Monday, July 10, 2023

Life Lately

    I don't have tons new to share since mostly I am caregiving. I have had some sad moments, but some good ones too. I sort of felt like I missed the 4th of July...I really did try to make good use of the time, but it definitely felt off this year. We missed the Blue Angels as well this year, however, the show was cut short due to weather so ---like I said this year's patriotic season was just off. I got up this morning and tucked away a portion of my patriotic stitches and pulled out sunflowers and beach themed stitches. Maybe next year I will be more in the mood.

Lindsay and her crew came by on the boat on the 4th. I took a picture of them on the dock. That little Palmer is just not into posing these days.

The boys wanted to come in for a snack, so of course Mimi obliged. Lindsay grabbed a picture of us with them.

Jeff and I had already been out for a boat ride. We got out early that morning and took a boat ride. It was actually far more crowded on the weekend before the 4th than on that day.

Paul Allen and Katie also got out on the water early in the day for a little fun time. Miles loves to swim, but the float finally rocked him to sleep.

He is just the cutest thing. 

I decided I had to make the best of a hard thing and I didn't want to miss my favorite season moping about my troubles, so even before the 4th I took myself outside and used a raft one day in the water. I tied myself up and floated an hour just relaxing. Jeff took off the Monday and Wednesday around the 4th. We had been planning to go to Auburn, but that got waxed. He just took it off anyway and was just such a huge help to me with Mama. He cooked and helped with her in ways that I can't even express how much it was appreciated. He kept my chin up. I cleaned off the bottom deck to my liking. I have just kept plodding along with those outdoor chores in small bites.  I got out early one morning before the 4th and got it all nice looking down there. 

I even got out the kiddie pool for Miles. I got my recliner chair fixed up for shade or sun relaxing. I have tried to go down a good bit and capture as much time just relaxing. The 4th didn't seem quite right, but I have enjoyed some down time outside here. Gus is using the pool more as a drinking pool. 

I don't have much to share in the way of stitching because I can't quite get my mind together there. It will come. It has just been a lot lately and I have felt like I needed the outdoor time more right now. I am having trouble seeing to stitch at night. Hopefully that will be better after the cataract surgery which is the last week of July.

Mother is progressing. I did take her home because her aunt came to stay with her until Thursday. I am not sure it was the best idea, but we will see. I am hopping back and forth a lot and that is how it will be for the next few weeks. We are trying to sort out future plans for her and just praying through all of that. I have put a deposit on an assisted living place that is refundable. I will take her to see if when she is able to do so. I know He will guide me to the best thing. Until then, we just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

As I said, not too much fun stuff to share over here. I will probably not post again for 2 weeks in hopes that there will be more to share then.

Summer is my absolute favorite season. I am doing my best to find all the good in it.


  1. What a gorgeous deck view!

    And cuties 😊

    1. Thank you. It is truly wonderful and the blessing of it is not lost on me.

  2. Your deck looks very beautiful and relaxing. Tieing up and floating to relax sounds wonderful. Great pictures
    Prayers all goes well

  3. Life. The boys are adorable and I'm so glad you got to see them for a nice visit and also that you and your sweet hubby got out on the water for a bit. Keep taking care of yourself, Sandy. You have so much on your shoulders right now. I hope your dear mom will like the assisted living apartment you found for her. It will make such a difference for her and for you. Praying for you, dear friend. Hugs!

    1. I do hope Mama will say yes to it. I think it will be easier on her as well as give her things to do so she won't be bored. It is a very pretty place too. I am mostly praying for God's will about it all. I want her happy.

  4. The boys are just the cutest! I'm so glad you've had some little pockets of time to try to relax a little. Floating sounds heavenly! Continued prayers for your mom and your family. I know caregiving cannot be easy. I'm glad her aunt can be with her and help out a little. Take care!

    1. Thank you. When you live at the beach, you sometimes forget to vacation. I am trying really hard to do just that. I am grateful for my aunt's visit. I am not sure I am going over a whole lot less, but she is not alone so that helps a lot.

  5. Sandy, you are an example for all of us in taking things as they come. I know it would be easy to have a big pity party but being with those boys is good medicine for you. I remember when Margaret was little, the minute she came in the door, "Nana I need a Nack!" How I miss those days. However she is coming for a few days so I am just going to enjoy the precious time. Hugs and prayers, dear friend.

    1. You know how good it feels for those grandkids to walk in the door and act like it is the greatest place in the world. Jeff has kept my spirits up and kept me out of the pity party. I decided to make the most of my back yard. I had to clean it up so I could sit out there and not stress, but I am enjoying it some. I have also gotten more little things done than I was expecting. I hope you enjoy that Margaret. She is a cutie.

  6. Your grandboys are precious and I bet they help you with taking things as they come/roll. Your lower deck looks so relaxing, Sandy. Any more gator sightings? Thinking of you.

    1. There have been no more gator sightings. The day I floated there was a ton of boat traffic plus it is clear by my dock so I went for it. When you live at the beach you have to remind yourself to vacation. I am really trying because the deal with Mama is really going to be a long term thing. She is going to recover from the fall but with her age and fragile self things are going to happen. The babies do help to keep me focused on enjoying life and not being sad.

  7. I'm glad you are finding some time to take just for you, Sandy, by relaxing in the sun or floating in the water. (Although, I would be too terrified to do the latter for fear of an alligator lurking nearby! Do you get them?) Love the photos of your sweet boys--that one of Miles asleep on the float is especially precious. It looks like Lindsay is recovering well from her surgery?

    That is good to hear that your mom went home for a bit under the care of her aunt. It is exhausting being a caregiver and I hope and pray that your mom will like the assisted living home when you take her to see it. You will have a sense of peace once she is there, I'm sure. Take care now ♥

    1. There was a lot of boat traffic the day I floated and near the house and dock the water is shallow and clear. He hasn’t been seen since, but many on the bayou saw and he was quite the talk of the bayou.
      I do hope Mom will like the place I have gone to. It is quite unique and is related to the military so it is very pretty and not industrial or your typical look for a place such as it is. I need to be able to leave for a weekend and not fret that she is going to fall or be alone. She is doing well with the leg break but other issues related to age and health keep popping up, so my next few years are going to be filled with that. It can take a toll on me. I want her to be happy.

  8. Poking around hoping to catch up a tad, I just had to comment here on what a cute picture that is of Miles. :) It's such a relaxing picture you paint of floating on the water.


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