After spending a few days in Auburn, I feel rested and refreshed. I think I am ready to tackle a New Year.
As promised, here is the finished picture of the clock I did very quickly for Lindsay.
I know it has been odd weather in lots of places and if you looked at this photo I took in Auburn you wouldn't think it was hot. It looks wintery. I snapped on a walk with Gus. The first two days were quite sunny and warm, but the last two were cloudy and warm. Nevertheless, I was there to unwind, clean a wee bit and just have some quiet time.
The trees are such a different landscape from home. Almost all the leaves on the trees around our house were on the ground.
A change of scenery is good for one sometimes. I really just wanted some quiet unrushed time. Mother decided not to go. I don't think she rests well when she is away from home and I got lucky in that her brother came and stayed with her for two of the days and then her sister for the other two. I got a much needed vacation and didn't have to worry about her.
The following picture is an interruption to the Auburn trip, but Lindsay sent this to me while I was up there. My my that boy is so cute.
Does anyone else miss the old version of blogger when you could upload all the pictures and then put them into your post without the hassle that it seems to be these days? Or is just me doing something wrong?
Back to Auburn. We did take in a basketball game. That was not on our original agenda, but Lindsay and Tyler gifted us two tickets to the Auburn/LSU game. It was a great game and we had a blast. Our tickets were in a good place for old folks who didn't need to much breathing of germs on us, so hopefully all is ok. I think we have already passed the number of days to come down with it.
Now, back to my walks in Auburn. Many of you may remember
the post I did on all the many colored doors in the neighborhood. This house was a favorite from that post with many commenters. It recently went up for sale and I was completely in shock over the inside pictures on the listing. For such a traditional home, the inside obviously had an artsy person. Every wall was a different and very bright color. It was quite overpowering. I actually found it hard to see the layout of the home over the wall colors and
this from a girl who loves color.
Anyway, homes in this neighborhood rarely stay on the market past two weeks no matter what is going on in the housing market. It sold and the door has been changed. Based on the door color, I am guessing the house has been toned down inside as well.
I left Auburn feeling rested and refreshed. The few days away were just what I needed. This morning we got up early and took a beach walk before things get hectic again. Our church was only going to be online today so we could watch at our discretion. It was a beautiful early morning and this time I dressed appropriately for the temperature. I even waded in the water.
Yes, that is odd even for our area. While we were strolling we saw lots of odd things on the beach. We watched out step until we figured out what they were.
I will let you see if you can figure it out before I give it away.
We passed several of these before we finally came up on some with the tentacles trailing.
Have you figured it out yet? I certainly didn't think they were around here.
A very long tentacle made Jeff proclaim, "
Portuguese man o' war." We looked it up and yes, he was right. Later in the day, it was confirmed by the local news guy.
The surf was quite rough with a southerly warm wind which is going to meet a northerly cold wind somewhere along the south tonight. That means someone is probably not going to have a good night. I am praying all will be smoother than is expected.
We took a very long walk. As we were headed back in the other direction the sun was popping out.
I have been in reflection mode as per my personality being the end of a calendar year. I know that '22 has the possibly of some tough times for us.
Anyway, in this time I couldn't help but think with a lot going on I was really going to have to be disciplined this year with taking care of myself. I don't know that I really pick words of a year, but when something comes across my mind like this did I try to incorporate it in my life.
A while back I mentioned
the word streamline came to me rather than simplify. That simple shift in my mind from one word to another made a significant difference in some things.
A smoothie for breakfast for my disciplined eating plan. |
As I pondered the word discipline I came across a podcast where the guy said discipline was no good without motivation. I chewed on that a day or two and I agree that he is correct, but I still think discipline is the idea I want to incorporate. I need to adhere to my strict dietary plans for good health with two autoimmune conditions. I know it is vital for health. I also need to keep up some form of exercise and movement to keep those joints lubricated. There is always a balance there for me with rheumatoid arthritis. There is a happy amount of exercise and there is a too much which leads to rest instead of forward progress.
A well disciplined life is in order. I am hanging onto that thought as I head into the new year to guide me.
While I was relaxing in Auburn, I was reading and the word humble jumped off the page at me. I asked the Lord if I was prideful. I didn't think so, well not much anyway:) but if He was telling me so then I would be on notice and trying to pay attention to it.
Today when I finally sat down to watch our church's message I found out why that word was on my mind. The message today was all about what to avoid; that being pride.
The gist was understanding my place before a God that is BIG and HOLY.
1 Peter 5:5 says... You younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
He talked about the "clothe yourselves with humility" part and likened it like putting on a servant's apron. The analogy was about a particular garment worn by servants in that time period. Just a reminder to put on humility each day towards others and giving God His due in respect to who He is.
Apparently the Lord thought I needed to be tuned in to this as well so I am listening and hopefully will apply this where needed.
A song from today's service stuck in my head too.
Here were a few lyrics that caught my eye and ear. .
I stand on the chain-breaking
Powerful name of Jesus
On the body-raising
Powerful name of Jesus
I want to focus on those lyrics too along with discipline and humility.
Winter will find me working a long list of projects around the house. I am in no hurry. I will do them as I can. I have already been a polishing doors and furniture. It is getting shiny here.
That is all I have time for tonight.