Friday, May 22, 2015

Garden Progress and Much More

I got up early yesterday, as I was heading to Mama's for the day. She wants to have garage sale. I am not at all excited about this, but she does have a lot of stuff, and she is itching to get her garage cleaned out. Since she has been sick for so long and finally feeling better, I went with a cheery attitude to tackle a mess.

I looked out to see my friend, Hank the Heron on the boat dock. I snapped a picture of him through the window. He doesn't like for me to come out.

He must have known I was snapping his picture, because he left shortly, and I stepped out to snap a view down the bayou.

The day ended up being a reflective day.

I started out loving on my geraniums.
Oh, and my geraniums are just gorgeous. They brighten any day and any dish washing with there little pops of color.

I then checked on my container garden. It is doing quite well. We have already had several tomatoes and peppers. 

I love watching things grow.

Then, I headed out to help Mama with the garage. She has been purging since my step dad passed away last May. It is unbelievable amount of stuff. We are planning to do this sale next Saturday. I have no idea if we will have it ready or not, but we are going forward with it before it gets to hot. If we don't get everything all sorted and pretty, it may be a free for all or "what will you give me for that box of goodies!?"

I have had to purge before after a loved one passes. When Hubby's mom passed, we moved into their home, and I had to go through so much. It makes me very sad to think of all the things we collect thinking we will certainly need that, only to find we don't.  Someone else will have to go behind and trash, sell, etc.

I haven't found this to be an easy job. I tend to be a pack rat myself. Extremely sentimental, but organized. I think because it is organized in labeled tubs that it isn't clutter, but that is so untrue.

I honestly have spent the past 2 years realizing that--- what with retiring from 31 years of teaching and literally having artwork and cards given to me from my first year of teaching.

I say all of this to say....much of it is clutter. We hang on to it ---really just stuffing it in a closet.

I am learning to pull it out and display it...take pictures and let that be it. That is not an easy lesson for this sentimental girl, but I am trying.

I called myself spending this year going room by room and trying to declutter, but I realize I will have a need to do a round 2 this next year.

For the one more thing, and then I will close out this long post. On my way home through the Blackwater Forest Area, I got quite a scare. Driving along pondering on all of the above things, a buzzard flew into my door. Scared the living daylights out of me.

After I recovered from the initial scare, I realized he had probably left a huge dent in my door. Oh yes, gotta have a new one.

It is hard to tell from the picture, but he put a pretty deep dent all around the handle, hence the new door, and scratched it too.

Thankful that it was not the window, because I am quite sure I would have wrecked.

Off to try and enjoy life today,

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