Thursday, February 29, 2024

Leap Year 2024

 I feel like the following picture sums up this winter here in the Panhandle. Winter has had a record name of cloudy days. The rain would form in the Gulf and really not go the normal northeast direction but would often linger over us and then fizzle away. It has been the cloudiest on record for our area and FAR too COLD for my blood. I am over it and thought I would not make it:) but the sun came out at the end of last week and saved me from despair. Kind of sounds like a country song in the making. It is once again cloudy to end out February and I am ready for spring.

February has been once again so busy. At one point I was reading along with posts from my favorite bloggers and then this past week and I just gave up. I will catch up soon. I decided to instead try to put up one last post for the month with the good things in life!!!

This little stitch which I think is my second stitch that I ever stitched oh so long ago. I keep it right by the door in my sewing room/office as a good reminder of doing that...counting my blessings.

Even though my mood has been as cloudy as the weather some days, I know I am so blessed and always circle back to being grateful.


I have been stitching only on my Ole Florida Sampler. I snapped a picture before moving the Qsnap.

Then here is the current state of stitching. I am progressing nicely and enjoying the stitch. I am almost at to the border on this side. 

Like I said, February has been fast and furious...

But the camellias have done their best to brighten moods. I have kept a bowl full all winter on the kitchen counter. These decorated the counter for Valentine's Day.

Where on that day, we had our small group Bible Study as usual. We all decided to forego trying to go out since it is hard to get a place anyway and do our usual night. I decided to make dessert for everyone.

The heart shaped brownies were topped with ice cream and chocolate syrup also.

Since it was the start of Lent, we also later had communion. It was the most wonderful way to spend the evening with friends in Bible Study, communion and fellowship.

Jeff decided to hire out the usual chore of putting fresh pine straw out and I didn't complain one bit.

I honestly enjoy working in my flowers and yard, but this year it seemed like such a gift to me to have it done. The guy showed up down the street doing a house. He was not mow, blow and go guy but a landscaper and outside house work guy.  Jeff quickly booked him.

He did an amazing job and I am honestly thrilled with it.

I know many thought I was crazy when I downsized my houseplants and my outdoor pots because I love growing things, but too many is when they become a burden rather than enjoyment. Jeff read his wife well this year and I am just ready for spring. 
Azaleas should be next on the blooms and the day lilies are breaking ground. I have the roses pruned but they seem to be dragging their tails. They will start popping when we have some significant sunshine.

Jeff and I traveled over to Cape San Blas last Saturday to make sure all our summer plans were good ones. It has already been 3 years since I turned 60 and the family went. We said it would happen again soon and yet we haven't made it back. Lindsay is the one to get the plans together and Mom and Dad made sure it was all paid for and set. We will go over again this summer and rent a boat this time. Last time was no fun for Jeff with taking ours. We tried to get the same house as last time, but it was already booked. Lindsay found us another one very similar so plans are made and this time there will be 3 little boys instead of just Tucker and hopefully before full on hurricane season. 

He has also planted himself a garden over at Paul Allen's house so he has something to do. Potatoes and onions are planted with tomatoes coming in March. 

That is the good stuff over here and the other stuff we all have our fair share of. Mom is about the same. She did fracture another piece of her back. No clue as to what she did to make that happen. It may be that her spine is just that weak. Plugging along===she is.

To end this post on Leap Year...

My first Springer Spaniel was a Lear Year Baby. Her name was Sally. We got her a few months after marrying and she became my first dog/CHILD. Never was a dog more spoiled than Sally. She lived 15 years and welcomed Lindsay and Paul Allen.  She loved our family well.

That is a wrap on February. Come on Spring. _Sandy


  1. Hi Sandy: Blessings is such a sweet design so cute.
    Love the Florida Sampler, you are so close to the finish line.
    The weather here in Minnesota has been very warm this winter, it seems the panhandle has been hit with creepy weather this year.
    love seeing your garden areas, the camellias are so pretty, yum the brownies look yummy, the photos of Paul Allen and Lindsey are adorable.
    So sorry your Mother has another fracture, I hope she heals quickly.
    Have a great day.


  2. It is always nice to see a post from you pop up, Sandy! Thanks for catching us up. Last week I had the heat on and this week I had to put the AC on with low 80s outside. Spring is here for us! Hugs!!

  3. I'm sorry February has been so cloudy for you, Sandy. We have had the opposite--many more sunny days than normal and that has been a blessing. I have so much more energy on those sunny days, even if they are chilly. I hope March is better for you!

    Love the progress on your Florida piece--the details in that one are so special! Love the alligator :)

    I'm sorry your mom had another fracture... My mom could just sneeze and get them--her bones were that fragile. One time she had a fracture occur while bent back in the dentist's chair--no more dentist visits for her. It's so hard to watch them go through that and so painful for them to endure.

    Your planned family trip sounds wonderful. We always tell the kids the same thing--you plan it, we'll pay for it. It's just hard to get the three boys and their families to agree on timing. Love the old photos of your kids with Sally--what cuties!

    Wishing you a relaxing weekend and a better March. Hang in there! ♥

  4. February has seemed gloomy all over the country even with the sunny days tossed in. Your Florida piece is looking so pretty. Glad to hear about the planned family trip that is scheduled; definitely something to look forward to! I am happy to hear that Jeff is finding things to do in retirement. Wishing you a wonderful weekend and a pleasant March.

  5. Your Florida sampler is going to be so pretty!! It really captures the spirit of Florida before the whole USA found As for mulch....One of my friends has a teenage son with a truck and a rake and he is going to come and freshen up our beds. Something else we are getting too old to do but thankful for that young man!! Heart shaped brownies...count me in!! It is a rainy morning here in Eton, Ga and Marvin and I are totally enjoying NOT getting out in in.:) But I am ready for some sun as well.

  6. Beautiful post, Sandy, as always. In the old photo of Paul Allen I can easily see how your grandsons favor him. Sweet dog. So devoted and loving.

  7. Sounds like you've been keeping busy, and I enjoyed your post just telling it like it is. I'm glad you are taking some things easier. I love the old Florida sampler you are doing. That is perfect! Love the pictures of your sweet doggy and your children. Precious memories. I am sorry to hear about your mother. Praying for her to recover and feel stronger. I know how hard it is at this stage in life. Praying for you as you juggle many things in your life. May God give you strength and help. ((hugs)))

  8. Sandy, I'm sorry to read that your mother has fractured her back. Since osteoporosis is very much on my mind, that is where it went to when I read this post. As I understand it, when a spine is so fragile from osteoporosis, it takes very little cause a spinal fracture. A sneeze, a cough, even twisting. If what I read is correct, simply poor posture (which can be a result of OP) can create fractures. Just mentioning it in case she's a candidate for and can tolerate some kind of treatment. Sorry for the PSA. I just now think our medical community does a terrible job at helping us understand and prevent (or help) OP.

  9. Love your blog. Brenda


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