I wasn't really ready to take down the June cottage since the redo was just up a couple of days. I guess I am not really ready for July either, but there is no slowing down time.
I love July's cottage. Red, white, and blue is always a good thing.
Now for some random musings.
Below is the Hoosier cabinet that belonged to my great grandparents. I really should have moved one of the doors so you could see the sifter. We have to finish putting it together and plan to sand it down some because it has been painted along the way.
That hideous rug is still there. |
It is sitting in the farmhouse. As you can see, I have done nothing to the place.
I have two excuses reasons that I will use...
One is just plain lack of motivation lately. I just got sidetracked with Mother and life that I kind of felt like I was doing good to keep one house going let alone think about something else.
The second I have failed to mention, but will let you in on because of the piles of stuff behind the cabinet.
My daughter and son-in-love are in a transition place. They had to move out of their rental quickly at the end of May. They won't know until the end of the summer if they are going to stay here in Fort Walton Beach or move to Jacksonville.
I will be in a state of serious depression if the latter happens. No, seriously, I want what is best, but I am hoping the Lord wants them here.
In order to keep them from having to find another place quickly or pay for storage, we moved all of their furniture to the farm where there is plenty of space. There is stuff everywhere. Tyler works in Jacksonville during the week and Lindsay is here.
They moved in
downstairs which was killing them as they are very self-sufficient motivated kids. It just seemed pointless to throw money away when downstairs is like an apartment anyway. Hubby's sister made her feel better about it when she reminded her that many years ago, she and Uncle Al and Kristan had lived down there for about 6 months when they were building their house.
Big houses can be useful...hard to clean, but useful.
I do think Paul Allen is struggling with his sister in his stomping grounds...I have promised I will return it to its former look when they leave.
And that should be at the end of August.
Back to the farm.
The fig tree is loaded. I don't like figs. Mama does, so I told her she could eat to her belly was full.
In the last week or so, I started thinking about the farmhouse again. This fall I will try and get motivated again.
I have brought a few things from home such as the pitcher and bowl and the ducks.
I bought two of the lanterns on sale at Kirklands and the birdhouses. I plan to paint the birdhouses. I don't know what color yet.
I am letting the colors in the curtains I hung above the kitchen sink in the farmhouse guide me.
Basically, that means blue, green, red, and yellow. More of one color in one room and more of a different color in another room.
There are two of these baskets there. I like both.
I told you this was random.
That was only part of the bell peppers we grew.
I am going to have to do a whole post on what I have learned about gardening this summer.
I bought some fabric this weekend to redo some pillows for that gingham sofa at the farmhouse.
It has red in it...
Oh, and I have decided to bring home the painting that we have at the cabin at the lake to put above the gingham sofa. It has a red barn. The print above the sofa is gorgeous, but not for the sofa. I will find another use for it.
Gingham sofa with pillows that will be recovered. |
I will have to find something more appropriate for the lake to replace the barn painting.
Only picture I had of the print of the red barn. |
I took the barn print there years ago, because I loved the picture. We had it hanging at our former house and it just didn't go in a house of the bayou/bay.
More randomness...
I came home from the farm on Saturday to one of my most favorite casserole dishes in the world on the floor and broken.
Responsible parties below.
The Golden actually might be remorseful.
I was so sad. It was a wedding gift from a couple who were my Sunday School teachers at Auburn.
It wasn't part of any china set, but I loved it. I don't think the broccoli and rice casserole that my family loves has ever been served in any dish other than that one.
They should both have sad faces.
Even more random....
I finished reading Killing Reagen tonight. I liked it very much. I actually haven't read any of the Killing books by Bill O'Reilly, but I liked this one. At some point down the road, I might choose to read the one on General Patton.
It is quiet here on this July 4th weekend. The kids all had other plans. Lindsay and Tyler are in Jacksonville for the weekend and Paul Allen has a long time friend in town for the weekend, so this set of parents is sad and lonely.
Proud to be an American even if it is quiet on the homefront,