I have a degree in Home Economics Education from Auburn University. I was so sad to learn that they no longer have the degree program. During my first few years of teaching, I could see that it was not so vogue anymore. I quickly added areas of certification to secure my place in the working world.
My dream job was to be a county extension agent, however, marriage, kids, not living in an area that needed one, led to a different path. My husband often used to joke with me about my lack of cooking skills...with "you majored in home economics." Now I will be the first to admit, that I far more loved the decorating and sewing side of things. And...it is not that I don't love to cook, actually I do, but it takes a tremendous amount of time, and working and raising a family kept me booked to the max all the time. He seemed to enjoy it much more, so we worked out the deal for most of our 30 year marriage of ---he cooks and I clean. I actually love to bake! I love to sew and counted cross stitch, but those too have taken a back seat to a busy life.
I even have my old my textbooks. Me- packrat? - maybe - after all I am a teacher. |
I have spent 31 years in the classroom, 3 teaching home economics at three different schools, 25 teaching in grades first through sixth, and the final 3 as a science coach serving three schools in my district. I am about to embark on retirement as a public school teacher. I am looking forward to spending countless hours in my first love...home economics.
My goals are to cook more at home with meals that will put my husband and me on the track to good health. We are both a bit overweight, and I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I actually can't wait to plan our meals and couple it with exercise. I have a closet full of fabric just waiting for me to practice on all those sewing skills that I learned, but placed on the back burner for far too long. Sewing takes a lot of time and patience, something I haven't had for many years. Each summer, I would try and do something fun, but have to shut her down in August. I already have my first counted cross stitch project ready to go. It will be quite a project, a 20 X 24 heron. I am giddy just thinking about it. I want to organize my home and keep it running a bit more smoothly than I have. Finally, I want to spend time growing things and actually following through with tending it. I have a bit of a farmer in me, in that I love to plant and watch things spring up. I love roses, geraniums, angel wing begonias, house plants, but I want to dabble more with the vegetables.
Sewing closet just waiting to be opened. |
I have been more than blessed with my teaching career. It allowed me to work, but still have lots of time with my kids. We lived for those summers, and they stayed at a home very close to my work location with other teachers' kids. They were with me during their elementary years, and with their dad during their high school years. I have great memories, but I am looking forward to getting back to my roots as you might say.
Can't wait to tackle this! |