Thursday, June 6, 2024

June 6, 2024 AD

 Since I am writing on D-Day, I must make note of this day. What a great sacrifice was made on our behalf! My father-in-law went in a day or two after there at Normandy. They were definitely the greatest generation and should be honored.

This little gem was once a gorgeous light blue hydrangea that took up a large space. Over time, it looked worse and worse and I pretty much thought it had died. I wasn't sure of the cause, but I left what remained of it there. For the past 2 years, it has sprouted and had one tiny bloom. This year it has 2 stems and one gigantic bloom which is more purple.  I like blue better, but I am celebrating its possible return to glory.

I have been stitching away on another Countdown to Christmas holder for Miles this time. You may remember seeing these same stitches done back in 2020. I have 7 out of 24 to do. I want to leave myself time to put it altogether without being rushed.  I have another large stitch I am working on, but I don't have enough progress to really show yet.

I have been busy without outdoor work between rain or hot weather. I reached down to pull up an oak leaf sprout which happens a lot and got an acorn and root too. I love it. I stuck in a pot because that is what I do!

I have raked a ton of leaves and straw---10 trashcans worth over the past 2 weeks.

You can see a sampling of them:) for proof.

If I don't they all wash down to the bottom deck and I am tired of cleaning it up. Usually Jeff and I tag team this chore, but the sidewalk and lower deck is the scene of the nails in the feet.

Those stones don't keep it from washing down on to the lower deck. I am going to add some more tomorrow to the sides of the sidewalk to try and help my issue, but now that the leaves and straw are up hopefully less will come down.

I have squeezed in 2 beach visits these past 2 weeks. I have toted my little chair out there with a big old glass of ice water and a good book and just had me a nice time. I have told myself that is going to be a priority this summer while I am not babysitting. 

My boys are growing up so quickly. The next picture was taken at church this past Sunday. Miles liked his animal hat so much that he kept it on.

Jeff is still getting his IV antibiotics daily. He will continue for another week. He saw the infectious disease doctor yesterday and according to measurements taken it has healed about 66 percent, so that is good. Surgery is still up in the air and I know you are sick of hearing about it, so I am stopping for today.

Gus got a grooming and I snapped a picture of his bowtie which he hates, but he is sure cute.

This next week is birthday week so baking and celebrating the men in my life will be happening.

Summertime is my favorite season, so I am trying to squeeze all the goodness out of it every single day. Heat and all!


  1. Oh, what a gorgeous color your hydrangea is, Sandy! So glad it's returning to life so to speak. That is a lot of stitching you are doing for a second Countdown to Christmas. Hope it goes quickly. That will be such a special heirloom piece for Miles. Love the photo of your sweet trio :) Good to hear that Jeff is healing well and hopefully all will be 100% very soon. Take care now and enjoy the sunshine! ♥

    1. It is always fun to watch the growth of the flowers and plants. I have no idea what happened to the hydrangea, but am glad to see it coming back. It takes me about 2 days to stitch each one of the numbered stitches, so hopefully I will be able to make it for him this year and do plenty of other stuff too.

  2. My goodness, you have been very busy with the leaves! I know that is a big job! Gus looks so cute! And the boys....super, super cute! Their little faces are just angelic! Glad to hear Jeff is healing up nicely! And yes, please prioritize some time for yourself as much as possible! You do so much for others.

    1. Thanks Mandy. I have learned to measure so to speak what I do in a day. Slow and steady will eventually get the job done. I used to be more hare like with going at with all the gusto. Age has slowed me down though. Those boys bring me so much joy.

  3. I love that hydrangea! The color is determined by the amount of acid in the soil. tells all about it, but I bet you already know that. Love seeing your sweet three boys! They are sure adorable, and I know you enjoy being able to watch them grow!! Glad your hubby is getting better. Praying for a good outcome of the surgery, etc. Enjoy your summer days while you can. I personally prefer to stay indoors more because it is SO hot and humid, but I go out in the evenings or early mornings when I can and enjoy the beauty. Love that cute little oak sprout/acorn! I imagine I have tons of those, but I don't pull them up. Our front yard is primarily made up of acorns and oak leaves. We try to keep them cleaned up, but more keep coming down. It's a never ending battle, which we are losing. We just aren't able to maintain them ourselves. Raking is really hard on the arms/shoulders/back. Oh well, such is life for the old. Have a lovely week and summer. It's always good to hear from you.

    1. My little oak sprout was in the middle of my daylilies so I pulled him up. I can tell you I think about it all the time having a more natural yard than the manicured lawn. It takes lots of work. The older I get I have to do a little bit all along. I can not go out and do it all in one day like my younger days. Thus far in life, I still like the hot over the cold. I seem to come to a standstill with cool weather and thrive more in the warmer. Ask me at the end of August if I am tired of the heat and I will probably be ready for some cooler weather but not cold!

  4. I love hydrangeas and yours is gorgeous! Those boys are beyond adorable!! Gus looks handsome in his bow tie!! Enjoy the beach and enjoy the summer. Sending hugs!!

    1. Thanks Terri. I plan to give it all I have on those beach visits each week.

  5. Wow, what a lot of work you've done there, Sandy. The lower deck looks so nice and clean. That little hydrangea has such a beautiful bloom. I hope it grows bigger for you. It is very good to read that Jeff's infection is getting better. What an ordeal. While you don't need to earn your restful times on the beach, I'd say you've more than earned them. I'm glad you have those quiet, beautiful moments in your very busy life.

    1. Thanks Becki. These days it does seem as if I have to work hard for any free time. I am not sure why but it seems to be the case. I am trying really hard to prioritize some little moments in there to rejuvenate me.

  6. I love plants but they do not love me. I sure enjoy seeing other gardener's lovely things. Hydrangeas are my favorite in the summer. Praying the surgery will go through if it is prudent to carry on. I know you are tired of having all the balls in the air.

    1. BTW, I am not missing my houseplants at all. I thought I would, but no. I have really trimmed down the outside plants too that don't grow in the ground and are easy care.


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