Friday, February 2, 2024

Finishing out January

 February has arrived but most of my thoughts today are from January. I tried to get back one more time before the month ended, but it was a busy busy week.

I complain about January like many of y'all, but honestly it is a great month for wildlife watching on the bayou and larger bay. I was sitting at the kitchen table early one morning and Gus was doing his morning watch on the upper deck when he took off from one side to travel to the other. I got up to see what he spotted and ....

it was an otter at the neighbors pier. I really didn't get a great picture of him. I mostly tried to video it rolling around on the grass and then swimming away. The above photo was a frame of the video. That was a great sight. I am so glad Gus goes out each morning to survey the bayou and spies cool things. 

Ducks and pelicans love to have conventions in our bayou each January. One afternoon, the bayou was full of blue bill ducks. Again, I didn't get good photos, but Paul Allen had just arrived home to pick up Miles for the afternoon and we got out the binoculars to look up close. He took this next picture through the lens...

Seeing all those cool animals is one of the good things about January, but like most I was so excited to turn the calendar page to February. It can be a temperamental month with weather. Wicked cold can still sneak in there, but it can bring spring like days too.

I was outside yesterday morning moving the rose pots on the bottom deck and clipping...not a full pruning, but that will happen this coming week. The downstairs was still strewn from filling the new seawall with dirt, so I needed to put the pots back in place. I will do a full pruning soon.

I am dreaming of spring already. Patience ---
but then the groundhog says I will get my wish with an early spring.

If y'all could see my pansies right now, you would not think I have a green thumb at all. They have just not been happy. I got out there today and deadheaded and gave them a dose of fertilizer hoping that will give the boost to go the next 2 months.

I stuck photos of Gus in since I don't have pretty flowers to show you. I do have camellias but I didn't take photos. He loves a good stick.

I also lost all of my geraniums so I picked up 2 new ones today and have them already potted on the back deck. I will be walking around with my pruners in hand this next week getting all the things that can be pruned this time of year. It fills me with excitement just thinking of it.

In other January news, Jeff and I traveled one Saturday over to Pensacola because I had heard that there was a new stitching store. Since, there has not been a local stitching store in our area since the 1980's, I had to check it out. The address was on the far side of Pensacola from me, but an address I recognized so we went over and ate lunch too. I do hope she makes it, but I felt like she needed a young person to help her with the marketing. Either way, the most exciting thing for me was to just see linen in person. I purchased 2 larger pieces and came away happy. 
We traveled back on the road by the beach. Beach views, barbecue and the promise of a stitching store made for a fun Saturday.

I have mostly been stitching away on my Florida sampler, but I will wait until I get a few more things finished on it to share again.

Big things happened here in the last 2 weeks. I finally convinced Jeff to cut the cable!!!!!!
I had long ago set up the TVs in the house with a chrome cast, but that cable remote was just too easy and convenient. Last week, I went a step further and set it up with the updated version of chrome cast that comes with a remote. We got Youtube TV and the remote works so well. You can even run the sound bar through it. He wanted a week to practice with it before he cut the cable, but the day arrived. He took all the stuff back yesterday and I did a happy dance! That bill bugged the stew out of me for some reason.

Lindsay and her family visited Disney in January too. They sent lots of pictures. You won't see any of Palmer with the characters. They were great fun as long as they weren't close.

When they got close, he hunkered down.

And just like that we have made it through January. I have stayed busy with my sorting and organizing in the house. You know the key to all of it is to bring less stuff in. I have done very little shopping in the last 3 years and quite frankly it has felt good. The one thing I did purchase last year was clothes. I love the newer pants styles, but even with my purchases I was careful to make wise purchases.  Winter is a good time to do all of that sorting and organizing and even going to bed early. I can see that the days is getting longer and I am all in for it.


  1. Gus is such a handsome boy. My sister had a German short-hair pointer. She was a very sweet girl but a little lacking in the brains department. LOL

  2. Love seeing all the photos!! My forced week of isolation due to ice storm did help me to get some more decluttering done. You are right, it does feel good. I try not to bring in something without getting rid of something. That seems to work pretty well. I did find a little frame at the thrift store that was perfect for my chubby Fox by Jeanette Douglas. I felt bad taking out the picture of Jesus that it had held.:) We have had You Tube Tv for quite a while and we find it is perfect for us. That along with Prime and Britbox keeps us entertained. Love seeing those precious grandsons....Landon came to have supper with us last night. I had missed him! Kendall was working so she could not come.:( Such is Life.

  3. OH, that otter is so cute! And Gus is a real charmer! I think I like him better than seeing pansies and geraniums. LOL. I bought one geranium yesterday, a small pot. Not sure where I will put it, but I can see it through my window here on the table on the back porch, so that is good for now. Regarding Palmer and the characters at Disney, can't say as I blame him. They can be a bit overwhelming from his viewpoint. My youngest never liked clowns or other unusual characters either. Still not crazy about them and he's almost 47. LOL. Hope you have a pleasant early out for rain/storms tomorrow. Take care and God bless you all.

  4. What fun pictures of the boys and of Gus! The otter was a surprise. I never realized they had a long tail. I would love to cut the satellite, but it won't happen any time soon. Have a wonderful weekend, Sandy!

  5. It's fun to catch up with you! The Saturday trip sounds like fun and I love the sightings you've had lately. Take care! It's beautiful weather today!

  6. Hi Sandy: The boys are so adorable, love the photo of Palmer with Pluto, so cute.
    We are having warmer weather here in Minnesota 30 degrees warmer than usual, its okay with me.
    Flowers are kind of finicky, so sorry you lost some.
    I have not done much shopping myself, I hope to buy new clothing soon I am losing weight, I hope to lose 25 more.
    Gus is adorable and a good watch dog.


  7. I have not had cable in years. In Indy, I had a tiny antenna that got three channels but seldom watched...I have Hulu and Netflix. You tube is free on my television...Of course, my television works on WIFI which I have anyway for my Ipad and Laptop and printer...enjoy your blog and glad you are doing stitching. As to organizing, I have moved 33 times...with each move...less...I am such a minimalist that nothing stays that is not necessary. When I moved to condo living, my Christmas went from 30 boxes to is freeing, simple...and I enjoy the holidays a million times more...although I did at one time own a Hallmark Store...years ago...I did enjoy decorating then...especially the store...once I became a teacher, I still simple...keep writing. I hope you take time for are a and Pamela remind me of each other when I read your blogs.

  8. The little guys are adorable!! Our lakes are full of all kinds of water birds. They are so interesting to see! I love that photos taken through the binoculars! Never thought of doing something like that! Glad you found a new stitching store and purchases some linen. It is always fun to catch up with you here, Sandy!!

  9. Love seeing the otter! That must have been very special and how nice that Gus alerts you to all the wildlife. One of my favorite things about our yard is seeing so much wildlife pass through. I told my husband I could never live in a city :) I've been thinking about getting rid of cable as well... Will have to investigate YouTube TV.

    Loved the photos of the boys! My little grandson was just at Disney World on Monday! He adored the characters and REALLY loved the roller coasters, but The Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean scared him :) So, you just never know what one child will like or fear.

    How wonderful to find a new stitching store. Our nearest one is 1 1/2 hours away so I never go. Have to order everything online and, as you know, that's a real problem when it comes to linen or overdyed threads.

    Sounds like Jeff is adjusting to retirement and keeping busy. Hope your mom is doing well! ♥

  10. Oh wow! An otter! Not something I see here in Mississippi! That’s so cool! Yay for cutting the cable! We haven’t had it in years. We stream everything. My mom is still holding on to hers and the bill just keeps getting outrageous. Glad you found a sewing store! We have one downtown, but I can remember when I was a little girl we had more than one. The boys are so precious! Such cute pictures! Hope you can have fun playing with your flowers soon!

  11. My eldest (who is now over half a century old) absolutely would have nothing to do with the costumed characters at restaurants and such. Then many years later, history repeated itself with some of his children who went into hysterics at the sight of the Red Robin in those restaurants.

  12. Taking a photo through the lens of the binoculars turned out well. It strikes me as probably a difficult thing to do, though - keeping both the camera and the binoculars steady? Very cool!


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