It seems many clever bloggers have named these posts where you just talk about thinks floating around in the ole noggin. I have yet to come up with one until maybe early this morning.
My thoughts were all over the place and I couldn't help but think of rabbits darting and then a rabbit hole, so....
Join me on a rabbit hole of thoughts and maybe this will be my new thinking post name.
Yes, I know that is prairie dogs, but the illustration came to mind when I was thinking about rabbit holes. It comes from an old science book. |
I love planners and calendars...kind of right up there with my love of purses for which I have whittled down my obsession a bit. The past few months have had me thinking I might need to do the same with my love of planners and calendars.
Pam of Closed Doors, Open Windows mentioned that she was having trouble keeping up with the day of the week and might need to start putting an x on the day passed, well, she really did get my thoughts going, so hang on tight.
My first thought was --- "Yep, I could totally relate." I had a vet appointment scheduled one day and showed up the the day
before at the appointed time. The sweet little girl who works there walked out before I even got in with Lemony and said, "Mrs. Palmer, your appointment is tomorrow at 5:00." As soon as she said it, I knew I was there on the wrong day. Honestly, I was so jumbled that week and stressed with Mother that I sort of felt like I didn't know if I was coming or going. So no surprise when she told me that.
I went back home and of course Jeff wondered why I was back so quickly. I told him what I had done and that I had my days so mixed up.
He took it as insult since he is still working and counting down the weekdays to weekends.
When Pamela, mentioned the crossing off if days,
I began to ponder whether I needed to start "X-ing" my days off the calendar or find a place in the home to write, the day of the week and the date like I did daily in my classroom on the board.
Good grief!
I quit "X-ing" out days when I retired because I didn't think I should count days anymore ---no more countdowns so to speak. Just enjoy each one!
Basically, my JUNE days have been too full with stuff that is less than fun and has worn my brain out.
Anyway, all that mumbo jumbo thoughts led to thinking about planners and calendars and I had already been thinking I was going to make a change for the next year in my choice of one.
Image from Pinterest... My love of calendars started with these from Hallmark way back in the early 70s. |
About 2013, I discovered these very pretty but pricey planners. I was still working and had the money to spend on them and so I sort of got addicted to them much like purses.
I eagerly purchased one each year and did my "X-ing on the monthly spread and wrote lots and lots of lists on the daily pages.
Did mention how much I love to make lists and and cross things off? No checking them, off ---I like to cross them off. You can still see them if you just check them off.
Are you seeing my crazy come out here?
From Pinterest |
I have decided I NO LONGER need the kind of planner that I have been spending big money to buy.
I plan to go back to a monthly spread only that just comes from a regular frills...inexpensive to keep all my appointments and important dates and then a notepad to make lists.
I could go back to this idea...
Hubby started buying me a dog calendar each Christmas for the refrigerator way back when. I stopped him when the kids left home, but maybe I should just renew that gift idea.
I hated throwing away the pictures so I stuck them in the front and back pockets to notebooks.
Double the enjoyment.
For one more story about calendars, Kristan, our one and only niece got a very cool calendar one year from Christmas from Nana ( my mother-in-love). She didn't care one iota about it, so when all the presents were opened and Nana wasn't looking I got the calendar from her. I gave her something for the exchange and that calendar's pictures graced my fall science bulletin board for the next 20 years.
It was a National Geographic calendar that I am sure had come in the mail free to Nana and she thought, "Oh, I will just save this for Kristan." They had perfect pictures of animal groups which was perfect for my 4th grade curriculum.
Here is the book that I taught from that was my most absolute favorite science book ever to teach from and where the prairie dog picture came from. I kept a copy of it...
Oh my, I have exposed too much of myself with this post,
but the next rabbit hole post will be a little less crazy. Maybe I will do a rabbit hole post on stitching thoughts floating around in my noggin this summer.
I may not be able to do a rabbit hole post in the sense that others do multiple thoughts because I love a story and I can't stop with a few words.
BIG problem here.
I am serious ---my mind is overdrive lately. It is like it quit working back in midMarch and now it is trying to process it all pronto.
Speaking of Kristan, her family is due in tomorrow from Houston. We can't wait. We only get to see them at Thanksgiving and in June mostly. We are having a cookout over here on Saturday so super excited. I am letting the kids handle it for once. I don't think I have to do anything except maybe snap some pictures this time.