Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Happiness is.... Sunshiny Days

Do you remember the book Happiness is a Warm Puppy?


The book can be yours from the Amazon link above for a mere $2,797.00. Yep, I might should have kept my copy.

I was thinking of it yesterday when looking out at a  sunny day. It was cool outside and probably similar temperatures to this past Saturday, but the sunshine makes all the difference. 

Happiness is definitely a sunny day.

I kind of had to make myself stay out in the cold on Saturday to work at the farm, but yesterday I wanted to be outside. 

I worked most of the day, but did go out with the dogs several times to enjoy it.

We celebrated my son-in-law's birthday last night. I almost forgot to snap any pictures. By the time I remembered everyone had gathered in the living room for dessert and the lighting was dark. 😞

I used to be so much better at pictures. I have just gotten lazy in my old age.

Birthday boy and Mama


Son and Daughter with my cute pillow on the floor and the old quilt for the dogs. REAL LIFE!

Oh, and I almost forgot to share one of the cool things that happened yesterday. I went out the front door and standing on the fence just a few feet away was a hawk. I thought he would fly away and soon as saw me, so I backed up into the garage and tried to take his picture. OF course, I think my hands were shaking so he is blurry. He kept me in his sights, and then finally he flew downward into the neighbor's yard. Must have been hunting something good. 

I have seen him a few times on the water side, but never on the front. Nature is always cool to me.

Off to take Mama to the eye doctor this morning.

With joy,


  1. Sandy, I agree, I am not the photographer I used to be. I am lazy!! Looks like everyone had a good time at the birthday party. I got outside to walk yesterday and it felt so good. It just lifts my spirits. Marvin is off today so we are hoping to see the movie, Hidden Figures. Retirement has its perks.

    1. It does indeed. I hope you enjoy the movie. It is very entertaining. The acting was great.

  2. Looks like you had a fun celebration! Love seeing your hubby in shorts...we see that every day in Florida but it must be cold for them there! Enjoy your afternoon! Hugs!

    1. We live in Fort Walton Beach on the coast. It has been in the 70's or high 60's. He had gone for a bike ride right before supper. IT has been like spring and I am totally loving it.


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