Sunday, December 29, 2024

Battery Life: 10 Percent: Time to Recharge

One of my Christmas presents that I turned into a new prayer journal. Isn't it cute?

December found me feeling incredibly blessed and a little melancholy at the same time. It has been a beautiful month. Our Decembers along the coast are usually overcast and so foggy in the evenings. This December has blessed me with mild temperatures and sunny days. All that makes it hard to understand my feeling somewhat off my game. I wasn't really blue, but just at times it seemed like I wanted to slow down and just go backwards a few months if that makes sense. I wasn't quite ready for Christmas I suppose.

The foggy night came in last night with terrible weather all across the south. We were fine but I did wake up at 3:00 to loud winds and rain. 

Let’s move on…

I enjoyed Christmas. We celebrated on the 23rd with all the usual fanfare. Same good food and same traditions. Three boys leading the charge; all old enough to demand that they be the first to open a present in our round robin tradition. Paul Allen came up with the compromise to let all 3 boys open a present at the same time in the rotation. They were pleased with the idea and went at it with great gusto as one can imagine that has been around little boys. Oh and Carol, I think I am going to go with your method  of using bags next year except for my girls who appreciate a pretty wrapped package

It is virtually impossible to get all 3 boys to look at the camera at the same time.

I took lots of candid photos which I think I am going to pass on showing because I have so many thoughts to write. However, one that I will share is Gus in Aunt Donna’s lap. He is a lapdog and the only lap he could find to sit on who wasn’t opening presents in a comfy chair was Donna.

Christmas Eve was church and  dinner out with Lindsay, Tyler and the boys. Something I have never done on Christmas Eve is eat out. Christmas Day was brunch with the kids. Really good times and so blessed. The 26th ---take it all down and put my house back in order. That is me!!!

Here it is the end of another year and I feel like the years are from Star Trek flight logs. I mean 2025

I am in reflection mode as usual this time of year. 

What went well? 

My cleaning schedule. Other than my one day when talk of moving hit me like a ton of bricks I have found in deep thought that my home is organized and I have a handle on keeping it tidy and clean. I am not going to lie —- that took some time after retirement to feel like this. I have declutterred all I am going to other than the usual keep a basket handy to discard things as I come across them in daily life. What I have in closets is organized, well labeled and should we move I will make big decisions then - but for now I am just going to live.  I have a good cleaning schedule that works for me. Those are very personal I think, but I have leaned into my strengths and weaknesses. I clean 2 rooms a day. A major room and a minor room. A major room is the family room, one we really use and live in. A minor room is one not as visited like a secondary bedroom. I try to hit the surfaces with a duster, vacuum thoroughly, and rotate some deeper cleaning things when it is the day for that room. What I have found is that by being diligent and sticking to the plan I don’t have nearly as much of that heavy cleaning to do -aka spring cleaning. I still have projects, but home ownership means you always have those things.

The Bible Recap. I would have to say this was amazing for me. I linked it for reference. It was just perfect for me this year, so much so that I am doing it again for ‘25. It is a chronological reading of the Bible in a year; then you listen to a recap. Easiest way to read the Bible in a year ever! It is not a theological podcast, but just simply a recap and sometimes  if there are differing theological viewpoints those will be noted with links to study the viewpoints. What drew me to it last December was the fact that I was sick of reading study books from people. I just wanted God’s Word. You can buy a book and read but I preferred the podcast for the recap. I got up each morning his year and after wetting my eyes and  taking my thyroid meds headed outside to the porch or sat at the kitchen table and read my assigned Scripture. Then while getting dressed for the day, I listened to the recap. Jeff usually heard it while I was doing all this so when the narrator, Tara Leigh Cobble spoke of people joining in with the New Testament he did just that. He gets up much earlier than me so by the time I hit play I never had to worry about him not being ready. He is jumping in for the whole Bible with me on the 1st. I would say it was a huge hit for me in ‘24.

The hard stuff of ‘24 does not make me unusual. We all have hard stuff at times in life. It is how I react which some days I do pretty good and some days not so much. I think that makes me human and normal.

Watching Jeff with Parkinson’s is not easy and will not be easy going forward. One thing I have learned is I am not able to research outcomes. That goes against every bit of my usual self. I love researching and being abreast of all things. In this situation, I have found it sends me down a dark hole. I am going to have to just go forward without the facts laid out for me. I will have to take it as it comes. There are good days and months and there are days not so fun to watch… worse for him I am sure. We have a good doctor, a strong faith, good friends and we will put one foot forward at a time.

Watching Mama age is hard too. She is slowly deteriorating. She has good days and bad days. Sometimes I think she will live to be a 100 and other days when she is short of breath I am not so sure. Again, there are blessings, she has her mind or at least a good one for almost 90. 

Things I am planning to improve upon in '25. A plan for strength training, I have left that off too much this year and it is too important. I am setting a time each day and a more planned time hoping that I can manage it without a gym visit. However if the gym is needed I will squeeze it in. When I went to the gym pre grandchildren I was knocking it out. Going and using the machines makes it easy, but I so hate going. However, I am making it a top priority, so that all options are on the table.

I have many things to share from just the couple of days since Christmas that I did in the house so I will be back in '25.

I am going to take a little break for a few days, and then reconnect with all of you -my blogging friends who have held me up in prayer this year. I felt those prayers. 

I believe every day is a gift so I am resting these last few days of ‘25 in Auburn and heading back with a recharged battery for ‘25. 

Happy New Year Everyone,


Thursday, December 19, 2024

T'was the Week before Christmas

Back from the frame shop.

Trying to stay “not busy” during the month of December can be downright difficult. You can have all of your shopping done. I had all mine done when I decided today that I was going to get Mama something to wear even though she doesn’t need it. She has always loved new clothes, so I am going out this evening to find something. You can have all your presents wrapped. Yes, all of mine are wrapped … minus the one I plan to purchase this evening. Now, those presents are wrapped with pretty paper and all have a sticker label on them, but not one bow. I actually love wrapping presents and making them especially pretty for Lindsay and Katie who will notice, but this year hasn’t been normal and I am sort of feeling my age and stressed, so I figured wrapping was better as I bought the presents rather than one big long session when each of my days is subject to interruptions. I am doubting any bows are going to be added this year, but oh well. Maybe next year.


On my last post I think there are lots of thoughts and we are all right on our thoughts. Some love it and like me enjoy the china, and there are those of you who don’t care for it and that is A OK too. My sister-in-law falls in that camp. 

*But, my 2 cents is ladies, we should use that stuff and enjoy it! Use it and don’t worry if it ends up at a thrift store. I read a blog post once where a lady found a full set of my Silver Pines pattern and was thrilled with her purchase of it. Check it out.


Jeff and I went on a three day weekend trip to Auburn, Atlanta, Columbus, GA, and Calloway Gardens. If I am being truthful from the moment our good friends asked us to go I had strong reservations. Climbing stairs at a basketball game and walking the distances for the other activities sent me into panic mode for Jeff. But, he was determined we were going. When he said yes, he was having some really good weeks. I prayed and prayed and had to let it go. I prayed hat he would be able to do it and that if he was going to struggle that he would still be able to do this without complication. Days before our trip, I began to see a change in his gait again. Let’s say we made it through, but I don’t want to go to big cities anymore. Quieter activities will be best.  

I have one more thing planned going with friends. I bought tickets to see Sean of the South and Three on a String in Pensacola for the end of February. I will also not be so quick to go with friends in the future as well. I don’t want to friends to have to deal with us if he is having a bad time. We are blessed to have such good friends but I just don't want the unnecessary struggles. 

I have pictures that look like we are having the time of our life and while I did enjoy the festivities the truth is I was stressed to the max. 

Maybe at some point I can write about this new life I am in, but for now I just need to walk it a bit more.


December has been a lovely month. It is usually one of my least favorite months because a typical December is cloudy all day with pea soup fog at night. It has been mostly sunny and warm. The fall season in north Florida has never been more beautiful. The leaves this year are super colorful.  I am enjoying my Christmas decorations this year. I haven’t gotten ready to take it all down which usually occurs about this time…well, not the tree. I always like the tree.

We will be doing our family Christmas on the 23rd to help the children visit the other side of their families. We will do a brunch out at Lindsay’s on Christmas Day. Gotta see what Santa brought,

Then I hope to sit all day Christmas Day and stitch or read. Wish me luck.


One picture I wanted to share was my first year teaching school. For years I had heard they had built a big new school. While driving the back roads from Columbus to Calloway Gardens we happened upon it. Such a beautiful fall drive  BTW. I simply had to hop out and have a picture taken by the sign.

Which prompted a quick drive by the original school which is now a middle school. We drove around back to see the door that I used to go into. It was on the back of the school. Auto mechanics was to my left and I entered my home economics room right there...

We made it to an Auburn basketball game and to the Christmas lights at Calloway Gardens. In between all of this we have been attending flag football games and just one thing after another even though I have tried to keep it all low key.

I did enjoy it but it wasn't at all an easy weekend. Just truthful, but I am all good. Don't worry!!! I am blessed and looking forward to Christmas with my family.

Monday, December 16, 2024

The Memories of China Patterns

 Shall we talk about china patterns? I feel they are going out of vogue these days, but I have enjoyed many a celebratory meal on the china patterns I will share in this story.

My first pattern in this tale is that which belongs to Mother. I remember the day my mom first laid eyes on this pattern...

Crest Wood "Blossom Time" ---Ivory China made in Japan

The touch of green is so Mother.

We lived just above the Alabama/Florida line and did most of our big shopping in Pensacola. I honestly feel sometimes as if Pensacola is somehow a hometown since I spent so much time there. The store that was a go to for anyone in central Missippipi, Alabama, and Georgia as well as the Florida Panhandle was Gayfer's. Just speaking the name Gayfer's evokes strong emotions for people from the above areas. It began way back in the late 1800's in Mobile and was a regional store. Pensacola was my home store. 

I remember the day we walked in the Town and Country Plaza location in Pensacola, and Mother first caught a glimpse of the china on display. I will try not to let this become a Gayfer's post because that would deserve its own post, but to continue on with the theme of the importance of china in our southern homes as I remember. We had entered the front of the store and shopped for clothes first. It was time to go down the shiny wooden stairs to the lower level. It is hard to imagine a store in Pensacola with a natural lower level but somehow it had a lower level...much like a home with a walk out basement. Maybe there was a natural slope (again, hard to think of that along the coast). It was built in the late 1950's so I don't know about that, but walk downstairs you did. There was an entrance on the back of the store as well, but this day we had gone in the front. Housewares and such was downstairs and the china was on display right as you go to the bottom of the stairs. I think it was spring and for an upper elementary kid to notice your mother's reaction means it must have been quite noticeable. I remember a gasp and an immediate dash to the table. I remember thinking ---"Yea, those dishes are as good as bought." I was right, because she did put them on layaway.

Remember layaway?

She saved up until she had her 12 place settings and all the serving pieces. From then on, every celebratory meal at her house was eaten on those dishes. They were well preserved and when it was time to clear out her house over a year ago, not a piece was missing.

Y'all that was one of the hardest things I had to let go of!!!!

I know many of you will say, "Why didn't I keep them?" I had as much excitement for my own china pattern and this one absolutely was a "Gladys" pattern. I am trying to downsize myself and really have no place to store them, but I  couldn't just take them to Goodwill. 

They were almost the last thing I took out of her townhouse. A stroke of genius helped me to remember a thrift store here in town that I had visited and noticed how pretty they displayed several sets of china. I remember thinking on that day that I had seen them that people were getting rid of them and it made me sad. However, I love thrift shopping and I am know I am not the only one. I actually love a thrift store these days more than a big box store for the variety and uniqueness you can find. I prayed about it and I just couldn't help but hope and believe someone would drop in there and see such a beautiful set of dishes with all its parts and think they had hit jackpot.

I chose to key a cup and saucer because as I have shared before I love to drink my morning coffee from china. I also kept a small bowl to catch things on my desk. They remind me of the many meals on the dishes and how much my mom loved them and how she saved for them. I truly remember the day clearly, even though it was long ago that she saw them.

Because she served all those meals on china, I too have done the same. I really think my kids would be shocked if I one day I just brought out paper plates for say Christmas. I know they would feeling my forehead and checking to see if I had lost it.

We aren't fancy people and don't come from wealth...hence, the layaway, but we just started a tradition all those years ago.

Mother had a china pattern that I am sure she got while Dad was in service, but as I said her heart went pitter patter with this pattern and it became the one she used from then on.

I got my chance when I got married and I chose the patterns that I liked and matched my personality.

I chose Lenox Lexington which is very traditional. I have used it on many occasions.

I also chose as my everyday pattern Gorham Town and Country's Ariana. I probably did the same expression as Mom when I saw it.  I believe I first saw it in a Bride's magazine and then promptly went to Gayer's to see if they could get it. It will be the pattern no one will want, but when they look at it they will go that is the "Sandy" china."

I remember the excitement of choosing my patterns and the bridal showers where I received many pieces. I would get so excited about those pieces while Jeff was much more excited about the small appliances. 

I too collected numerous serving pieces and that platter has held a lot of meat and cookies:)

When Jeff's mom passed away, I did choose to keep her pattern called Silver Pine by Kent  because it looked Christmasy. We have used it for every Christmas since 2003. You can't open presents until it is all hand washed and stacked. That is part of the tradition too. Like I said, I am pretty sure my kids would think I was sick if it didn't come out for Christmas.

One day the china may end up given away and I will be in Heaven or getting closer, so I am thinking I might not care. I do know Mom fretted and I totally get it, but I say use it now and enjoy every memory made with the table all set and family gathered round. They won't forget any of those memories. I still remember what my grandma's table looked like.

One last new memory. Lindsay's in-laws came to Destin this year for Thanksgiving and Lindsay used her china for the first time I think. She sent a video with the boys and her table was so pretty. I missed her of course, but I loved seeing her use her china and starting traditions too. Her pattern is Waterford Lismore Lace Platinum and I think one day it would blend very nicely with mine. I will say this...This pattern is such a "Lindsay" pattern.

One day she can use my crystal with it. 

While china patterns are fading away, I thought my kids one day might like to read this about the history of the dishes they ate on at most all celebratory meals.

I have been meaning to record this for sometime, so now I can scratch that off my list of things I wanted to record for posterity's sake.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Catching Up

Catching Up can be seen in two different ways: one is that feeling I have of playing a game of "Catch UP" over the last 2.5 weeks or two, it could be just letting one know what is going on over here in Blog Land. 

I will go with what has been going on here in my little corner. I finished my third round of antibiotics. This time I am much better. Something just kept holding on to me keeping me coughing which is an exhausting thing in itself.

The Christmas tree was stood in its corner on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. I have bought one from the same place now for three years. They are the freshest and it smells so good. It didn't get decorated until the Saturday after Thanksgiving which meant Miles saw it on two occasions all bare, so that when he arrived the Monday after Thanksgiving he admired it much. He said, "I love your ornaments, Mimi," which made Mimi very happy. Palmer has been by also and admired it. 

These days there seems to be a lot of fretting over getting Christmas up early. I will admit the tree is a wonderful addition to the long dark evenings, but I hate being in a rush any more. In fact, I have just downright put my foot down about being rushed. It is not easy folks, but I am trying. Now, when I share all the catching up post you may not think I have succeeded but I am trying. 

I saw a book mentioned on Instagram called, Thanksgiving: A Time to Remember by Barbara Rainey. A quote from the first few pages...
"Our national observance of Thanksgiving is unique. It is both distinctly Christian and exclusively American, a holiday for celebrating faith, family, and freedom."
She goes on to say it is a holiday of rest. "We gather together to ask the Lord's blessings"  is a line from the famous hymn sung at Thanksgiving when I was a child. I think it sums up Thanksgiving well and why I try to make sure it has its place before Christmas. 

Then however, this girl is ready for all the Christmas including the songs, the trees, the lights, the wonder of it all through the eyes of my grandsons.

As for Thanksgiving week....

there were beach visits...

Okaloosa Island the first part of that week.

There were 2 family gatherings at my house. The first was pizza on Tuesday night with the whole family. Kristan, our niece was here from Texas with her family. I didn't take one single picture. I don't know what that says about me!

Then we met again for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful feast. Again, I didn't take pictures, well one. My Lindsay was not here for the second meeting. She had her in-laws in town so I was supposed to send a picture of the spread.

On that day, I think I was just tired but happy. Lindsay usually coordinates pictures. She was missed on that account.

Let's just say, Kristin's twins will be unrecognizable to even long time readers the next time I post a picture of them. They are now freshmen in high school and are growing up fast.

There were more beach visits...

Gulf Islands National Seashore between Navarre and Pensacola.

Looking towards Pensacola. The Gulf was like glass two days later. Perhaps the most beautiful place on Earth.

The kids did come over for other times and loved fishing off the dock.

Miles tried to hand Tucker a shrimp to put on his hook, but Tucker said, "No way."

Palmer showed him how it is done. 

In the past couple of weeks, there have been lots of flag football games for Tucker. My goodness, these are fun too watch. 

There has been decorating.

Working on a few home repairs along the way. Remember all that water damage. I have been trying to restain the window sills and baseboards during nap times which means it is slow progress, but still it is progress. Nothing much to show yet. In fact, when I thought I had done such a good job, Jeff had the nerve to tell me it needed a second coat. Bah Humbug!

Fall is full peak in Fort Walton Beach. It always arrives in December and it is quite pretty, but most have moved on past thoughts of fall. I have been enjoying the walks and views though. Every tree is on fire. I didn't expect such a pretty fall since it has been dry this year, but it is showing off this year.
Again, no pics. What kind of blogger have I turned into?

December flew in here, but I have all the decorations up and the presents bought. I have one more to wrap so I am feeling quite good about that.

I am off to sell Mother's car on Thursday in Pensacola. That is a big deal and honestly will be a burden off my shoulders. That is all I will say there.

I will try to be back next week with more than just the diary of my life. I didn't mean to take a blog break, but I think I needed it. I am going to break a few more days and hopefully catch up with everyone midweek next week and become a more sociable blogger.

The end of year roses are sometimes some of the prettiest. This one is "Oklahoma." She was out there all by herself so I went down and clipped her so I could enjoy her on the counter.

Until next time,

Friday, November 22, 2024

A Lighthouse and More

Yesterday, the Farmer's Almanac had an Instagram post that said, "As November 21st, so the winter." Then it said, 

This old saying suggests that the weather on November 21 sets the pattern for the rest of winter.

Well, the weather here yesterday was a winter I can live with. The fall has been mild and I am sure to some, it hasn't not been like the fall they welcome, but for me it has been just right.

I saw snow happening in Ohio on Instagram, but here it was sunny and bright and yes, cool. Cool for Florida standards. I chuckled when I took Mama for an appointment and saw a lady wearing boots. We more native southerners and especially those as close to the coast as me think winter has arrived for sure and out comes the winter attire. I think what gets me the most in winter is the shorter days with clouds. I need my sunlight as I am sure I have droned on too much here on this blog.

I finished my Pensacola Lighthouse stitch. 

I love how it turned out. I added the script at the bottom and the compass rose on the upper left as I felt it needed something in that area to balance the stitch.

The day after I finished I saw kids from here had gone on a field trip to the lighthouse. I loved seeing it right after I had finished stitching. The photos were great of the kids at the top and the building too.

My plan is to make a Florida wall. I am taking something down in my bedroom to accommodate this idea. My next stitch is some sandpipers on the beach. I actually have several patterns already bought to stitch for the wall. Stay tuned. 

One thing I have gone back to: is just stitching one thing at a time. It has made me more productive and fits my personality well. I can see how the stitching rotation works for many because we are so different, but I am better sticking to one thing. I do like to have something small to go to if I make a mistake or need a little mental break from the larger piece. 

I will be starting the baby name soon. I am kind of mentally getting my ideas together. I am revealing the name as I know it now. I think they are pretty confident. I am already calling her this....

Valerie Mae


The room has been started and Katie is off this next week. She will probably pull it all together then.

Palmer won the contest for the best turkey disguise at his daycare. The first photo was taken right after Lindsay, Tucker and Palmer had completed him as a group. He was proud of it.

He was even more excited when he won the contest and got a gift card for ice cream.

I have a very busy week ahead with family, but I am looking forward to all of it. It is supposed to be nice fall weather all week.

Gus is tired just thinking of all the festivities. Just kidding! He will be up and following me around in all of it. He is my sidekick. I just couldn't resist showing you how cute he is.

Tyler had the boys on the golf course to just hit some balls, but they ended up seeing 2 eagles. I am just sharing the 2 in the tree and then the close up. He got some great video. 

Do you spy them in the tree?

Nature is just so amazing.


I settled down after my last post. We did have the realtor visit. I think we have much to pray about and I know HE HAS THIS! 
After walking around the house, I realized I am not bragging, but very organized. I have spent the last 10 years going through things each year and slowly letting go of things. I think when the time comes I will know what to take and what to let go of. No more stressing until the next time:)

God will guide us on this journey.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving. I will see you after all of those festivities.

P.S. I am still having trouble with comments. Many of you are showing up as no reply commenters...even ones who have not been. I don't know if it is from my end or blogger. I will work on it, but until then I am reading them.

Friday, November 15, 2024

A Few Thoughts

Jeff and I slipped away for Veteran's Day 3 day weekend. The extra day was sooooo good as Little Palmer says all the time. We were able to stay up there for both days of the weekend and rest and enjoy, then drive home on Monday. Just what I was needing before the holidays get going.

As we move towards Thanksgiving and Christmas. My mind begins to plan and think, but somehow it is always a time where I am very reflective.

Last October, I pulled the journals out again. I always use Moleskins. I prefer unlined paper, but the one I started with then was lined. I guess it keeps from getting larger and larger as I pour out those emotions. I filled up one and started a new one this week. 

A lot has been thrown at me the last couple of years and there are a few things that keep me grounded. Morning Scripture within the first half hour of my day, walks outside in nature with Gus of course, going downstairs to sit and listen to music and peruse an old magazine (I don't buy new ones anymore), puttering in the flowers, lots of prayer time, and getting the thoughts out of my head via a journal so it doesn't get too cluttered to name a few.

I really really want to blog some Treasures' posts. I want to write about some things that are special that I can't hold on to like my mom's china for one. Those posts are coming. Lately though, I have just had more in a day than I can do. Hopefully, after the new baby is born and I get a little time from babysitting (which I love doing) will leave me with some time to do some of that.

The other day as I was writing I was thinking how much I have decluttered and how my generation has been the generation of keeping things. I am the household of so many family things that I have been left with. I do love them, but I realize I can't continue this forever. I was chatting with a couple who are our friends. They were saying the same thing. We just chuckled and commiserated together.  Now, if I stayed put, it would not be a problem other than thinking my kids would have so much to go through.

I have worked on the sentimental things and have made much progress. I still have a ways to go, but....

this morning....

Jeff went off to a meeting. He has allowed himself to be on one board and it has been just enough I think to keep him busy. He also has church duties. He needs a little, but not too much.

While there, my sister-in-law, Donna's bestie called Jeff. I can just hear her now. "Jeff, I have a house for you to downsize too." 

I didn't even know she knew we were thinking of it. To be honest, the fact that she knows puts terror in me. She is go getter.

Anyway, I truly felt a very anxious half hour before I got hold of myself. I was thinking there is no way I am moving at Christmas!

This home is 40 years old next month. Jeff and I married in September 40 years ago, and his parents moved in our current home in December. The tree was up and boxes were all over, but the first of 37 Christmas Eves have been spent here for our family. The only 2 that we haven't spent here were the one before my mother-in-law died and the one just after her death . The first one, she had full time caregivers and she was able to come to our home around the corner. The next year she had passed in October before Christmas and we were in the process of clearing the house and deciding what to do with everything. 

This year will be the 38th Christmas Eve here. I know things will change, but my heart for about half an hour couldn't even register something like that.

I think it was the nudge I need to probably get serious about some things. I am going to pull out the things the children can look at over the holidays and have them go through some items. 

Now, the lady does not have our idea quite down because while the home she wanted us to get is waterfront, one story, smaller and all that, it will not minimize the taxes and insurance one deals with in Florida. I was able to relax for the moment. Oh and while I get up every day and enjoy my view I don't think waterfront will guide our next home. Smaller, one story, newer...things like that will be important. 

Change comes whether we want it or not.

On that note, I am going to go get cracking on preparing my home for the holidays and then as '25 comes in I am going to try and be realistic about some things. Lots of prayer and reflecting will continue through this next month.

That is it for now,


BTW, Blogger is at it again. All comments are coming in as no reply bloggers. I even saw this on another blogger. So I can only comment back on the blog. Hopefully, it will fix itself.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

New Spaces

The room addition at Paul Allen and Katie's house is complete. It turned out nice. Katie is still working on a few things to hang, but you can see how much space it added to their home. You enter through the door from the hallway. It is honestly right as you enter the home. Behind the wall that the bookcase is on is their laundry room with the new storage closet.

Pictured above is the desk (on the left) that Jeff had in his bedroom as a teen and probably before. They chose to keep it because it has great storage in it for their important stuff. I am actually ordering them a new kid's table and 2 chairs in white instead of the one above. That was is from a thrift store and one of the chairs broke. I told them I would get them what Katie would actually like as a Christmas gift. Christmas will be here before we know it.

Below is a loveseat they found at a thrift store and it is in fantastic shape. She has had to put blankets on it because the dogs love looking out that window to the road.

Then the cubbies were a Facebook marketplace find. It is going to be a great place to play and shut the door if you are too tired to make sure it all got picked up, and it will keep the actual living room much tidier.

I was just thrilled for them. Katie has a 3 day weekend this coming weekend and is planning to get the baby's room painted. I can't wait to see the color. She has shared her idea and I know it is going to be so pretty. Someone Paul Allen worked with just gave them a crib. It is gray and in perfect shape also. They decided to just leave Miles in his crib and I am certain myself that is a wise idea. He is not ready to give up his bed. There is no need to upset that apple cart.

It is coming together and January 21st will be here before we know it. I can't wait to share the name. It is lovely if it remains and I am thinking it will.

I am sharing another picture of our new fencing. It looks so nice. It won't be this color long, but this shot really shows how much brush is gone on the other side. The trees are all still there and our view like that hasn't changed, but no vines climbing up over the fence.

Here is a photo of the trees standing mostly in water during this time of year. The water level will recede quite a bit during the winter months, so hopefully we can tackle these during those months. The water was up a little the morning I took this. As of right now, they say the hurricane is headed west of us and will most likely fizzle out. Thank goodness.

Last Sunday, the kids got together to take the boys to the Fort Walton Beach famous Goofy Golf. It has been around since Jeff was their age and is a landmark in our area for locals. It is kind of off the beach path so very rarely do you see tourists there. Our family has played many games. A young couple about Lindsay's age who grew up here and have a local bait and tackle shop have bought it and plan to keep it going. They have redone some of it and are hoping to keep it very affordable for family fun. We will continue to support it. 
The three boys had their first trip there. Rumor has it Jeff got a spanking as a little one for trying to climb the dinosaur.

Those three have my heart. All are doing well and growing up so fast. I think I am going to love having a new baby to start the new year off.

That is really all I have this week. I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving. I need to get my mind wrapped around what I need to buy and do before then. We will be putting up Christmas before I know it. Most are doing it now, but I am not in that camp. 

I hope to share some more things as time allows me that are not just family and stitching. We will see. My days get away from me. I always have great ideas but I move slowly these days and couple that with seeing about so many for which I am grateful to do, it puts the brakes on blogging.

Also, this has been the warmest fall ---I am not complaining, but even the summer loving Sandy is thinking it is not like fall at all.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Finishing Up October

I finished up October with strep. I have no idea where I got it and fortuately no one else had it but me in the family. It was not fun and I am looking forward to feeling better as we move along in to November. I sort of feel like my immune system has been down lately and as someone said my stress has most likely not helped. I think that is very true. I have let a few things get me the last few months. One of which is trying to keep Mama upbeat. That is not my easiest job and at this point I don't feel like that is going to magically get better. I do what I can, but I am one who frets over it all.

In other ending October things, we got a new fence down. It looks amazing. The neighbors agreed to help out with it. There was an old chain link fence on the other side and vines and underbrush had just overtaken the other side and were so hard to keep off ours. Our fence was 40 years old, so Jeff approached them about cleaning it all up and they agreed. It looks amazing.

The guys that did it covered the posts on the other side leaving the neighbor's side looking more finished.

It was kind of nice having it open, but Jeff wanted a fence and with dogs and kids I suppose he is correct in wanting one.

The neighbor's gained a good bit of land back from all the underbrush and just overall mess over there on that side. Now, they do have just dirt and will need some of those spring leaves from the live oaks to cover it up. They are coming back in a week to work on it some. They have even agreed to let Jeff get some quotes on getting those gigantic pines down that are more in the water now that on land. They have to be some of the biggest pines left on Choctawhatchee Bay, so that makes me sad. As I said though, they are going to fall at some point anyway and they are frightening in a hurricane. Since I didn't take a picture for reference these are the ones right on the property line that you see outside my kitchen table area. 


I finished up the Advent calendar. It has a white border rather than red like the one I did back in 2020. That was mostly because I couldn't find a red I liked. 

That feels good to say, "This is done." While I love stitching, I don't love quilting. Nope ---not for me!


In the words of Palmer, the cutest little Mickey Mouse roadster you have ever seen. "I like Happy Halloween, not Scary Halloween." Me too, baby.

Here are the three grandsons in their costumes ...

First up is Tucker and Palmer. Tucker is Donatello of the Ninja Turtles. They are back in vogue. Palmer chose Mickey Roadster and I can wholeheartedly say he could not have loved his costumer more.

Miles was a pumpkin. They mostly sent me videos so I don't have a good one with his little pumpkin bucket. He loved it all. Really understood it this year.

I thought this next picture was so cute. You can see the excitement in his eyes about Paul Allen carving the pumpkin.

All done and super excited about it.


The room is completed at Paul Allen and Katie's house. They enclosed their one car garage. A portion of was already enclosed to make a laundry one at some point. The room is going to be a multipurpose room. All of these were from last week before I fell ill.

This first one shows the new room closed in. As you can see the stickers were still in the windows. Her dad it all and it looks great. Looks like it was always that way. They have a huge lot and could build out to the right and the back and have a huge yard still.

The inside which Paul Allen helped with some. Katie's dad had the tile in his storage so that was a help on the expenses. The room has door into the existing hallway that Katie had prettied up a while back, but it still looks great.

Paul Allen took this one so you can see it is going to be nice. Katie can now get to work on the baby room. They needed to move stuff out of the bedroom for that to happen.

This is the laundry room that was once a part of the garage. Katie's dad built her a closet in there where the door had been to come in from the garage. It is going to be a nice addition for storage.

Again all of these were taken in the height of the building. Katie's dad poured them a sidewalk out that door that you see above that goes our to the sideyard were they have a storage room.

It runs to the driveway. I know they are ready to get it all cleaned up and have done lots since I got sick.

I am super excited to see it all finished. 


I know everyone goes straight to Christmas these days on November 1st, but I so love Thanksgiving and quite frankly it is not until November that it even remotely feels like fall. It appears there is something tropical trying to form late next week which is holding in the warm.  I don't mind the warm, but want no more tropical. I do remember a tropical storm in November 1985. We got out of school early one day. Those things are important to teachers! I am not interested in too much rain, just some as it hasn't rained at all in October. It is pretty dry, so just some rain will do. No torrential stuff nor wind, please!

Welcoming in November,