Friday, June 15, 2018

Back to Stitching and It Felt Good

I started a Christmas ornament recently. I haven't had a ton of stitching time, so in order to have something to work on and stay stitching I pulled out this Santa and reindeer to work on. It is from a cross stitch Christmas magazine.

It may end up being large since I am doing it on some 28 count I had and it was designed for a smaller count, so we will see if it is too large for an ornament when I get it finished.

I had a rather disappointing framing experience. You may remember I finished my Home of a Needlework and took it to be framed.

While I made a poor choice in the frame...the framer did not do what I asked either. It was during the time when Mother was in rehab that I picked it up. It was late being completed as well.  I had actually called to check on the progress. I just picked it up and laid in my sewing room mulling over the look of it. It was just not right. I wonder if they even did the frame I chose. The model picture for it was in an 8X10 frame, but I felt it needed a bit more margin, so I took it to be framed. The finished size for the frame was less than 8X10 so it was less margin than even the model. I think she was a newbie and didn't account for the frame itself.

When I finally realized I couldn't live with it I took it apart and almost drove back out there to complain. I still may, but for now it caused me to rethink framing it. It was literally just folded around the mat board. No lacing, no pinning, no nothing. Hmmm. I could have done that!!!!

I didn't have time to do anything about it, so I again laid it down in my sewing room to ponder it. I have decided not to frame it. I remembered this picture by Vonna at The Twisted Stitcher.


I have a basket in my sewing room that sits on my shelves and holds kitted stitching projects. My plan is to do something similar to Vonna's basket.

I think I will like it on the basket, so stay tuned. If I ever get a chance to work on it...

A couple of things I learned from the stitching experience is that I can do that. If and when I have to frame something again, I might just look online for a frame made to size and frame it myself.
Framing is expensive these days and seems to be a lost trade. Years ago when I framed most of my stitching I had the most wonderful elderly man who did all my framing. He was good and reasonable. OF course, he is long gone now. I miss him. You never know how doing a good job will leave you a legacy with people that are not even friends or family.

Joann from does a weekly feature for Our Blogger of the Week. Recently she asked me to share about myself for the blog. You can read about it here.

I have rearranged my blog rolls on the sidebar. I know many use sidebars to find blogs to read (blogs are still my favorite thing ---not the quick Instagram where I have been absent for so long people have probably forgotten me). Anyway, I have made two separate rolls because I plan to add lots more stitchers to that one. I just need time!!!

There are many blogs that are primarily stitching and sewing and I am putting them all together. Y'all know I am a girl with lots of interests. I love home decorating as much as anything. I plan to go back to mostly putting my stitching all in one post a week and getting back to sharing other things in the blog.

For my stitching friends...

You need to visit Joann's blog to just read her header. So true. What a great hobby cross stitching is!



  1. I loved your interview!! I learned some new things about you. I am still doing the rotation but I have fallen down the rabbit hole of genealogy. I took the DNA test and then joined Ancestry for six months so I have been looking at my family history and I have added a few new ancestors. It is so exciting to me. I do plan to finish Amelia's gift right away. I am going to my LNS to get a skein of Fancy Floss I ran out of. ( And you can be sure I will come out with more than the skein!!) I would have been hopping mad over the poor framing job. I am blessed to have a good framer but she wants to sell her business so who knows what I will do then. Like you, I think I can do it, it is a matter of getting frames that are the correct size. I put Smoky Mountain Christmas in Time Out. It was stressing me. I do want to start Christmas Quaker 2...another big project. It is so pretty. Have a good day! I am looking forward to a weekend at home for a change.

    1. You will miss the framer. I am going to research online a place to purchase frames next time. I do have in me a few more speciality items that will need a custom frame. I am not kidding when I say it was poorly done. Not from the exterior but that was totally the wrong size. It has worked out because I think I like the basket idea a ton.
      I would love to hear about ge genealogy. I have one side out of the four that I don’t know very far back. Little mystery there:) I am sure that is where my Indian hair comes from.

  2. Nowadays, with all those youtube tutorials, we can do lots of things ourselves, including framing. It'll save time, money and disappointment.
    Your stitching work is lovely!

    1. So true. It is the encyclopedia of the day ... only better it talks and demonstrates everything.

  3. I am sorry the framing of your piece wasn't acceptable. I would have taken it back and explained why you were unhappy with it. I like your idea of finishing it to attach to a basket. If memory serves me correctly, Vonna has a tutorial for framing. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Someone else mentioned the tutorial. I will have to look for that. Gonna is so wonderful to share all her goodness.

  4. I have used Vonna's tutorial for framing many times. I have also taken certain pieces in for framing. I have been very pleased with the framing at JoAnn's. Not our local store. It is the one further away from us, but worth the trip, as the framer there knows what she is doing and is meticulous. If you are going to spend the money, it has to be worth it!!

    1. It was a Hobby Lobby that I used. I think the problem was it was a new person. I have two other things done before and they were very good I think even laced in the back so it is all about he person.

  5. Greetings Sandy: I love your Santa, I do hope he works out as an ornament or maybe a stanbup design for a table.
    Wonderful interview over at Jo,s, it’s fun reading about stitchers and how they started out and all their works.
    I would positively take that design back to the framer, how rude to not bind or finish the back for framing. Big designs I get framed smaller I frame myself.


    1. Thank you Catherine. I definitely will make it a standup or easel mount if it turns out too big. I had fun with the interview. Afterwards I couldn't believe I didn't mention my doggies. They are a huge part of our lives:)

  6. I enjoyed reading your interview, Sandy! (I also enjoyed reading your featured post, "How Will I Be Remembered as a Cook?". Very thought-provoking!)

    My hubby and I have always just framed my projects ourselves. Many times he has had to build a custom frame to approximate what was featured for a particular piece in a magazine. I dare say we did as good a job as (really, better than) the "framer" who messed up so badly on your recent finish. I like your idea of using it on the basket.

    1. Well the next framing, I am definitely going to look into doing it myself. I actually don't frame too much anymore. No wall space:) but I am positive I can do it as well as what I had done.

  7. I am so happy to be visiting you again Sandy. I missed you and your blog very much. I would take the frame back. It sure does not sound like it was done right. And you are right it is way too expensive these days for it not to be done right. I framed most of my stuff myself but I want to get our newest SAL done professionally.

    I have alot of catching up to do on your blog but look forward to reading all you have been up to. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

    1. RJ!!!!!! I am so glad to see your name. Good to have you back. I plan to do some research for finding frames online and then do it myself from now on.

  8. Hi Sandy,
    i love that little Santa Motiv, and thank you for the tipp for vonna, i never new about this.
    Happy Weekend, Martina

    1. Oh you will love Vonna's site. She is so talented and shares so much.

  9. Hi Sandy, I just found your blog via Jo's Blogger of the Week. I loved finding out all about you as I think that we have a lot in common. I, too, used to be a teacher (Secondary History) for nearly 30 years before moving onto Educational publishing and now working part-time as a Educational consultant. I think that we also have a lot of designers that we like in common. I must say, how appalling is the framer? I am sure that you could easily do better than that yourself! hugs, Kaye

    1. Thank you Kaye. I love history. I taught middle school history for a few years and am certified in history.

  10. The little Santa is very cute.
    Happy Stitching.

    1. Thanks Manuela. I have been looking at your blog. Such beautiful work with the quilts and the stitching.

  11. I always enjoy your cross stitching.

    Framing. Yes, that can be a problem.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.