Thursday, September 7, 2023

A Long Hot and Challenging Summer

      I have to admit to being as tired as can be and not in the mood to blog. I have read a few trying to drop in every now and then, but not commenting. I truly have had almost no free time. Every minute has been allotted a task and I fall into bed each night. Thankfully, most nights I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow and if I awaken in the middle of the night I am too tired to toss and turn. I feel as those I am losing my mind on many days and can't compose a sentence. Today I am extremely tired, but supper is in the oven, Jeff is going to be late, and I have texted Mama that I will come over to see about her after let's see if I can type.

     My last post stated that we were moving Mother in to an assisted living facility. She is still there thankfully. She is not doing all that well physically. I don't think I shared that we had even taken her to the ER one night in July, but that was the case. She has continued to complain about her back and I finally got someone to do an x-ray that showed she has compression fractures. They do believe them to be related to the fall based on some previous x-rays at her primary physician's clinic. That said, she has been on strong pain killers and told to wear a brace. She has not worn the brace!!! I have been in and out of doctor's offices in this here HOT HOT HOT summer. I have called and begged for tests to be moved up. In other words, between trying to clear out her townhouse, get her settled in to the new place AND lots of tests and doctor's appointments, I am just about slap crazy.

     She has an orthopedic appointment with just the orthopedic PA again on Monday now that I wrangled an MRI done earlier than was previously scheduled. I am hoping this will give us a course of action that she will be able to understand and live with whether it is just brace or some type of surgery.

    Now, that is all I am going to say about that, because no one wants to read about all that. Jeff, me, Lindsay and Paul Allen have worked so hard to clear out the townhouse. We all know Mama downsized a lot before she moved down here from Brewton in 2015, but we all know she had much more than Uncle Danny. Clearing out 2 homes in less than 18 months is not fun. No fun at all, and our small little family is tired. I could not even be where I am without them though. They have worked tirelessly moving and packing. 

    At one point, I sincerely thought I might have a sale, but once family had gone through it seemed right on the edge of "kinda enough, but not sure if it was enough" to do a sale. We all decided together that the amount of work it would require from us for the little earnings ---that we would just start donating. Friends came and took some, Lindsay did sell two pieces of the nicer furniture on FB, but Jeff and Paul Allen still ended up having to deliver it. Last night, just before bed time I remembered a thrift store here in town that I had seen china sets in and I looked them up and they even came and carried things away. I emailed before I went to bed and she had answered me this morning. To my great merriment, she came with a van and truck and got the last of decorative items and the furniture this afternoon. I am left only with the piano and she is considering that tonight. The thrift store is for the local animal shelter so that made me feel really good.

     The realtor is coming tomorrow to take photos and then it will be listed ---hallelujah. That will be one thing off my plate.

     Mother is still a long way from being settled and I have lots left to do to get her in a better situation, so having the house done will go a long way with my brain capacity. Her place is nice and if we can get her feeling better I think she has a chance of enjoying her new home. I am still going most everyday to see about her and I would like that to be maybe every other day, but we will see how that goes. 

     There are no tour pictures of her place yet... Maybe one day. The next two pictures  are right outside her door. The hallways are large to allow for safe passage of the residents since most of them are on walkers as well.

     There are lots of chairs a long the pods and hallways for sitting. It is a very coastal and pretty location. Each hallway has a coastal theme with the paintings...hers is palm trees, but there are boats, shells, and such.

     When I say it is hot, I am not kidding. All of this moving and doing has been done in the hottest summer ever. Really... the local weatherman has stated that is the hottest summer here since 1895. There was no let up in the record temperatures from the the 4th of July until Labor Day. Paul Allen and Tyler both overheated at work in the same week. Tyler actually fainted and Paul Allen's heart rate was at something like 170. The heat indexes for nearly 6 weeks were 115 and higher. Very little cloud cover or rain. Labor Day weekend was a breath of fresh air. It came after Idalia. She didn't have any effect on us. We were on the east side and far enough east to have no problems with her. I am always heartbroken for those affected but I am so grateful to have missed it. We still have a good month and half at least before we can truly relax over storms.

     The gardener over here with pretty flowers has hardly anything to show this summer. My yard looks awful. We are too tired and hot to do the much needed work. My geraniums have just given up. Anything with blooms has just said, "Nope, I can't be pretty in this weather!" 

      Jeff and I celebrated 39 years of marriage Labor Day weekend. I didn't know if we were going to be able to slip away to Auburn really until the day before. Lindsay said we needed to go and she would do her best to calm Grandma if needed. I am not sure Mama was too happy, which lets you know she isn't quite right just yet. 

      The cooler temperatures in Auburn were very out of character for this time of year but such a blessing. I can't ever remember it being that cool on Labor Day in Auburn or here in FWB. I let Paul Allen and Katie drop me off downtown and I shopped a bit and walked back to the house just strolling along. Mother made it until Monday morning without calling and crying so I count that as a win.

     Paul Allen and Katie did drive up and go to the game. They headed back Sunday around lunchtime so they could have the remainder of their holiday at home. This happened to them on the way home.

Warning---next picture contains a dead animal if you need to scroll quickly.

       The Palmer family is definitely having a run of bad luck lately. Perseverance should have been my word of the year. I think my post about trying to bow out of this blog back in January might have been a little prophetic about what was coming. 

      I have no stitching to share, but maybe soon I can get back to regular posts, because I certainly don't want this post to be what I blog about. I really will need to quit if that is the material I have to work with.

     I will leave you with one last picture taken in August. I have changed it up a bit this week and hope to add some fall decor to the house even though it isn't even close to feeling like fall. 

     I will share more about that oil painting one day in the future. I am hoping for more fun posts in the future, but for now I am going to say goodbye for another month. I am sorry to say I haven't replied to many comments, but I am going to get back to my blog at some point. 

     Many of you have sent direct messages on social media, cards, and emails and even comments that have helped my feelings so much, because it has been a hard summer. I have kept a playlist of hymns at the ready for when I am about to melt down and have also made it a point when I am getting very weary to remember I have lots of good in my life. My Aunt Faye has always said, "This too shall pass." I am kinda ready for it to pass, but I know we all to walk through things and it could be much worse.

     I know many are already enjoying some cooler temperatures, but for us we still have the remainder of September and part of October for any significant cooling. I will have to create fall in the house and I did choose some fallish colors to wear this week that are still cool clothing. That is how I do it. The white pants and so forth have been moved to the far side of my closet:)

     IF anyone is still here, I will be back ....just need a wee bit more time. ----Sandy


  1. Precious Sandy, It is good to hear from you. Your praying blog friends are keeping you in mind and in our prayers often. The "assignment" you have right now is a tough one, but you are doing all the right things. The Lord is sustaining you.

    1. Thank you, friend.
      I do know He is walking with me. It has been hard in so many ways that you just don't share, but He is near. Getting the house this close is going to lift one thing from my plate. I will be back to more fun blogging one day.

  2. Prayers…one day, you will look back on this and be thankful you took such good care of your dear Mother. I lost my mother when she was 60. I lived In her hospital room 24/7 as she died of cancer in 200 places. Just a few months. A friend commented on my caring. I looked at her and replied, I bet Mother was tired when she was taking care of me. She never quit. The least I can do. You are to be admired seeing your mom and taking care of her. When I see people neglecting their parents, I wonder if they do not remember that those parents raised and cared for them. Good for you. We do become the children…it seems…I am a mother with two who are so good and faithful. I enjoy your blog so much. I pray your mom gets comfortable…that everything sells. Such a great idea to donate. That is what I do when I move. 31 moves so far…lol…if you can get on a schedule with your mother…concentrate on the legal matters…spend the rest of the time on your home and with your dear husband…be retired…prayers Brenda

    1. Once Mother is settled, you and your sweet husband can enjoy can travel-not too far I dare say...enjoy your crafts, reading...enjoy your "retirement" years...You are a gifted Arlene who used to have a lovely blog. Prayers daily for you and yours.

  3. Dear Sandy, you (and your family) continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that the doctors can figure out a plan for your Mama's back and provide her with relief so she can enjoy her new home. I am glad that you and Jeff were able to get away to Auburn. Don't forget, you need to take care of yourself as well. I hope no one was hurt when then deer met the truck. Thinking of you!

    1. Thanks Robin. I am trying to take care of myself, but I am kind of failing right now. Sometimes I just overdo and have to go to bed early. I am hoping things will fall into place soon. I suppose I should have said how grateful we were that the deer didn't hurt anything but the truck. I know I have heard of many horror stories in that way. Take care and happy stitching. I hope to be back to that soon.

  4. I know how hard it can be to do what you are doing and still feel like sharing it with others. I hate that the truck hit a deer. It's a real problem down here too and no way to avoid it. Take care of yourself and I hope you have some enjoyable things to mix in with the hard tasks. Hugs!

    1. Thank you. I am seeing a sliver of light with the house and am planning next weekend a trip to the zoo on Saturday with the littles. It is time to try and squeeze in a bit of fun.

  5. My heart goes out to you, Sandy. I know this is a very difficult season for you right now. Praying that things will begin to settle down more for you when your Mom's place is sold and she is feeling better where she is. I've been wondering...are you still trying to take care of any of the grandsons during this time? I don't know how you could...praying for your own health as well. Oh, so sorry about the deer accident...I know all about that...been there and done that years ago, and it totaled our vehicle. Scary for our little boys too at the time. Wow. Please just take care of yourself as you can, and don't worry about us out here. We'll still be here when you feel like you can pop back in for a visit. We'll be praying for you in the meantime. God bless you dear friend.

    1. Thank you so much Pam. I truly miss the blogging community. I am praying Mom can get some good news on the back pain soon. We were so grateful that no one was hurt from the deer. They can come out so quickly and yes, do a lot of damage and worse. I am still keeping Miles, the youngest. He is the best baby and my day is shorter with him based on his mom and dad's work schedule, so I have been able to schedule appointments mostly after he gets picked up.

  6. Prayers for cool and easier days for you all

  7. Dear Sandy! I wish I could give you a big long hug. Keeping you in my prayers. Please take care of yourself, dear friend.

    1. Thanks Terri, I am missing you all and know this is going to get better. It has been the most challenging summer for certain.

  8. Have missed your posts, but it's surely understandable. Praying for quick sale on your mom's place and then some calmer days ahead. Blessings . . .

    1. Oh thank you. I look forward to calmer days. I think getting the house completed will free my mind up a good bit. Taking care of Mother is going to be ongoing but it will feel good to just get past the extras and get a routine started for us.

  9. It’s so great to see a post from you. Please don’t worry about how often you post. It is completely understandable and you have a LOT going on. I just hate it has been so miserably hot while you have had to go through this. It has definitely been a summer I’m glad to see on the way out. I can’t ever remember it being so hot. Your mom’s place looks so beautiful and I pray she will improve more so she can really start to enjoy where she is living now. Continued prayers for you and your family as you take care of so many details.

    1. Thanks Mandy. Yesterday was doctor appointments. She didn't get the news she wanted but we have a plan of action so that is the positive side. We can do this.

  10. The place where your mother is living looks lovely. The coastal decor is so pretty. You are certainly going through a lot. God bless you! May He give you the strength, health, peace, and joy to do all you are needed to do. And may your mother get better very soon, and settle in and enjoy her new place. Happy Anniversary!

  11. You are in a hard season of life, Sandy. Life will get on an even keel again, even though your happy place is usually pretty busy, too. I'm glad your family was good with donating what was left of your mother's things. We did the same with hub's parent's things after his mother died. It was very freeing, and many people were blessed. The effects of the heat on Paul Allen and Tyler are certainly scary. I can't imagine all the work you've all been doing in the midst of that heat. I hope it cools down soon for all of you!


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.