Sunday, September 22, 2024

First Day of Fall....Not Feeling It

The calendar says it is the first day of fall, but the temperatures are not being agreeable. In fact, it is hot and tropical feeling. A good old yucky storm is trying to brew in the Gulf too. Regardless of all that negativity I am going to hop in and do a quick recap of a wonderful weekend.

The entire family has tried to make an annual plan of all descending on the Auburn house right around Lindsay's birthday to celebrate and enjoy some family time. We are ahead of her birthday by a few days and we were hoping for a wee bit of cooler weather but fun was had nonetheless.

The pictures are in no particular order, but rather are a sampling of the weekend. We arrived Friday evening and after getting the three boys down, we all just sat in the living room catching up and found ourselves talking until 10:40 PM which is way beyond any of our bedtimes, even the younger crew. They have kids who wake up too early for that kind of late nights.

Paul Allen and Katie took Miles downtown early for some walking around and then Lindsay, the boys and me went midmorning for some Toomer's lemonade. I think this was Miles's first experience with it and he approved.

Jeff and I did a lot of food prep before we even left for Auburn and finished the remainder before I headed downtown. We grilled out Saturday and had friends over so the house was full of people, kids and 4 dogs. Lots of chaos but good food, fun and fellowship.

Lindsay and Tyler did go to the game ...the sad game. I am guessing Auburn is going to go about 3-9 this year. We are Auburn people through and through so that is that. I love the coach and hope the crazies will lay off until he can build a program.

No one chose to stay up as late Saturday night, but we all had such a fun day that I think sleep was good last night. The boys have finally gotten big enough to play in the playhouse. They still love the Auburn wagon and a ball entertains as well. Oh and Tucker can officially play Uno. Mimi indulged him with the game of War in cards when we couldn't round up enough for a good game of Uno.

Honestly most of Saturday was spent outside despite the warmer than desired temperatures. We really tried not to look at the weather too much (storm brewing?), but it was in the back of our minds. I am making my post quick because I do need to do a few things around the house.

I am delaying any flower purchases until the following week even though these orange marigolds were so pretty. Fall will come just not quite yet. Oh and the cotton was blooming in north Florida and south Alabama. That is a rite of passage for this time of year.

 I didn't take any stitching or reading with me, but I will have some to share next time.  I am grateful for every single day we have together as a family. 

War Eagle despite the loss and Happy Birthday week for Lindsay. 


  1. Sounds like you had a great time. Our weather has been lovely until yesterday when it turn to rain, rain all day today and for most of the week to come.

  2. Lovely photos..and it looks like a great time was had by all.
    Its sunny and 92 here today,... not like Fall at all... but...its on its way...I hope.
    Have a great week
    Phoebe x

  3. I'm so glad y'all had such an enjoyable weekend! The boys looked like they were having fun! I think it's wonderful that y'all can all stay there together and enjoy one another. Smart on prepping food earlier! That's a great idea! I have been watching this tropical development and I pray y'all will not be in the way of whatever transpires. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Happy birthday to LIndsay! It sure sounds like you all had a lovely weekend!! Great photos, Sandy! Have a week ahead full of blessings.


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