Thursday, December 14, 2023

Christmas Tour 2023 Part 2

We move in past those glass doors in the distance to the rooms that most of our time is spent in other than sleeping. There is  a new chair in the mix in this room, so shall we get started?

The burgundy recliner gave up the ghost and that sent us on a search and thoughts of a new chair to replace it.
The day I took the pictures it was so cloudy, so I am sorry about the quality of my photos. I am not a photographer. Maybe after Christmas I can talk Jeff into taking my blog photos!
The chair on the right is the new one. It is smaller and spins. The one on the left used to be on the right and was considered my chair. It is very large and I couldn't touch the floor when sitting in it not even with a pillow behind it. I brought the idea  to Jeff that he might like it and we could get a smaller one for me. He once had a chair like this and an ottoman. We had a leather set forever here and he liked it. 

Now, I would honestly love a good old fashioned wing back chair but I decided to stay with the look we have achieved in here. The chair doesn't look that much smaller but it is not nearly as deep and I can sit and keep my feet on the floor. Ha Ha. I brought home the fabric we chose and laid it against every item in that room since the goal was to tie things together. I love the pattern and the chair. Not sure about Gus since we don't fit as well together as we did in the big chair.

Now, the funny thing is when we got it in the room, we tried them out and decided that the new patterned chair looked better in the opposite position that pictured here. SO...we thought one evening we would try sitting in new positions and see if we liked it and then we could swap our belongings. Well Folks, that lasted maybe 15 minutes and we looked at each other and decided looks weren't everything. We are both quite attached to our spots in the room.

I have a pillow cover ordered for a lumbar pillow that I already had to go in my new chair. I just like a lumbar pillow.

Now, back to Christmas tour. The tree is lovely. 

One of the best things about this room is the placement of the tree. 

Full of old and new ornaments... 
The gold one and the icicle are from Mom's ornaments.

Along with the blue one below...

And I just stitched myself one of those little reindeer with the cardinals on his back...

Pulling out all the old favorite decorations is always fun. My little drummer boy that I repaired 2 years ago.

Whether it is all the reindeer that my mother-in-law picked up at all the craft shows of the 80's and 90's, or the little tins, or the candle holders, or the wooden tree that Paul Allen decorated with glitter in preschool so many years ago --all hold such special memories.

I shortened the garland above the palm tree print this year. It looks so much better. Don't know why I didn't see that the last 2 years.

Oh and tucked away in the reindeer cart is my little Christmas carol stitches. 

The stack of Christmas books on the table is another fun thing to pull out. Miles is taken with the baby Jesus. He points to it all the time. I don't think it is because it is Jesus but just a baby. He will learn though.

Turning towards the kitchen which is in heavy use all the time especially keeping grands. Almost couldn't find time to capture a photo. AND lo and behold it has had a change.

A good change. Mother asked if she could take the tree to her place. I had thought about taking it to her but didn't think she would say yes. When the decorations started going up over there and by the way it is so pretty over there she thought of it. I took it up and set it on a table right as you walk in to her room. It can be seen immediately if someone opens her door. She has kept it on so that is awesome. 

I kept the scene here the same and just replaced the tree with a little oval Christmas plate that I had and all is well.

I am just loving all my stitches lined up. The cardinals are bringing me joy, so they will probably stay up through January.

That is the end of the tour, but the reading glasses made me think to update you on my eyes. I finished my drops on Tuesday. A month long regimen of drops is over and done. Reading glasses are not on the top of my head nor hanging from my shirt. 


I don't have to have them to read my phone, my computer, or even a book. I do occasionally need them so I am laying a pair in strategic places and keeping a pair in my purse for the occasional need. I still have to have to stitch or sew but I didn't think that I would ever not have them on my body somewhere. I have my eyes officially tested next week. I am thinking I am all good. 

My completed drops chart. 31 days of drops!

I think it took doing both eyes to see the best results. Now they are still 63 year old eyes and I miss the eyes of my youth, but I miss a lot of things (smooth and toned skin for one). Aging gracefully is important too. There are many beautiful older women. 

Last note on Christmas decorations. I see so many pictures out there of garland that I love, but I know that if I added one more thing to my house I would be overwhelmed. The art of loving your decorations is to know when to stop and to put out what you love.  I love nothing more than looking at a Christmas magazine, but I also love to be realistic and enjoy what I do. Even when I lived in a smaller home, I lived by that rule. I can feel overwhelmed by too much quickly and be ready to take it all down rather than just do a smaller amount and love it. 
January will be here before we know it and possibly the only thing about I like about winter is a clean slate with decluttering and deep cleaning.

I hope to have a Christmas stitch ready to share next week.


  1. Love your decorations, sometime less is more. I've already decided that once mine are down I will be donating some, I haven't got loads but our house isn't that big and as you say it can feel overwhelming.
    I love to have a good clean once Christmas is over too, everything feels fresher and lighter after the decorations, extra food and of course the presents!

    1. I can't wait to put it all up, but I am more than ready to put it all away when Christmas is over and have that nice clean look. Thanks for dropping by Maggie.

  2. I love it ALL! Especially the little reindeer holding your stitches! How cute! You have a beautiful home, and the Christmas decor just makes it even better! So glad your eyes are doing much better. I know you are glad to have that done and behind you. Yay for no reading glasses!

  3. Your decorations all look fabulous and your new chairs look quite comfy!! That bay/alcove is the perfect spot for your tree! Made for it!! I marvel at all the stockings hanging on your hearth. Santa has a big job to do filling all of those!! Love it and you!! Merry Christmas!

  4. Tour part 2 was as fun to see as part 1. Love your reindeer pieces; they remind me of some at my grandmother's. Your new chair looks fabulous. What type of lumbar pillow do you use? I was complaining about deep seats on the 'lounge' at the car dealership last week. Have a wonderful weekend, Sandy!

  5. Your home is lovely and your view cannot be beat. I would think I was on vacation all the time. Oh home decorating is always a puzzle. If you change one thing, then you think you need to change something else.:) I have gone simpler this year as well. I enjoy watching the home tours of each room decorated for Christmas but honestly I just do not have the energy. I am glad your Mama wanted a tree....that says a lot!!

  6. Oooh, I loved the second part of the tour, too. Your new chair is beautiful! I need to put some ribbon on some small stitches I finished several years ago and put them on the tree. I keep thinking I'm going to make a larger collection and I can display them together in a bowl, but that isn't happening quick enough. I would like to ask if you have the type of lenses in your eyes now that can see both distance and near? I don't know how soon I'll need cataract surgery, but I am starting to collect information from real live people. :)

  7. Yes, we do get used to the placement of our fav chairs — the perspective the location gives us for the TV, conversation, etc. I get that.

    And you know I am short of stature like you, so finding chairs that fit our shortness can be challenging. I get that, too.

    Your home is always (at all times of the year) so beautiful and comforting. Your bay window for the tree is PERFECT.

  8. I enjoyed your latest portion of your home tour, Sandy! And the new chair looks very comfortable and just your size. I had to laugh at your comment about Miles being so interested in baby Jesus as my little grandson is the same--he's constantly pointing him out when he sees a manger scene :) He is having a little Christmas pageant at his preschool on Tuesday. I so wish I could see it, but he did do his rendition of "Go Tell It on the Mountain" for us--complete with a little bow at the end. That's so nice that your mother wanted a tree--she must be very comfortable and feel very safe in her new place. I'm sure it is a load off your shoulders knowing that help can be there any time of the day for her. So glad you are seeing so well now. I know I'll come to that point in the next 10 years or so and I'm not looking forward to the surgery. Hope your countdown to Christmas is going well ♥

  9. Merry Christmas Sandy and family: Thank-you for sharing your lovely decorating, I like to decorate for Christmas, I too tone it down, when we were younger, we did the whole house even the bathrooms and laundry room.
    I miss my wing back chairs, your chairs look very comfortable, I am 72-year-old woman and have short legs, I sometimes feel like a child if my feet do not touch the floor.
    Christmas and Easter are my favorite Holidays, so much to enjoy and appreciate, God has truly Blessed us.

    Merry Christmas


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