Thursday, July 18, 2024

Stitching and More

A mostly stitching post... 

I am still mostly prioritizing my Advent calendar for my son's family. I plan to do it basically the same as I did for my daughter's calendar. My head is spinning with all the upcoming stitching I GET to do. I am honestly giddy thinking about it all even though some of it will be things I have stitched before. 

With the arrival of a new grandbaby in January, I will be stitching their name like I have done for the 3 boys. I will need a new first Christmas ornament for 2025 and a new stocking for my growing family. For now though, the Advent calendar is first priority.

I am on number 20 of the 24. I am hoping to complete them all by the end of July. That will give me adequate time to put it all together into the hanging pocket form. I have enjoyed stitching each of the numbered motifs. They are just so cute and with each finish I get a feeling of accomplishment. My linen is sized so that I can do 3 across and when they are complete I cut them off and cut to size and add them to my stack of finished stitches.

*The linen I use for these is the best. It is called opalescent linen and I order it from 123Stitch. I love it for all things Christmas.   

I am also dreaming of my Florida wall. I have several really great ideas for it. So many ideas...need more time. All of it does give one something to look forward to though.

I thought I would share my drawers of small stitching. I use my daughter's dresser which is mostly empty to store all the seasonal small stitches. 

First up is a portion of my summery stitches including patriotic and late summer ones. There are many more that will go in this drawer because some of these were still on display as I was swapping out the patriotic ones. I always put most of the patriotic ones away after the Blue Angels home show the second week of July. (Some stay out until Labor Day). That show is a big deal in our parts. I have missed it for the second year in a row. I hope not to make that the new routine. Lindsay and her family did go and they boys are all heavily into planes this week.

Then some of the Christmas stitches. Some of the ornaments are in the Christmas decorations bins.

Next is the January through spring drawer.  Opening these drawers are always so much fun. You see all your work and a new season to come.

The fall drawer and my one winter piece. I need some more Thanksgiving pieces. I love Thanksgiving and feel it doesn't always get its due.

I have some really cool patterns for the Florida wall and just summer in general, so I am not lacking ideas...just time. 

I am at a stage of life where I just don't want to rush though.

Gardening note...

I mentioned my lack of blooms on my roses and honestly my daylilies this year. I also said I had figured out the cause... a poor choice of fertilizer. I have corrected that, moved some of the pine straw from around all of those plants and added new fertilizer. I popped out on the deck this morning and saw 2 new summer rose blooms. I didn't kill them, but so glad I caught the error. Even the daylilies are looking so happy and hopefully will pop out some more blooms too. Lesson for me is to go with the tried and true...and to look at the percentages on the bag.


I don't think I shared this, but if I did just remember age and being too busy makes you do crazy things.

The quote below is from a book by Fannie Flagg. I remember reading it years ago and chuckling because it was right on the money for me. Not the numbers but the sentiment. At just over 5'2", my numbers are small but still I feel the sentiment.

I have always been one who wears more than one size in bottoms either due to the style of pants, my need for nothing tight and the occasional bloating or up and down about 4 pounds. That 4 pounds often lands me in 2 sizes. Tops- I have been the same forever, but pants not so much. I like to have 2 sizes in my favorites due to that 4 pounds. I detest tight...always have so due to my being right in between 2 sizes sometimes I end up buying a size up or down depending on the times. I am sure some of you are shaking your head at me.

I can assure you my mother did when I was growing up. She spoiled me in that I grew up when mamas sewed everything for us. I just saw a picture, showed it to mama and voila...she recreated it and it fit perfectly.

I have bought more new pants in the past 18 months or so due to the style change than in ages. I love the wider legs. I am all about it and will not go back so I have let myself purchase new pants to last me thought the next style change and YES, some of them have been in 2 sizes. HA!

One I loved was below...

I normally stick with navy, khaki and olive in chinos, but this fun blue color caught my eye so I got it and navy and I have loved them. I have worn them over and over and the only photo I have is one where I was getting dressed and sent a photo to Lindsay to ask her what she thought about the tucking in and the belt and was my stomach to poochy. I mean how do you not have pooch at our age?

BTW, the belt is at least 20 years if not much older. Pays to be a pack rat.

Three cheers for something besides skinny jeans! I am sticking with straight and flared legs.

A final thought...

I saw a post the other day in which the young man was missing his deceased grandmother. He said something in his post that made me stop. He said his grandmother had lived life for the people in the first two rows of your funeral. Something along those lines...I am butchering it. 

I taught for 31 years and put so much time in on that job that when I retired I had time to realize that while my intentions were good I had put a lot of emphasis on people who won't think of me again. There are some, yes, but I had guilt feelings about working to hard to the exclusion of my health and my family. They won't agree with my assessment, but I had those feelings nonetheless. I am getting an opportunity in life to pour into my family and I am so grateful. That line really made me think about how important this time in my life is to me. I am enjoying this stage of life even though it is not always easy. 

We take the road in front of us and walk it. We do the best we can.

Three cheers for...
reading good books, 
doing long put off tasks, 
eating watermelon and peaches,  
straight and flare leg pants, 
playing with grandsons, 
spending time with the ones we love, 
walking the cutest most energetic 7 year old Springer Spaniel
and mostly for my Heavenly Father who walks with me.


  1. You look great! That style of pants is very versatile.
    Lovely stitching
    Think of the first 2 rows at a funeral is very profound.

    1. Thanks. I really do like the wider legs. So much more comfortable.

  2. I love your new slacks!! They look great on you!! I always enjoy seeing your stitching, even though it is all way above my abilities! Those first two rows... profound. Have a blessed weekend!! xo

    1. The 2 rows caught my eye. I can't find the article again. It was on social media but it must have been on Instagram stories where it is only up for a while.

  3. Oh I love that quote about the grandmother. So true. And those pants are too cute. I am at the Huntsville retreat and having a great time seeing all the different stitches. And that must be me that has the three sizes of clothing. I can relate.:)

    1. Take lots of pics and send me all the sights later. I remember laughing out loud when I read the book and then that quote showed up somewhere and I promptly sent it to Lindsay but I am right there with you. The size I want to be in only happens for a couple of weeks a year.

  4. Your daughter's advent calendar is gorgeous, and I know this will be as well. I like your system for storing your masterpieces by seasons! The drawers are perfect. Sounds like you have so much to keep you busy. I had to cackle at that Fanny Flagg quote! Haha! I have my "fat pants" and shorts I wear when I gain a few inches, which is where I'm at currently! I like your pants! I see so many cute things from Talbots online. I've never been to a Talbots store, though. I may have to pop in the next time I run across one. And you can totally get away with tucking them in. And I get what you meant about teaching. I used to be so gung ho about my library and students, much the same way, but having heart surgery sort of brought me back down to earth a little. I still loved both, but I no longer drained myself for it. It was a wake-up call I needed. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Talbots is expensive and I used my money back when I was teaching to be in the latest. However, I do have an outlet store nearby which is tons cheaper and I always look for sales. Their clothes will last forever, so for pants I will pay a little more if I know I am going to like them year after year.
      I have never been able to get in on that half tuck. It always seems so undone. I show my age I guess, but I like the look of tucked, but that only works on tall slim people. AND now, they have these girls wearing button down shirts with one tail tucked and the other hanging out. I am like ---NOPE.
      I certainly put a ton of time in school. I feel like I am being blessed to be able to spend so much time with my kids and grandsons AND help them out.

  5. I was noticing the other day the ads for wide-legged pants. Your pants are classic, Sandy. I'm like you with the different sizes in my closet with bottoms. Your Advent pieces are looking good. That quote/comment about the first two rows is so spot on. Enjoy your Friday and weekend, my friend!

    1. I really loved that idea of the first two rows. I am loving the newer wider legs. They are so much more comfortable. I don't want bell bottoms, but just good old comfort and to look semi nice.

  6. I am inspired by your drawers of finished stitched projects, Sandy. I started too late to even think of aspiring to your level of productivity in regards to cross stitched pieces, but your photos here make me so happy. Storing them in drawers is genius. So easy.

    Butchered or not, the message in that line is terrific. I must remember it. And you look great in those pants!

    1. Thank you. I do love the wider legs. More comfortable. I have been trying to think of ways to store things I really like rather than the traditional way IF we ever downsize.

  7. Your drawer with the summertime stitches: it was good to once again see your sunflowers that inspired me to return to cross stitching in 2017 (or 2018?). As you know, I stitched a lot for the next couple of years until a major event turned my world upside down. I no longer stitch much of anything now except necessary mending. My "sewing room" is a couple of banker's boxes in a closet and two sewing machines in their cases in other closets. These days I do Sudoku, read more than I used to, color with pencils, and walk and ride my bike. Who am I now? I sometimes wonder but I'm happy and so very blessed. As always, I enjoy keeping in touch with you and yours. Your name is permanently on my prayer list.

  8. Sounds like your stitching life will be filled with creating things for your grandchildren, Sandy! How wonderful to be making all these heirlooms for each of them. I store my seasonal smalls exactly like you--in my son's old dresser :) It's very convenient, isn't it? It's about time for me to pull out the bees/sunflowers pieces for August. Boy this year is going quickly! I'm with you on tight clothing--ugh! I find myself wearing more and more dresses during the summer as I just don't like anything around my waste. I did just order a couple of skorts from Anthony's (in Florida) and boy, are they great! The funeral thoughts about the first two rows are so thought-provoking. Too often we worry about what complete strangers think--and for no reason! Our family and close friends are what we all need to live for and to spend time with. Hope your week is going well! ♥


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