Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Busy and Merry Month of May

 As promised from the last of the new roof. They are not the final product, but all I have at this time. It has been a wild time getting it done. Taking the tile off and then roofing took 4 long days. I was so overstimulated with the noise and having Miles and Gus. I needed a completely quiet existence to get over it. I haven't had it, so I am not sure I have come down from my elevated state. Coupled with the crazy storms that have come through and more to come, I feel a bit off.

Our Internet went down for 2 full days and then spotty coverage for an additional day meant Jeff didn't have TV. Taking a TV from a man is whole other level of something. Not sure what, but something. Therefore, no pretty pictures yet.

I will share what I have and then move on with a promise of better ones down the road. 

I love the new look. It is so different from the old and in a good way. Now, the key is does it hold up through hurricanes and last 40 years? It won't the latter, but I do hope it holds up to the winds and let's just hope it doesn't get tested!!!

Even the boathouse got a matching new roof.
 The next picture is the back before they were done, but you get the idea. 

It is a noticeable change and we are very happy. They still have to come change out the 2 skylights since they weren't a standard size and had to be special ordered. What a surprise! (and yes, I am being sarcastic, since most things in this house are not standard sizes- $$$)

Jeff got into the neurosurgeon this week and that was a good thing. We had a connection who has helped make all this happen. Jeff has suffered so much since January. He has a high tolerance for pain so I know it has been bad because I have felt the stress.
The neurosurgeon called us into his office and shared the MRI images and explained things so well and thoroughly. He didn't push surgery but all was so clear to me. Jeff slept on it and called back the next morning to get put on the surgery list. I am sure there was a cancellation because it has been scheduled for next Friday, the 24th. The area around that nerve is so clearly clogged and a loose piece is probably causing the in and out of severe pain. That is probably a bone spur that has broken off. 

The date all hinges on getting his EKG done in time. Remember if you are past a certain age, you have to have one before a surgery. Praying it all flows smoothly and we can get this behind us.

All of the above meant changing care over to the neurosurgeon from the orthopedic doctor who was going the very slow cautious method which we normally would want, but after seeing the MRI and knowing the stenosis is severe I think Jeff (and me too) felt it better to get it done now rather than later. 

Time has been so limited because I am just caring for so many so I need it all to work or I am going to be down.

I have started a new stitch which I will share next time and read another Karen Kingsbury book called Madly, Truly, Deeply. I just needed some inspiration for reading. I have 3 books that look promising sitting waiting on me for the day of surgery and summer reading. I am currently reading Imagine Heaven by John Burke. I am enjoying it. It is a compilation of research on near death experiences (NDEs). I have found it very interesting.

A few pictures of the boys....

Palmer is such a boat baby. He has the relaxing down.

Tucker is an official VPK graduate. It was a fantastic year for him.

And a little game of peekaboo with Miles.

I will probably be quiet for a couple of weeks while I try to get this surgery done.


  1. I hope so much the surgery goes well. Jeff's suffered long enough. And please try to get a little rest yourself, if you can put some responsibilities on hold. We can wait for news.

  2. Prayers for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. 🙏🏻

  3. The pictures of the boys are precious. Praying for Jeff's upcoming surgery (and recovery) and for your peace during this time, Sandy.

  4. Your little guys are adorable. I will be praying for Jeff's surgery. I am praying for YOU!! The new roof looks great!! Take care of you, as you care for everyone else. xo

  5. Wow! The new roof looks amazing! I know it has been very overstimulating, but it sure is worth it! Congratulations to Tucker for his graduation! I love little kids in graduation caps and gowns! I will be surely praying for you and Jeff as you face this surgery on Friday. I hope it will give him the relief he needs.

  6. The correct decision was made and I pray it will bring some relief to Jeff! Tucker is such a cutie and I can hardly believe he and Joshua will be heading off to Kindergarten in the fall. I enjoy Palmer's laid back attitude, just chilling!! And Miles is growing like a weed. I pray your summer will be a good one once you get everyone situated. Love the roof....totally updates the house!

  7. I hope everything goes well and I will keep you all in my prayers. The roof looks great and is always a good feeling to have done! Take care and try to take it easy when you can!

  8. Your new roof really does look great and updates your house nicely, Sandy. I sure hope it doesn't get tested any time soon (or at all!). I just love the photos of your three little men--they are adorable. Can hardly believe Tucker is graduating from Kindergarten already. I'll be thinking of Jeff (and you) on Friday and keeping you both in my prayers. I sure hope this procedure works and can eliminate the pain. Hang in there--this can't be an easy week for you. Sending hugs! ♥

  9. I am so glad that surgery for Jeff is truly just a few days away and hope for genuine relief is on the horizon. You and your family continue to be in my prayers.

    Your house looks great. I really like your house on the bayou, the closeness to nature and your decorating style.

    And the boys -- never a dull moment and so cute at any age!

  10. Just saw your more recent post that the surgery was postponed, and all that is going on. Praying for you and asking God to give you strength and patience and rest in the midst of it all. (((Hugs))) The boys sure are growing up and are SO cute. I know they make you smile, even when they are busy little guys. What a blessing.

  11. I decided to catch up backwards after reading Pam's comment above, and I am so sorry to hear of Jeff's mishap. I hope he's healing up well by now. Your new roof looks terrific! You chose a good color.


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