I didn't plan to be so long away from the blog, but September and June are often two of my busiest months. It is the months of the most family birthdays.
I am letting phone pictures guide the post.
One Saturday morning, I walked out to water my flowers on the back deck when I spotted dolphins. You can't help but stop to stare, so I rushed out to the end of the dock to spy two dolphins pass by. I am awful at trying to anticipate how long they will stay under and then pop up, but I managed one picture to share.
Even Gus was quiet to watch them pass.
I got a sweet present from Arlene for my birthday.
She sent me some of her linen that she had dyed. I already started a stitch on one and have another plan for another. Thanks Arlene.
I also got some sweet cards lined up in the background.
Then one night before the first official day of fall I was lured out to gawk at the full moon on the bayou. I so wish I could take a picture to show you how bright and beautiful it was.
The next picture is of my sweet Tucker. They had a sale at Target and Lindsay managed to get a Marshall of Paw Patrol costume for $10. It is almost too small but I told her he will enjoy it enough even before Halloween to be worth it. If you don't have a preschooler then you may not know that Paw Patrol is IT for them.
He LOVED the costume.
He had to FaceTime to show me all the parts of the costume.
Someone is 2 months old.
The entire family went to Auburn for the weekend. It was Lindsay's birthday on Saturday so we made a family weekend of it.
The weather was amazing and I can tell you that nothing warms my heart better than having the family together.
When we arrived I found that Katie had decorated the stairwell chalkboard. They had been up there a few weeks ago and she had been informed that anytime she was there and wanted to do it that it was hers to do. I discovered about a year ago that she had a knack for it.
Isn't it amazing?
Now for some closeups.
Jeff, Mother and I went up on Thursday afternoon, so I had time to hang up my "Lord's Prayer" stitch. You can't really tell, but it looks amazing on the wall with my samplers and verses.
It is the on the bottom left. |
Jeff had time to think of things he wanted to do for the weekend, so he comes walking out of Home Depot with "Bones." Then he set it up so that if the kids came in from the garage or around the side of the house they would see him. Jeff loves things like this. He absolutely loves his family too.
Tucker is finally getting big enough for the little fort out back. He can't climb up in it on his own yet, but loves being helped.
We now have darts, a basketball goal and new additions of a ping pong table and corn hole to keep the family active and having fun while watching football on the outside TV.
We grilled out, played games, watched football and on Saturday night made a fire to enjoy and make Smores.
I wish I had taken more photos but you know sometime you just want to be in the minute. I will post some of the littles and some I snatched from Lindsay's Instagram account to record the moments shared.
I am about to blow up the computer with pics and they are NOT in timeline order because I do NOT feel like fighting the blogger battle of photos tonight.
I just want to get it all recorded...
This is Tucker on his way home with a swollen upper lip because he busted it running.
From Lindsay's account...
Me and the grandsons on Saturday morning.
Lindsay and Tyler took the kiddos downtown to take some pictures at Toomer's Corner and Samford Hall.
Mom with Palmer while Lindsay and Tyler took Tucker to the ballgame for the first half. Tucker loved the eagle flying.
Gus letting Katie spoil him even more rotten.
Palmer on the way home.
Another pull from Lindsay's account.
Tucker with some famous Toomer's lemonade.
This is part of us in the backyard. Our really good friends who we have been friends with forever joined us for the day. Tucker and Mother were napping and Jeff being silly covered Palmer up. Lots of fun was had and good memories were made.
This is the stuff of life that makes it worthwhile.
So so blessed,