Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Trio of Treasures

July is almost over. I am not going to whine, because I have been blessed to feel like I was given a gift of summer this year. My favorite season has been missed for a couple of years now. 

My beach days have been wonderful. 

All my senses soaked up the beach: 

the smells of salty air, 

the warmth and beach breezes on my skin,

the views and colors, 

the sounds of wave action, and

even taste... I always carry a salty snack for beach time.

I hope to have a few more days there before the action of the school year begins. 


I am down to my last 3 calendar pieces. I should finish pretty close to the end of July which will be perfect. That should give me plenty of time to put it altogether in a quilted hanging piece without being rushed.

As I stated before I have been thinking about the new grandbaby and the pieces I will stitch for the arrival next year. However, I have also been thinking about the Florida wall I am envisioning. I have all the patterns bought and kitted up and that should keep me busy for a good long time. I am ready to stitch daily again. There is another Florida sampler, a space stitch, some pipers along a beach, and a sampler with a sentiment I like all in that Florida wall mix. #thingstolookforwardto

Garden Notes

My roses seem to be bouncing back from the wrong fertilizer. I am happy to see that. I should get some nice fall blooms in October and November. I have shared that I have really downsized my growing pots, but it has all been good. For the first time in a long time, I feel I have a manageable amount to piddle with and I derive such pleasure in checking on them...not a burden.

Jeff sent me an Instagram post of a lady walking around in her flowers and plants early in the morning with her coffee and robe on with this sentiment...

"When you realize the real luxury in life is a morning cup of coffee while checking on your plants."

I said that fit me to a tee.


Little Palmer turned 3 this July. He is the cutest most precious little fella. 

Those 3 are a true treasure.

The past 2 weeks have been quite busy, so Jeff and I are slipping off to Auburn today to REST. I really cleaned up last time to be ready for fall, so I am taking stitching and my latest read and plan to just rest for the weekend. We will be back for Sunday, but it will be the same amount of time as a weekend away. A little reset for the mind and body.

The first picture is where you will find me until sometime Saturday:)

Until next time,



  1. This sounds like a great time. I love those boys' happy smiles at the cupcakes.

  2. Enjoy your "reset" time in Auburn!

  3. This was a delightful post. Sounds like you are more relaxed and things must be falling into place better for you all. The boys are so sweet and growing up so fast! And then you will have another sweetie to enjoy! What fun!!! I hope you relax and enjoy this weekend at Auburn. It should be nice and peaceful for you there. Take care and may God bless you all.

  4. Sandy, those three little guys are so adorable!! I am so glad you and Jeff are getting away for some rest and recuperation!! Enjoy the time together!! xo

  5. So glad y'all are getting away for the weekend. Enjoy! Little Palmer is so precious! Your grandkids are growing so fast!

  6. Happy birthday wishes to Palmer! Love the picture of the trio, Sandy. Enjoy your time away at Auburn with your stitching and book. Your spot looks fabulous.

  7. Your grands are so adorable and have the most beautiful smiles! Glad you are getting away when you can. We are looking forward to camping later on! Hugs!

  8. That looks like a very cozy chair and a cozy spot to stitch and read. I hope your weekend in Auburn was refreshing!


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