I really wanted to record a little life and do some of that "chatting" we all love even if we don't do that on blogs anymore. Everyone has gone to other medias, but I still love chatting on blogs when I am in a chatty mood.
Jeff, Mother and I were sitting at the kitchen table the other day and we got to watch an exciting event. Oh how I wish I were a nature photographer! An osprey landed on the pine tree limb right next to the deck with a fish in his grip. The fish flopped with the osprey holding it firmly. When the flopping stopped he started munching down. I am glad most of my meal was down because even though it was spectacular to watch I wasn't so hungry after watching him munch on that fish.
I tried to snap a few pictures with my phone through the kitchen window which does have a screen on it. I knew if I moved too much or went out the door he would fly off.
Never a dull moment. If you don't see ospreys in your neck of the woods here is a link to them... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osprey I see and HEAR them daily. They have a very unique sound.
I went to bed on Sunday evening thinking we would have a tropical storm on Monday. Schools were canceled. I checked the track and it had moved east and was going into Cape San Blas later in the day. Because it was only a storm I didn't think we were going to get anything. I was right. We hopped in the truck to go check out the beach.
Pretty big waves and it had come up to the walkways so it is just a reminder that it is just a tropical storm that does that. So grateful that is all it was for anyone. Too much going on to even process the bad.
Trust me when we have a light hearted post I am well aware of so much hard going on. Sometimes we just need an escape so that is what we will have here today.
On Monday, when Lindsay went to her first physical therapy, I had a dentist appointment and he was off from work so he watched the boys for Lindsay.
I mean it doesn't get any better than this.
I know many are starting to think about fall from the stitching and fall clothes popping up in my Instagram account, but I am still fully deep in summer. I am not in any way ready to put out fall decor. I see that light trying to change on me and I am saying to it each evening, "NO...stop...wait just a little longer!
That said, I an old school fashion rule follower. I know many of you are rolling your eyes and if you knew how I really rolled around here daily you would give me no credence to any thoughts I share. I like my gym shorts and little cotton Talbots or LLBean tees way too much to be a fashionable lady anymore. I do however still have pride in how I look and try to spiffy up for my few outings such as Publix, the doctor's office and church.
I say Talbots tees and LLBean tees because I don't really like t-shirts much. I am so short and small at the top but have a little 60 year old tummy that I find all those t-shirts with the cute sayings never fit me well. I ordered two v-neck tees from LLBean this spring and I have lived in them this summer. They were in petite and had a womanly fit without being tight. CAN'T do tight...nope.
All that preface to show you my thoughts after Labor Day when you live in a climate where there will be no real fall until December.
I won't wear white, seersucker, linen or the like after Labor Day. I wear it like it is going out of style from Easter until Labor Day though. I have worn white slacks to church this summer until I am sure people are talking about me. "Does that girl have any other color pants?"
With no seasons, I use the holidays to change the colors of my tops. I wear a ton of pinks and blues in the summer, but come the days after Labor Day I change to more fall colors. Oh they are still cool weather tops. Here are three (a little sampling) that will get a lot of wear in September.
Again the photography skills are just plain awful and I have a great iPhone. I am just not one to get it right.
The colors are not as they are so let me talk afterwards.
The one on the left will get so much wear during the fall months because it is so comfortable and the just right shade of brown for a "Winter" color. Remember the colors of the 80s. I am a winter. The tee is probably 20 years old. It is when Talbots really had such good quality. The middle shirt is olive and I will wear and layer it with a cardigan when I go to a restaurant. Not going out so much right now...besides that ugly V word and no workers, we really stay home mostly. The navy one will also get a lot of wear.
See these look like fall and are still fitting with the weather I will be dealing with for months to come.
Another thing: purses. I have written extensively about my love for purses on the blog. I even have a label in my list for that:)
It will be time to switch out from the summery bags to the fall bags.
When I taught I spent far too much money on purses and schoolbags. I have now cleaned them out and set a limit on how many I can have in my closet. If something new comes in something has to leave. I had 12 when I saw the straw bag below on eBay. I had so wanted a straw bag, when I found this gem. It is an Aigner from way back when. It was in mint condition. I don't think anyone had ever used it. $20. I have so enjoyed it this summer.
I got rid of two Spartina 449 purses to purchase this one so now I am down to 11. One is really more sentimental than anything else.
I will soon change out to this Fossil purse that is 20 years old.
I actually like a smaller size more these days. I must tell you my love for purses found a much needed cure when I found the bag talked about
here. This one is pure perfection for someone retired. I honestly use it 90 % of the time.
So while I am not ready for fall decor I am realizing it is coming because the light is reminding me and Labor Day is right around the corner and my old school fashion rules remind me to do certain things.
I am going to hang on to my shells for longer than anyone else out there in the virtual world of social media though.
Stitching some sunflowers a few years back helped me there.
Let's talk books: I have read a couple of really good books this calendar year but boy have I picked up a couple of doozies this year too. I am utilizing my library now so at least I didn't buy it and feel sick to my stomach over a poor purchase. I picked up one the other day on the new release shelf that I had seen someone talking about on Instagram. This was not someone I knew- just a decorator I follow. My stars---y'all. If I had read a few pages I would never have left with it. I didn't get three pages in before my eyes were burning. It was just not for me. Honestly ---no wonder our country is in the shape it is if people are filling their mind with that darkness.
Anyone out there with some good books lately? new or old.
I hope you enjoyed some lighthearted reading in this crazy time we are in.
Here are the boys in their matching shirts. Probably a lot more of that in their future.
A onsie and a t-shirt with sharks and an orange pocket.
We need more baby pictures with the events going on... |
Gus says hello too. He has an appointment with a professional groomer next week.
"Come let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God." ---Psalm 95:6-7a