Saturday, March 22, 2025


Today marks 11 years since I put up my first blogpost. My life was so different then and I could not have imagined what the future held. I think the blogging turned out quite differently than I imagined, but that is ok. I have made many friends through the shared interests we have.

My first few blogposts had azalea pictures too. Azaleas are a core memory of my life. They bring me such joy. We drove to Pensacola this week and all along the way they were just showing off. The older the neighborhood the better because they had those huge unchecked ones. The azaleas have been such a blessing to me. We have to always look for the good and the beauty amongst the crazy.

I am blessed with 4 beautiful grandchildren from my two amazing children and their spouses that I love like my own. I often look around and think how did I get so lucky to have so much. BUT, we know with blogs and all forms of social media there is life behind the pictures too. This blog has been the highlight reel for certain. When I started this blog, no one would have known that I was driving an equilateral triangle between my home here in FWB, to Brewton to take my stepdad to chemo in Pensacola and then back to FWB on many of those days. I was spending the weekends going to Brewton when I started this blog and my house was a mess. I had planned a wedding for my daughter on many of those drives home from Brewton. I would cry the first half and pull myself together for the second half so I could get all the things done. I was a mess, but I was hopeful for better days a head. There is a book by Ronda Rich titled, There's a Better Day a Comin' that reminds of just that. One of many she wrote to inspire us to draw on God's goodness through struggles.

Yesterday, Mama turned 90. 

The senior living had a banner outside her door. They celebrate the 90, 95, 100, etc.

Lindsay and I both agree that Mama is the most photogenic person we have ever seen. She can be hardly moving around and yet, she looks like a dream. 

She always does her best to look nice. 

I got her early in the day and brought her to my house.

The kids are all on spring break so they arrived early afternoon for entertainment value:)

They all loved her crown which had a 90 woven in the jewels.Those doggone balloons didn't want to cooperate so the boys helped out.

She got to hold Valerie who is  growing and holding onto her black hair.

Later on we had her favorite pizza for the party. She ate quite a bit of salad and 2 small slices of pizza. We were amazed at that.

Then it was cake time. She also ate a large piece with strawberries and whipped cream. Truly that is more than she ever eats.

We got her a new outfit from Talbots. A leisurely outfit but quite nice. I know when I go over today, she will have it on. She likes to have new clothes.

We celebrated her well and told her what a big deal it was to be 90. I think she knows that.

I have been stitching on Valerie's name. This is my current location on it. 4 more letters to personalize.

I will back at stitching it today at some point between watering plants, checking in on Mom, and watching the basketball tournament.

A couple of things to share....

Jeff and I have decided to no longer look at homes. We have had time to look at retirement plans and have decided we will not be traveling or doing all the things such as that. Sitting on the dock and looking out at our water is vacation enough. We will continue to stay here for now which gives me a big sense of relief. God will show us if we need to make a change. For now, we will  hire people to do some of the bigger things we can't handle such as yard work. 

On that note, I kind of thought at some point I would share more about the Parkinson's journey because it might help someone. That has not flowed from my fingers yet. God will tell me when to do that too. What is more pressing at the moment is that Jeff has a bladder tumor. I have been sitting on some of that too. I am sharing it not for pity. 

I serve an amazing God and am so blessed, but to say that, I can't really be authentic without writing that we are facing another challenge. He had the telltale blood in his urine and that set off the trail to find the cause. Monday, we had the final tests in Pensacola to find the cause. He will have surgery on April 2nd in Pensacola. On Monday, we have to get him through all the pre surgery details like the EKG, so prayers would be helpful.

It is a heavy weight right now, but we will tote it. For those outside the rural south, tote is the word we use for carry. 

I am grateful for spring right now...azaleas brightening my day, grandchildren to come running in with hugs and joy, and so much more.

On this blog anniversary, I will continue to find joy in the things of home and have hope in the days ahead.  I am looking forward to summer and all the hot days. That is me!

Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16


  1. What a blessing you mother's birthday must have been! I am praying about the health trials in your family. Thank you for writing whenever you are able. It encouraging to read. God bless you and your family!

  2. Sandy, I am so uplifted by your post today. Your mom looks so beautiful and the boys holding her balloons is beyond precious! You and your family are always in my prayers. We do just have to stand up and tote the load given to us because we know God is there with us carrying most of the load. Sending love and a hug!!

  3. Your momma is a beautiful woman inside and out, Sandy. Happy belated birthday wishes to her! You and Jeff are always in my prayers and I will add a specific prayer for his upcoming pre-op appointment and then prayers on April for a successful surgery. May you feel the surrounding comfort of the Lord's arms during this time. Thinking of you.

  4. Your Momma had such a lovely birthday! I can tell she enjoyed every second of it, especially holding that precious little baby girl in her arms! what a gift to be able to embrace new life when you are celebrating your 90th birthday! I loved the boys holding the balloons for the picture, too. What a sweet day that was. I am sorry to hear of the news regarding your hubby, and yes, I will definitely be praying for him and for you as you juggle yet another challenge in your basket full. May God give you the strength you need for each of these things, and help you "tote" that load. He tells us to cast our every care on Him and He will take care of us, so give it to Jesus and let Him carry it for you. Sending you (((HUGS))) and prayers.

  5. Happy Blogiversary. I am so glad we met through our blogs. Prayers going up for you and for Jeff. And you are right about your mama...she looks great! So glad she got to have all the family there for her birthday.

  6. Hello Sandy: First I want to tell you Prayers for your husband, illness is not for the weak of heart, I will keep you both in Prayers due to being a caregiver can wear a person down I have been there, with Mike, we too have decided to stay in our hoe until it is necessary to move into assisted living.
    I am in agreement God leads us daily in fact he actually chases us to make sure our hearts are in the right place, without God I would be completely lost.
    Happy Blessed Birthday to your young 90 year old mother, she is absolutly adorable.
    You have also been Blessed with an amazing family and grandchildren.
    Your azaleas are lovely, congratulations on Blogging 11 years, I like to look back at some of my blogging year posts.
    Congratulation's on your stitching progress.



I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.