Monday, June 12, 2023


 June brings birthdays to our family, but with our ever growing family we have had to start combining celebrations to keep us from running all the time to birthday parties. Jeff and Paul Allen and Gus were the birthday boys this week. We had a party yesterday for both. We are an imperfect group, BUT yesterday I just looked around and felt so very blessed.

I took pictures beforehand of food to send to the family while the grandsons were napping. Sort of to whet their appetite. :)

If you want non fruit eaters to eat fruit, you must cut it into bite sized pieces (no matter the fruit) and serve it in an easy to eat and pleasing to the eye manner. Lesson learned along my 62 years of life.

All of it was eaten. Apparently, Tucker ate all of the kiwi and I took a big bite out of the peaches. Can I just say how happy that it is peach season...well, technically I have not seen any southern peaches in the store yet, but these from California helped with my craving. They might be my favorite fruit. Hard to say...I do love all of these and a watermelon will never ever be turned down.
Oh and toothpicks to stab the fruit is very entertaining to grandsons. Tucker likes to have a "pick" for his. See, it is just the sweet things of life.

Then they got a picture of the salad with the homegrown cherry tomatoes from the downstairs deck.

I had to make a salad because the remainder of the meal was not so healthy, but oh so delicious.

Next, I made homemade chocolate syrup to go with homemade ice cream.

I used a different recipe for the chocolate syrup this year. Normally, I make one that is more of a hot fudge type and it is delicious, but I just wanted a more typical syrup like you buy in the store without high fructose corn syrup. I kind of blended a few recipes, but here is what I did.

1 1/2 cups of milk
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup cocoa
a dash of salt
1 tsp vanilla

I put the first 4 ingredients in a saucepan and heat while stirring to it started to thicken. I removed from heat and added vanilla and then poured into my jars.

It was indeed a winner and easy peasy.

Then of course, I had to send the picture of Jeff and me making the ice cream..

We sat outside and relaxed while the ice cream maker did the work. Later Mama joined us who is better but still not up to full speed. 

Then we moved it to the garage to sit in the cold bucket and headed inside to cook fried fish and cheese grits. You can see why we had to have a fruit tray and salad.

It was all very tasty and we all enjoyed it very much. The ice cream was so good. It has been quite a while since we made any and it was very much enjoyed by us all.

Here is Palmer getting the last bits of his with Great Grandma's help.

He didn't want to leave any of it in the bowl. The kids all made it over during the frying of the fish and let me just tell you that nothing in the world makes a mama happier than to see her kiddos and their spouses and their children sitting out on the deck enjoying each other's company. You mamas know what I mean. It just sinks in deeply and it is a great blessing.

Speaking of decks before I move onto the rest of the party...Jeff had the seawall builders put in some stairs to the water since the seawall is much taller. I didn't really think they were needed, but let me just tell you that it may be the greatest thing ever!!!

They are amazing. I have already used them a lot. I put my paddle board in on Saturday and it was so much easier. Lindsay and Tyler came by and we all loved them. They step all the way down. I will have to use a wire brush on them and plan to make that part of my routine. The last day of the month I will scrub them off to keep what happened to the ladder from happening.

The bottom step of the ladder is covered in barnacles. I do think the ladder steps are a new material that should not get that bad. They have been tested by the seawall builder.  Anyway, I just love the new stairs. Again, Jeff is the winner for picking something I didn't think we needed. You may remember the upstairs deck table that I didn't think we needed that I am using daily.

This past week the weather has been quite nice and I have been outside a good bit, but this morning I went down to take the picture of the stairs for the blog and it is a little cloudy. Hank was on top of the dock roof. He is a cutie. 

Back to the party. I didn't have a cake to put a candle on so I went and got my old handled candle holder for Jeff and Paul Allen to blow out. This candle holder is from Germany and was bought when I was a baby so it is at least 60 years old. The kids remember it fondly because any time the electricity went out we used it. During hurricanes we used it to go around the house when they were little. Now, Jeff has us more flashlights that we could ever use, but we still like the candle. It has been in my sewing room so I guess Katie had never noticed it. She said it looked like it was from 1776.

My guys always act like they don't like my antics, but I am quite sure they would be disappointed it I didn't do all of it.

Memories made.

Here are more family pictures.

Last week strummed along with me wondering where it went, but all is good. I will share some stitching in my next post. I did order the other books in the series by Lynne Gentry and read Shoes to Fill this past week. I stick by my assessment of them being a cross between Karen Kingsbury and Jan Karon. They are wonderfully light for summer reading. Just what I need for now.

Some other notes...
Taylor (Lindsay's friend) update. She basically has two kinds of cancer in her at this point. They had done a biopsy last week when the MRI found another tumor. The bad scenario would have been if the breast cancer had metastasized. That would have bumped it up to stage 4. The tumor on the adrenals is a slow growing tumor non related to the breast cancer. It is still not good news, but she will have surgeries for both sooner than we thought. That is good news in my book. This has really as I said set Lindsay back and me too. Taylor is a precious young woman.

I am so grateful for this summer. My life is busy and full and hard at times. Having an aging parent who feels bad most of the time and yet is so photogenic that it is hard to see what I see daily is not going to get better. I hate seeing her age. It is just downright hard at times. Also, once you reach your 60's your energy just wanes plain and simple. My mind wants to do more than my physical body can do, so I am trying really hard to be a tortoise in the race of life. Slow and steady. This is a challenge for me at times, but one that I must work on. My summer list is long, but you know it will always be plenty to do if you have a home. I am trying really hard to just do a little along and relax.

Well that is about it for this week. Starting out a little slow on this Monday, but had a great weekend so that is ok.

Three cheers for summer,



  1. Thanks for a great account of the family party! Yes, all ages, it reminds us.

  2. ...a tortoise in the race of life...beautiful description. The candle is precious! Glad y'all had a good gathering party. Being together is very healthy. The stairs look fantastic. Have a good summer

  3. I enjoyed this post so much with all the family pictures and activities going on! Good family memories being made! We have that same ice cream maker (White Mountain?). Ours doesn't look as good as yours, as it's probably a lot older. We started out with the crank model, but it kept slipping gears or something, and didn't work right, so we got the electric motor instead, which for us "old folks" makes more sense. However, we usually only use it on the 4th of July when all the family gathers. I am so sorry about Lindsay's friend Taylor. Praying for her healing and recovery. I understand about your mother...been there, done that, with first my parents, and then my mother in law. It was a very difficult time in our lives, but I wouldn't trade the time we spent with them in their last years for anything. And I hear you about your own aging. Wait until you hit just seems to keep going downhill from there! It's good you stay busy and active with your grandbabies to keep you young! My advice is to stay as active as possible for as long as possible. My body is rebelling against most everything these days, but still I am healthy and so thankful. It's more the muscles and joints that are getting worn out, which makes it difficult to keep moving as much as I would like. So try to keep moving now while you still can! I think I got "rusty" along the way and need some WD-40 to get me going again. LOL. Take care and God bless you all.

  4. Loved reading about your family celebrations in June, Sandy! It's funny how birthdays get clumped together in certain months--our busy month is July, we have not a single birthday in June! Homemade ice cream--how wonderful. We haven't made any in years. I made my chocolate sauce and we had sundaes when the kids were here two weeks ago. Maybe I should dig up our old ice cream maker and put that to use this weekend when everyone is here for Father's Day?

    Watching your mom age is so very hard--and not easy as we are aging ourselves. She is very lucky to have you nearby and I know it does her a world of good to see those adorable great grandsons of hers. Glad your stair project worked out so well--they certainly look very useful. Enjoy your week ♥

  5. I loved seeing all the kiddos!! You took some great photos and are right about the precious memories being made!! Be busy, but please take care of yourself too! Love & hugs!

  6. What a wonderful meal to celebrate Jeff and Paul Allen! I hope Gus had a good meal for his birthday. What a wonderful assortment of pictures you shared! I love the ones of your family especially of your Mama with Palmer. The new stairs at the sea wall look fantastic. Enjoy your week!

  7. Loved seeing your family together , Sandy. I wish all my children lived here in Decatur!! But I would probably be worn out all the That homemade ice cream looks good!! Love your new steps...

  8. Your three grandsons are SO CUTE! Love the steps into the water -- what a great idea. Also love any and all pictures you share with us of your home on the water. What a dream come true! So beautiful!


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