
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Winter Days

The best thing about January and winter are these amazing plants. Camellias rank up there as one of my favorite flowers, and the fact that they adorn the not so favorite months is a plus in my book.

Winter is here in northwest Florida and I do my best to enjoy it. I have learned over the last decade to make it the season of sorting out closets and starting up tasks that I might not do any other season of the year. It has worked for the most part. I have cleaned out one large closet and painted it which was a big win for me. I have been busy each day with other similar things to make the cold days more productive. 

Other than the usual chores and decluttering, I have stitched, read, and worked on some projects that would be good to get done while I can't get outside. The weather has been crazy here so having these projects has been good to distract from the lack of outdoor time. I thought about this thought the other day...I always wonder how people get so much cross stitching done. I think I have figured out the solution to that. Their house is in order and they aren't sentimental fools like me who have loaded their closets with stuff that should have been let go ages ago and they spend their winter days stitching all day. That is how they do it!

With that said, I must say my house is pretty orderly and my closets are so organized but the stuff in them is me not being able to unload things that should have left long ago. 

Exhibit A

Movie camera and movie projector complete with original paperwork. Both of these items were purchased by Mother in probably 1966 ---maybe '65. I have had them neatly tucked away for decades ....yep decades. They look brand new. Both even work. I never plan to make movies with the camera and I have sent off all of our home movies and had them placed on flash drives so I won't be pulling out the home projector any time soon for movie night. 

I have set a goal of trying to let go of that kind of item in 2024. Surely there is a collector out there who would love them. If not at the end of the year I suppose I will donate them. I don't really want to make tons of money but would rather sell them that donate them for some reason. I have advertised on Ebay already with no luck, so I am trying Facebook Marketplace. We will see what happens. Along those same lines, I really thought I had all pictures and movies and anything related in order until I pulled down the slide carousels from Jeff's parents downstairs. I thought they were empty and I was going to try and get those gone too. When I opened the boxes they were all full. I have already gotten them ready to send off to Legacy Box, so hopefully that is truly the last of that kind of thing. 

On our one closet that we pulled out and gave away a bunch of stuff and painted, I kept about 3 items and put on the top shelf. If they have not been used by June, I will rid myself of them as well. None of them are hurting anything, but I am just still reeling from clearing out 2 houses in 17 months and don't want things we will not use left for kids to clean out. 

Exhibit B

This is a handy dandy stacking container for food. I remember Mom using it in the 1960's for Homecoming at church, trips to the lakes or beach. She was going to get rid of 10 years ago when she moved down here and I picked it up and brought it home. Haven't used it once. It is really cool. I showed it to the kids who thought it was cool, but I bet none of us pull it out to use.


That is what I have been up to since the 1st. Jeff is finding his way too. I have kept him busy with some of that decluttering and sending him to Goodwill and the grocery store. I think he will have enough around here to keep him busy until he figures out how much outside of the home activity he wants. Then I think he will have more options that he probably even wants. 

We kept both Miles and Palmer for our first day back babysitting. They were angels together and honestly it was a really easy day.

So for some fun pictures. I have stitched a little on Miles's Advent calendar...

and on The Ole Florida Sampler. I am thinking that house needs some backstitching for definition, but am waiting until I stitch all around it.

I have been reading and working on the goal of finishing my ancestry book for my kids this winter. I have about 2 months so I am trying to set aside some time each week for finishing that up. I think I can do it if there are no big life interruptions.

That is the pretty boring life of Sandy, but I am contented with it for certain.

Oh and I left up my cardinals in the snow for January in the kitchen. Counter with my planner and papers that I was sorting didn't get moved for the picture. Real life!

Until next time, 


  1. Northwest Florida. Were you near the storms?

    1. Yes, we were just west of the tornadoes. Poor Panama City got it bad and it has only been 5 years since they had the Cat 5 hurricane. Many of the same streets were damaged. My daughter and her family live about 10 miles east of us and they had to run for the bathroom but it was just above them and didn’t come down. We just got really bad thunderstorms at our home. It looks like another round is forecasted for the beginning of next week. We will keep our eyes on it.

  2. Wonderful, newsy post. It is always so good to hear from you. In upstate SC, we had 3+ inches of rain on Tuesday. Lots of flooded streets and yards, trees down, and loss of power. More coming on Friday.
    Still, blessings abound! Karen

    1. We have more weather coming this next week with lots of cold. I am hoping the fruit trees don't get burned, but we will put out the heat lamps and hope for the best.

  3. Oh, I really don't keep up with the weather news like I should. We have friends in Panama City and their home was damaged in the Cat 5 hurricane. I hope that doesn't mean they got hit again this time. They are older (older than us) and I hate to think of them dealing with all that again.

    I wouldn't call it a boring life of Sandy at all. The boys look so adorable in that chair. I have a similar stacking food container that may have been used to take lunch to the hay field back in the day. And I love your winter cardinals!

    1. I am enjoying those cardinals so much. They are a Christmas stitch but they are too pretty to not get extended time on display. After I hit publish I kind of wondered if I could think of something to repurpose the stacking things for...some kind of storage. I may try to think on that.

  4. I've been hearing about your crazy weather down there, Sandy! Hope it clears up soon for you all!

    Good for you for using January to clean out and organize. I am not as much of a saver as you--my mom was great at just letting things go so I don't have a ton of her stuff around. I do have a lot of old dishware/glasses that I need to do something with. No one wants them so I guess they'll go to Goodwill. Sometimes I just give stuff to my sons and I know they get rid of it, but that's easier for me than if I had to get rid of it :)

    Glad Jeff is adjusting well--I'm sure you have plenty of projects for him. My husband, unfortunately, is so busy with his outside volunteer work that I can't seem to pin him down to do any projects at home. One way or another, I'm going to get this dining room painted this year, though--ha ha!

    Those boys are the cutest! So nice that the cousins live near each other and can grow up really knowing each other. Your cardinal piece looks lovely in your January kitchen and I'm glad you're finding some time to work on your stitching again. Hope your mom is having good days ♥

  5. I have three of the stacked metal picnic containers. I store spools of thread for embroidery and quilting. Great for storage. Miriam

    1. You know I thought of using them for some kind of storage shortly after I hit publish. They are really nifty. Maybe I can repurpose them for something.

  6. Thanks for this catch-up, Sandy!! De-cluttering...yes. Good for you and thanks for reminding me that I also need to get started on the same. The boys are adorable and your stitching always looks like perfection. Happy new year!

  7. I think you are wise to take on the closets and stuff during the winter months, Sandy. If you have a local camera store or photography club, you might see if they want the movie camera. The picture of Miles and Palmer is precious. Your stitching is looking good. Enjoy your Friday and the coming weekend!

  8. I would keep those cardinals up all year. They are beautiful!! We are expecting bad weather today so I am planning to stay home and I am going to work on my craft closet and do some finishing before sitting down to stitch this afternoon.( I am working on my coffee piece for the coffee bar. Stacy Nash.) Well at least you have Jeff to take things to Goodwill. If I have Marvin doing this sort of thing, he re claims things I am getting rid of!! So I try to take things on the I think it is probably easier having Miles and Palmer because they entertain each other. That is how it was with Margaret and Landon. Well I need to get that finishing started. Have a blessed day.

  9. Beautiful camera, it should sell well when the right buyer comes along. The cardinals are beautiful. I agree to keep them up all year.

  10. OH, that aluminum container for camping, etc., really brought back memories. My mother had one like that and we took it with us when we went camping on our trips up through the mountains every summer on our way to and from Ohio. She made good use of it for taking food for our trip. I had forgotten all about that until I saw yours. Wow. Thanks for the memories. The movie camera is a classic. I hope someone will take it! I guess it is outdated, but still... Love the picture of the two boys together. What sweeties. You are a busy lady and also very blessed. I know you know that. Praying for other situations you are dealing with. God is with you.

  11. I hope you weathered that terrible storm and didn't have any damage. I love old timey stuff but don't have room for it any more so I keep donating it to the thrift store! Feels good!

  12. The cabin on The Ole Florida Sampler is just beautiful! With temps here recently below zero, opening a post called Winter Days and seeing a lovely rose was quite the surprise. I imagine winter is particularly pretty in Florida. I'm glad you're feeling the blessings of your life, Sandy. It is a beautiful one. :)

  13. Oh, you are staying very busy! I just love the advent calendar! It's coming along very nicely! My mom also has so much stuff we need to go through. I'm thinking this may be a summer project for us. I know she would feel better if she could let go of some of her stuff. She feels so scattered, and I know it's partly because she has so many things she feels like she has to take care of around the home. Some of it could be eliminated if we clean out a bit. I'm sure retirement has been an adjustment for Jeff as well. I'm sure it takes a minute to build a new routine. I'm glad y'all have each other! Stay warm!

  14. My daughter has my moms aluminum container. She sorts craft supplies in it. I have to many supplies for it,


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