I have no word.
I have read so many blog posts and Instagram posts with such wonderful choices this year. Some have chosen words, some have verses, and as I have read; many have made me say ..."Yes, I will join you in
YOUR choice." All have motivated me or touched me,
yet, nothing seemed quite like it was mine. I decided to spend some time reflecting.
while doing the things I love to do with a
fresh start. Cleaning out closets, puttering around the house thinking about what needs to be done, dreaming up fresh projects, and my favorite...
making lots of lists.
While all of this has been going on my mind has been spinning,
in a good way though. A
fresh perspective has been shaping up in this here brain of mine.
I actually made lots of lists in my planner last year, and as I muddled through them thinking about 2018; I realized even in the chaos of last year I had accomplished more than I gave myself credit.
I read more books than I realized. In the back of my planner I had made a list, and it surprised me when I counted them. I had stitched more. I had cooked more meals at home. I had gone to the beach...these lists kept on surprising me as I looked back through the days 2017.
Often when we are in the muddle of the days, we can get lost in the weeds. Only seeing what is right in front of us,
not the big picture.
One of my favorite scenes from the movie, "The Shack" (which for once I thought the movie did a great job of interpreting the book)
was when the main character is in what seems like a jungle, but when God takes him higher he is able to see the most magnificent garden with structure and beauty all around.
I know He holds the future.
Another thing that really caught hold of me other than my lists
was the book I just finished. I finished
Shepherds Abiding by Jan Karon yesterday. A little later than the Christmas plan, however maybe I'm making Christmas reading a January tradition
since last year I read two Christmas novels in January.
I have to give a little background for why this book is important. For those of you Mitford fans, I was slow to come on board. I retired in June of 2014 and had the set of books waiting for me as Mother had read and loved them. She had passed them onto me, but I stored them away until retirement. When I tried to read them, the
Mayberry slowness of them just didn't work. I love Mayberry, but after 31 years of fast paced teaching and my need for nonfiction I couldn't slow myself down to appreciate them. I could see the beauty in the characters, but I am being honest here...there just wasn't enough action to keep me reading.
This past year I read a bit more of them. I skipped over to
Shepherds Abiding and it touched me not just as a wonderful Christmas story, but something much more.
The quality of life. The relationships, the smallness of it all. I think I am finally at a place where I crave the simplicity and slower paced life. I also loved how he talked about working with his hands. I have been a bit too studious for far too many years. I want to get out there and work with my hands. The book didn't seem so slow this time, but relaxing. I want to savor the garden work, the stitching, the sewing, the time with my family, and yes, even housekeeping.
I even considered adopting a Bible verse for this year, since no word was coming. Still hard to turn me off...
Others have a word, so I must as well. How do you choose a verse when too many come to mind? Maybe I should have a verse for each day.
I kept coming back to slow down, savor the moments, and just relax. Get up everyday and make the most of it. IF it takes you to far too many appointments then go with it. There will be days at home too.
In other words, I think I need to lighten up man!!!
I have lots of plans for sewing, stitching, gardening, trying new recipes, spending time with family, and trying to clear out the closets, BUT I think I am going to do more of just smelling the roses.
Speaking of roses, I want to give the rose garden one more shot. Hubby is cutting down the tree that took all my sun in my rose beds.
To all those who posted their words, verses, and inspirational thoughts...keep them coming. I love them and plan to incorporate them into my daily life. I am no serious blogger as one can tell by my sporadic posting, but I love reading them so I am going to keep on posting all my thoughts and poor quality phone pics. I enjoy getting to know all of you out in Blogland and love to read your thoughts.
It appears that I might not have one word, but too many. Sorry for the long post.
I took a break from my cleaning out to write, so I am headed to the coat closet next. The weather has made me pull out coats. I can't make a quick jog to the store without one with the temps we have had lately.
Looking forward,