Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Growing Up

 I did not quite plan to be away this long, but life has been full and sometimes the longer you wait to write the harder it gets. 

I left off with my last post going to Auburn for a quick getaway. It was a good time of rest, stitching and reading. We did drive over to Warm Springs, Georgia and visit the Little White House. This is a place we have visited more than once before, but it had been a long time and I always love  the drive over to those parts. It doesn't matter the season to see the beauty of that area. The trees were so lush and everything was so green. It was really the first time Jeff has felt like walking and doing anything like that in 6 months. It was a good trip time for both of us.


I did finish my Advent pieces. Whew ---- no. 21 was evil. It had to be stitched twice. I was cutting them out and somehow managed to get it under something and cut too close. It had to be one with lots of stitches.

I should have time to get it all put together into a calendar pocket for Miles.
I have been stitching as much as time would allow on some other things and will share them later.


Summer is easing away from me. I have been so grateful for the season this year. The grandsons are growing up so fast and part of my absence has been helping get them ready for the new school year.

I kept a combination of the boys last week to give them a break from their normal routine. Tucker started kindergarten this week on Monday. Rather than attend the church camp he had gone to all summer, Lindsay and I decided he could use a down week, so he was with me everyday last week Monday through Thursday. Lindsay took off last Friday and took him to his open house.

Miles and Palmer were with me some of the days. In other words, I had some combination of the three for each day. I promised them a water day and you would have thought I hd promised Disney World. 

I pulled that llama around with some combination of the 3 a LOT of times. 

Then I pulled them out to rinse off in the kiddie pool from the bayou water.

The Three Musketeers had a great time together that week.

Throw in another birthday for Miles and yes, it has just been go go go.

Katie's uncle let her use his pool and house for a pool party for both sides of the family. I made cupcakes for the shark themed party.

Palmer enjoyed this boat float so much.

Katie had everything decorated so cute.

With Palmer's birthday being so recent, Miles really understood the meaning of it all. He loved all the attention.

Tucker started kindergarten. I really can't even imagine it. Our family texts were going like crazy with wondering how every move was going. He loved it all. He is more than ready. Palmer was starting in the 3's class on the same day. He was very unsure if he would like his new room and did not have the confidence his older brother had. 

That little happy face of Palmer's melted to tears which always makes it so hard, but he had a spectacular day and decided the new class was fine. 

Lots of videos were shared of each little Tucker getting on the bus the second day. Lindsay took him the first day. Lots of love for each of these boys.

Miles starts a little daycare for part of the day after Labor Day. I expect there to be big tears, but he really is at that place where he needs a little more stimulation than I can provide.

Here he is in deep thought. I think I figured out what he was thinking on a little later. It was kind of devious:)

He did great the week the others were there to play, but he has a rough week thus far. Missing being home with Mama.  That makes it so hard. 

Summer is trying to run away from me. I think the entire family has had a good one. I thought this picture was cute. I know I am blowing up this post with grandboys.

I hope to catch up with my blog reading and get back to posting now that things should be getting back to the normal routine. I just didn't want to miss anything. I truly do love summer and all the summery things that go with it in our neck of the woods. 

My late summer stitches are out. This sunflower will always be one of my favorite small seasonal stitches.

Between these 2 weeks, Jeff and I went out Saturday morning early for a beach visit.

My shirt was bunched up and made me look enormous, but I did think it was a cool pic so there you have it. I am way beyond the vanity. 

Soaking up the last of the long days of August even if the really hot has settled in on us. August is really and truly a great beach month. The water is warm and so smooth unless there is a storm out there.

They don't stay little long, so they get center stage.


  1. Oh such precious times and wonderful memories you are making with these sweet little boys. They are growing up way too fast, and soon they will ALL be in school and changing so rapidly. You are blessed to have had so much time to enjoy them (and they YOU). Looks like you all had lots of fun with the water float, the little pool, and fishing. Thank you for sharing it all with us. Maybe things will calm down a bit now for you.

    1. Thanks, I do enjoy those boys. I know I am blessed to have them so close:)

  2. Love seeing the boys.... they are so precious. I have done some reading..will email you!

  3. Yes, yes!! Precious times that can't be missed. The boys are adorable and how fun to have a llama to swim with!! The shark birthday decorations are so great. Our Tristan was into sharks back in the days of boyhood! So fun! Sandy, enjoy the family and check in when you can. Precious family time first!!

    1. Thanks, Terri. I am so blessed to have them so close.

  4. Glad you and Jeff had a wonderful weekend in Auburn, Sandy! I totally enjoyed your post and of course, always the pictures of the boys. I still am gobsmacked that Tucker has started kindergarten. I hope he has a fabulous year and I hope that Miles and Palmer has awesome years as well.

    1. It seems like only a little bit of time has passed since Tucker arrived on the scene. He is 100 percent loving it all.

  5. What an enjoyable post to read, Sandy! I'm so happy you and Jeff could get a wonderful weekend away!

    1. Thanks, I am truly blessed with these little ones and we are doing our best to soak up the long summer days.

  6. What a great party! Love the balloon decor the best, but the food is a hit, too! You love summer; me, I can hardly wait for lower humidity and cooler temps.

  7. What a joyful summer you've had. I keep saying I'm not ready for my son and his wife to have children, but seeing your cuties makes me think maybe I would like a grandchild after all. Or maybe I could just borrow yours - so adorable! I've always wanted to visit Warm Springs and can't believe I haven't. Yes, the beach is beautiful in August, but you said it right - as long as there are no big storms! Take care and enjoy the last few days of a wonderful summer.

    1. I didn’t have grandchildren on my radar when it happened, but I can say with authority they are amazing.
      Warm Springs and Calloway Gardens is such a beautiful area really any season.
      I truly love soaking up August and September minus storms. I for one tho k everyone rushes fall in and forget to savor the late summer time.

  8. What a lovely post, so eventful, you had a very special time with the boys, memories that will last.
    Have a great time,

  9. Summer's end is always a bit sad for me, too, Sandy, but it looks like yours has been a wonderful one! Love the decorations for Miles' party and the photos of first day of school. So precious. Aren't we lucky to live in this day and age where our kids can so easily share videos of "first" and special occasions with us so easily. I'm glad Jeff is feeling a bit better--have never heard of the "Little White House," but it looks like a great destination. I hope you get some more "me" time now that Miles will be in daycare part of the day. You deserve it! Enjoy your second half of August ♥

  10. This was a lovely post to read, Sandy. Wonderful pictures. And special days spent with family and those adorable grandboys!


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