Thursday, October 24, 2024

A Stitching Post

I should know by now to never ever type a commitment of when I am gong to do something. I said in my last post that I was going to try and do a weekly post. This one would NOT be happening today had Katie and Paul Allen not taken off from work. The past 7 days have been insanely busy, so the break was much needed. Katie had her big appointment where they do the sugar test and they have been enclosing their garage in order to give some much needed space for a new baby. They are down to putting a closet rod up, painting baseboards, and putting blinds up so Paul Allen just decided to take off and get it done for Katie. I think she is ready to get the baby's room done and can't start that until they get their third bedroom emptied. The new room will be a room like a den. Bookcase, toy room, a sort of catch all. It is all shaping up nicely. Katie's dad is a contractor and has done the major construction, but Paul Allen is doing all the finishing touches. 

I will share some pics later of that room. I also took the time today to finish up some stuff that was on my to do list that was kinda driving me nuts. I also decided I needed to finish up the Advent calendar for Paul Allen and Katie's family so I buckled down and got the binding on it. Now all I have left to do is hand stitch the binding to the back and paint a dowel for it to hang on. That feels really good to have it to this stage. I also can clean my sewing counter off of this project.

My lighthouse stitch is coming along too. I am hoping to finish it before the end of the year because I have new baby's name to stitch up. I do not know what that will be yet. I am anxiously awaiting that:)

The weather for October has been glorious. I know some would think it too warm, but it is truly been spectacular to me. A little cooler in the morning and then warming up in the day with amazing blue skies and low humidity. Can't ask for more than that.

The days have just been very busy with family. Can't complain there either, but they have been busy.



1 comment:

  1. Sandy, I enjoyed this post! It is always good to hear your news and see your stitching progress!! You got a lot done, even with so much family things going on! Sending love and a hug!! Have fun with the littles!!


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