeing many out the living room window.
    I am also cleaning and getting rid of stuff, it feels so good.
    So sorry it has been so cold.
    Good for you getting 75.00 for the camara, what goes around comes around, many things are making a comeback including Dimensions kits from places like Joann's.
    Great job on the wall, I bet it feels good to have it finished.



I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.