Wednesday, January 22, 2025

History Was Made

 Historical. Unbelievable. Bizarre. Surreal. Exciting.

Those are just a few of the words that could be used to describe January 21st and 22nd. 

I have never in my 64 years EVER seen anything like this. I know there will people from other parts of the country and even the world who will read this and just wonder how can this be such an important event, but folks I am telling the truth... The Gulf Coast of the Panhandle of Florida witnessed an historical event.

I have been super busy since Friday, but I feel like I have to document all of this as it is still fresh on my brain.

Snow was predicted for the Gulf Coast and like everyone else around here, it was a little hard to believe. Jeff said he would believe it when he saw it. He never could have dreamt this one up.

School was canceled in the expectation of it and it was being hyped on all the local news sources, but still could what they said was coming really happen.

On Tuesday, I fell in love with Facebook. I have never been a fan, but it was so fun seeing all my cousins and high school friends from Brewton sharing pictures. But then... we were seeing it everywhere but here. Sadness tried to creep in for our family. The radar was saying we were getting a wintery mix, but no we were not outside our windows.

That little oval purple blob was not showing up anywhere near us. It must have been up in the atmosphere. WE were all seeing nothing despite the radar. I was seeing pictures from Brewton and Atmore where family and friends live. Pensacola was snowing.

Then around 2:45 yesterday it began. Snow ---not ice, but real snow started coming down hard. Hip hip hoorays started going up from everywhere. It continued until almost 10:00 PM and gave us 6 inches. Y'all I have never seen that much snow in my life. 

I honestly realized I had seen ice and a dusting of snow with maybe and inch in Auburn back in the 80's, but not genuine powdery snow such as this. Can you believe it?

I am going to share the pictures that don't do it justice at all. 6 inches here and 8 inches in Brewton. You can see it on the above map. The old record was in 1895 with 3 inches recorded in Pensacola and Mobile.

By the way, with such an event I put on real winter clothing and embraced it. I went out multiple times and took walks yesterday and today in it.  

This picture was my first trip out with Gus. About 4:00 yesterday.

I walked out of my cul-de-sac to look down the road.

This was looking back to the house.

Down by the water... even snow all the way to the water.

One thing I loved about Facebook was all the pictures from everywhere. You couldn't tell snow from our sugar white beach sands. CRAZY!

This morning... I took more. Why not?! This is history here.

Spanish moss mixed with snow.

The little cottage two doors down.

Out my front door this morning before I went out.

Down on the deck...

From my bedroom window of the downstairs.

It is all just incredible. Real snow ----people----real snow! On the Gulf Coast of Florida. That is the Choctawhatchee Bay people. Do you understand how rare and odd this is?

Here are pictures of the kiddos? Who by the way have had the time of their lives. I wish you could read my family's texts messages from the adult children who have never seen this.

Lindsay and family in Destin. BTW, we couldn't go see either kid because the bridges were closed. I have to cross bridges to get to both.

The much too large gloves are compliments of Paw Paw who made it to Target before all of this started and got what they had. 

Paul Allen and family in Shalimar. Yes, that is little Valerie for a quick trip outside to get her picture taken in the snow. 5 days old.

This one was yesterday when it was coming down.

WOW ---truly amazing. I needed this recorded.

The other big news is that sweet baby girl up there who came Friday morning early and was safely home before the crazy cold came.

7 pounds and 5 ounces with a perfect birth. Mommy and baby are doing great. Her head is covered in jet black hair. Valerie Layne (I spelled it wrong in the last post).

Lindsay, Tyler and the boys made it over to see her on Monday before the snow.

Palmer is so smitten with her. Miles could probably be fine with her going back:)

I will stop there, but will be back soon with just other stuff. It seems I have lots to share. I had my cousin take a picture this morning of the little church in my sidebar and a source of inspiration for one of my stitched samplers. It is my family's church in the woods. All of my cousins live around it on the little dirt road. I texted my cousin to take a picture of it for me this morning,

Just beautiful!

I am closing for now, but I will catch up tomorrow with everyone. I have my small group coming in a few hours. I didn't think anyone would get out since the roads are going to be an icy mess tonight, but most said they were coming. 

Be back soon....from the snow capped flat lands of the beach...



  1. Oh, I LOVE all these photos!! I saw the ones you had on Facebook, but this is so much better! I can feel your excitement, and I don't blame you! I would be out there every few minutes too, watching it come down and playing in it as much as I could stand! What fun!!! I'm so glad you were able to get out and enjoy it, and also that all the grandkids were able to see and play in the snow, even baby Valerie! Amazing! Her very first snowfall already! She certainly is a beautiful baby! And so much hair! My babies all had a lot of dark hair like that too! Oh, your family is going to have so much fun with a baby sister/cousin to play with! (And so are you, having a granddaughter to spoil! You'll have to get some dollies and little girl things around now!) What a joyful post! Thank you for sharing all the fun with us!!

  2. Sandy!! Amazing and wonderful photos documenting the historical weather!! We don't have snow down here, but it has sure been fun seeing photos from just four hours north of us. Stay warm up there!!

  3. What beautiful snow pictures you shared, Sandy! I know your kids and grandkids were excited and I am glad the precious new little was able to take part. Stay warm and be safe!

  4. As a northerner who has seen WAY TOO MUCH SNOW in her lifetime, your post just made me smile, Sandy. I love that you are so excited and can appreciate what an historic event it was for all of you down there. A newly fallen fluffy snow truly is one of the most beautiful sights I can think of and I'm glad to see you all got outside and enjoyed it--even little Valerie! I was away and missed the post of her birth; will have to go back and catch up, but a big, big congratulations to you and the whole family! What a precious baby--she will surely be spoiled by those big boy cousins and brother of hers. Stay warm now (it was -9 here yesterday morning, so anything above 32 would be warm for us at this point :). ♥

  5. WHAT A THRILL FOR YOUR FAMILY!!!! All the pictures are great. It was interesting to see snow on a palm.

  6. I am glad yall got such a pretty snowfall. I can remember one year when it snowed in Savannah when we were there for Christmas. Our kids were younger. We get excited here in North Alabama as well but we usually get at least one snowfall a year. As long as it does not stay around, I am okay with

  7. That baby and all of your grands are so precious. You should do a little photo album of the snow pics for the kids to enjoy for years to come. How incredible! We just had the COLD temps! lol Hugs!

  8. Hello Sandy: Oh my goodness what a beautiful baby and the name Valerie is so precious, she is adorable and so much hair. The boys are adorable holding her.
    I am in awa at the snow you have gotten, wow, we do not even have an inch on the ground, we get flurries every once in a while, we did have 8 inch's but it mostly melted.
    I cannot imagine snow in Florida, not even in the pan handle, lucky grandfather was able to get gloves before the snow came.
    I hope you are doing well, it is crazy around here.


  9. YAY!! I was sooo excited for y'all! I know that was AMAZING! Almost hard to believe! Looks like the kids had a fabulous time! I'm so glad they got to experience that, and yep, that's a LOT of snow for the south! Baby Valerie is just as sweet as she can be! I know y'all are so excited to have her to love on. Hope y'all are staying warm!

  10. Oh my goodness. That snow is amazing for Florida! Even though this was two weeks ago, I am feeling your excitement, Sandy, and smiling at all the beautiful pictures - of snow and of your family. And Gus, of course. Congratulations on the arrival of a new grandbaby. Valerie Lane is beautiful.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.