My absence from the blog in many ways can be explained with this statement..."I am unable to say No."
Those words just won't come out of my mouth, even when I know full well I am overcommitting. I need therapy --- just kidding. I really do need to practice saying that word. I will not bore you with the details of all that has kept me too busy to even read blogs which I TRULY love to do. I will, however share a baby shower and promise to come back very soon and do a "catching up" post minus all the things I didn't say no to that kept me out of sorts. I will also do a stitching post...oh yes, I am so close to the end of that heron that I can taste it and when I am done with this post I intend to finish that little heron.
I had 2 lovely friends who offered to give Katie a baby shower, but Katie is just not used to things being done for her and declined. I think she then thought it over and agreed to letting Lindsay and me do one at my house. Now, she is lucky in that Lindsay has had 2 boys so she is getting lots of good stuff, but one can always use a few more things as it all adds up quickly.
This is to record a sweet day for Katie.
Lindsay and I had a tough test this week with time and babies being sick and all. Do you ever feel like when you are trying to do good that you get hit with so much stress? Either way, we persevered and we thought it all turned out so nice. I would be remiss if I didn't just say that my husband deserves the "Husband of the Year" award. He is amazing and we make a good team of getting things done in a pinch. Remember, I said we had a lot of little things that just lined up against me. Devil, get behind me!!!
I almost forgot to take pictures of the decorations, but thanks to my girl, Lindsay we have some to share.
First up, Paul Allen and Katie arrived a little early. Paul Allen and Jeff were in charge of babysitting duty downstairs. Katie's sister has a little boy just a few months older than Tucker who came as well. They had a blast and I think babysitting took care of itself as Palmer slept through a good portion of it.
We took a few family pictures during that time...
The hostesses. |
The guest of honor and babysitter. |
If only we could have put Lindsay in on this one. |
Parents to be who are ready I think. |
I feel I must brag a little more on Jeff. He helped me pull off setting up everything after I was pretty much unable to get anything much done on Friday. Again, I am not sharing the stuff of life that gets in the way, just the good stuff. He hung banners, helped me cook, and got up early to blow off the drive way and mow. Just a side note about the odd spring weather and blooming schedules. It is a common spring occurrence for Floridians to be picking up leaves in the spring rather than the fall. Our live oaks drop their leaves in the spring and almost like clockwork they drop their little fuzzy worm like blooms by the 3rd week of April. It is almost like a rite of passage, but this year they are falling like snow as I type. EVERYONE I know has been talking about the lateness of this event. I guess I am officially old as I am talking about weather and things such as this. Jeff was up early trying to get them up so that they didn't track in with guests. Oh well...he was a huge help.
Here are few of the food tables and decorations.
Well, first is our theme.
Lindsay found this cute invitation and game on Etsy. I printed both out on my computer and saved quite a bit by doing so. The greenery served as our theme since it was so Katie. Lindsay is really good at finding things that really match a person's likes and personality.
Another Lindsay idea - to put out some baby pictures of Katie and Paul Allen.
These beautiful cookies have a little fact in them that was new to all but the Palmers.
Do you see that little baby's name? It is going to be Miles. I will tell you more about that in a minute. We knew his name from Tuesday night when we celebrated Katie's birthday. They told us then. Well actually, I knew even before the others because Paul Allen shared it with me one day a couple of weeks ago. I was so shocked because he never shares much at all. I was ecstatic over the news.
The table before I added the cheese grits. We had a brunch so sausage and egg casseroles, cheese grits, pigs in a blanket, pound cake, homemade whip cream and fruit.
I used my glass plates that I am lucky enough to have room to store. It saved money again. I bought napkins and the banner you see on the table. Oh and some flowers from Walmart. Honestly, it was one of the most economical showers ever and oh so cute.
I am crazy about the name. I mentioned one night some names from the family tree and my great granddaddy (Mama's granddaddy) and his father were named Myles. Now, they spelled it with a "Y". I have no idea why, but it could be because the last name has a prominent "Y" in it. Either way, Katie liked it and I think she convinced Paul Allen.
I loved my great granddaddy. In fact, everyone did. He was an amazing man who really left a huge legacy to me. I have shared before about him
He would be so honored and I love that someone who meant so much to me is getting his name used again.
Next up is a banner Lindsay made years ago and it has been used many times. It says Welcome Baby on little onesies.
These are out of order because I don't feel like fooling around with that blogger thing:)
This is the side table in the dining room simply done with some beanie babies taken from our very own collection.
Then there is the beverage counter.
I hadn't used my punch bowl in ages.
In fact, I almost got rid of it, but I decided I had room to store it and let some of those newer decanter style containers go instead. I am so glad I chose to keep the punch bowl. I have used it twice in the last couple of months. I had water and coffee as well.
Let me go off topic for a punch story. For years, I served Hawaiian Punch in a pretty bowl or decanter. I would add fruit to make it look festive and homemade and I can not tell you how many people would just rave over it. I mean y'all, Hawaiian Punch is really good. You know why? It has enough high fructose sugar to kill you. I almost always 'fessed up to the real recipe:) As many of you who have read my blog a long time you know that I have a much stricter diet because of my Rheumatoid Arthritis. I stay clear of many things - one of which is HFCS. I decided as much as I love punch there had to be a better solution, so I pulled out my old recipes from the good ole Southern ladies from home who taught me the way in hosting. I found one I thought was good, but it contained Sprite. I haven't had a soft drink in 8 years!!! I decided to experiment and I think I came up with a better solution. Now, is it perfectly healthy? No, but it was far better for a fruity punch.
I used frozen juices. I haven't bought one of those in know the ones in the freezer section. One orange, one lime, one lemon and then some unsweetened pineapple juice (not a full container - I would say about 12 ounces). Then I added seltzer water ---just a wee bit to give it that kick. No added sugar at all. It still got good reviews. Yippie..
The chair Katie is sitting in was a gift from her mother. We brought it in and she used it to sit in for opening presents.
Just a little view of the room. 18 in attendance. You know it is a good party when no one leaves. I had most everyone stay and just visit. That is what I always strive to achieve. People feeling comfortable enough to just be themselves and to stay and relax. We often work so hard on details when the only real detail that is important is to make people feel welcome.
Also a good sign is when little boys have had so much fun that they fall asleep on the way home.
I am throwing my feet up and about to stitch on my heron. Jeff is out fishing so I have some good uninterrupted time. He is so close. Stay tuned.
This is how we celebrated the upcoming birth of Miles Carson Palmer.
Looks like a great baby shower and the mum to be looks glowing. Love the name Miles 😃
ReplyDeleteWhat a great shower!! I try my best to not attend showers of any kind and if I do, I am usually the first person to leave. Not my thing... but I would have enjoyed this one!! Great pictures and great memories of such a special time with family and friends. I really like the name Miles!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a happy group. Good to see everyone.
ReplyDeleteSandy, thank you for sharing Katie's baby shower. It looked like a wonderful event with special memories made for her and everyone who attended.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a great party!!! And I love the name Miles as well. It is nice to keep those family names going!!
ReplyDeleteI just love the name Miles!!! What a wonderful shower you planned, I much prefer a home shower where people mingle than going to a restaurant and sitting at one table. Your preparations were lovely, being an outdoor person I love the greenery theme. Those cookies are just gorgeous!!! I"m glad you kept your punchbowl set and put it to good use. I bought a mid 50's set this past fall and the cups matched some of Moms that I had. I find out the sets sells for lots more than the 40$ I paid for it! I am old fashioned!!
ReplyDeleteLove all your family photos and you and Lindsey looks so sweet in your pretty dresses!! What a wonderful day! I'm glad you can now relax after all your and Jeff's efforts. Well done!!!
I love the idea of putting out old pictures of Katie and Paul Allen at the baby shower. What a happy memory of a wonderful time in your family life.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely shower you planned, Sandy! I love that it wasn't one of those giant affairs with 75 people in attendance, too. This looks like such a nice intimate party and Katie is glowing! It won't be long now!