Life has been full these few weeks. I never intend to stay away so long from blogging, but it just happens. I am in a stage of life where I know these little grandchildren won't be young long, and I don't want to miss it. I don't want to miss out on their energy, and the fact that they still enjoy grandparents. I have attended baseball practices and opening day for baseball. I have taken Mother to appointments. I am watching nature come alive daily for spring. All good things.
Outdoor Time
February gave me 3 out of 4 glorious spring like weeks...can't beat that. I enjoyed them immensely. While I always say spring begins for me on March 1st. I know March can be a crazy month. The weather will be all over the place and the wind lets us know why on elementary bulletin boards everywhere a kite is the symbol of the month. Nature just starts giving me things to watch for daily....the ending of camellia blooms, the buds of azaleas, the poking through of all the lilies, the beginnings of the lives oak leave drop and so much more. It is truly such a special time in my eyes.
My camellias have just shown off this year. February kept me daily outside looking and admiring their beauty. I kept camellia bowls on the kitchen counter and the living room coffee table. I think they are on their last week this next week, but I don't have to worry because the azaleas are about to explode. My camellias showed off because I fertilized them pretty heavy. Last year I felt like they were a little lack-luster. The fertilizer was explosive for them. I used a fertilizer designed specifically for camellias and azaleas.
My roses are pruned and starting to pop with new growth. I added one. Can't wait to they open up.
The orange pansies are putting on a show too.
The pine trees have not been missed not one bit. In fact, Jeff and I have agreed that the view is prettier than ever without them. The deck is certainly not going to have to be swept as much. We have begun eating our meals out on the upper deck. Yes, I am happy for spring.
I am in wait and watch mode for the citrus trees and bottle brush dwarf shrubs. The citrus trees are alive, but they don't look like they will do much this year. Wait and watch. The bottle brush look dead to me. They can survive low temps but the snow made them very unhappy. Jeff says we are waiting for a good long time before we dig them up. Again wait and watch.
Yes, spring is wonderful. For my blog friends to the north, hang on - it's coming.
Building Routines
I have definite routines in place for my Bible reading/prayer time, chores, tending my flowers, etc. However, one routine that fell out of favor when the grandchildren came along was my exercise time. Before them, but after retirement from teaching I hit the gym. Then they came along and I didn't go and it has been hit or miss since Tucker's birth in 2018. I wanted to make an exercise routine just that; a routine in 2025. I knew it wouldn't be easy to add it back and I have had ups and downs. It takes a while to add something like this back to where it is second nature and a priority. I walk daily...if you have a dog you have too. I love those walks with him, but I know that strength training is important. After much pondering I decided on a plan and have tried really hard to be faithful to it. I pick myself back up when I fail and keep at it. I know one day I will have it as routine again.
I found a plan on Pinterest and printed it out and now I am trying to add it back slowly. The three day rotation has 6 exercises using free weights and body weight. It is meant to do 3 days a week. Currently, I am doing 3 of the 6 exercises each day and spreading it out over the 6 days so I won't upset the joints. I also am not up to doing 3 reps which is the intended for each exercise. I read my body. I'm actually pretty good at that due to the rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid issues. Slow and steady is my goal, but for it to be a routine. I printed the routines out and along with my weights put them in the front bedroom. I go in there all through the day and do the next exercise on the lists. I try to do 3 reps with each exercise and depending on the exercise a different set of weights is chosen. Anything lifting my arms above my shoulders gets a 2 or 3 pound set. Anything that works the legs like a squat or a lunge will get a 5 or 10 since I have pretty strong legs but weak shoulders.
Working on it but not beating myself up and hey, I am home and not having to go to the gym.
Cross Stitching
Oh my y'all ---I made a costly mistake and had to start over on Little Valerie's name. As always, if you just take a breath you get inspiration to correct your error. I had the V and the A all stitched that I shared with y'all on a previous post. When I removed the Q snaps I realized I didn't have enough linen. I was shaken for a moment, but realized there was nothing I could do but order a new piece and begin again. This time I stitched the bottom row of each letter carefully counting all the spaces between. I have the V done and with the inspiration given I decided to personalize the stitches as I had done with the 3 grandsons. I gave the V's little girl darker hair because my heart is telling me Valerie is going to have dark hair. I am now planning the other letters with all the motifs personalized for my little granddaughter.
Since my last post, I have been a busy lady with family. All of it good for the most part. Yes, there are the usual appointments that I could do with less of, but there has also been lot of time with my grandkids. I have even gone to a baseball practice. Palmer has wanted to play ball so badly. He has watched older brother, Tucker play. He barely made the cut off date for tee ball but wanted to play so badly. I guess curiosity got the best of Jeff and me, so we went out to watch his first practice. He was fantastic. He won't be 4 until late July, but he paid attention and did everything asked of him. He was all in. The opening ceremonies for the league they are in was today. This is number 3 of these that we have attended. They do such a great job of this ceremony. They have a parade down the neighborhood from the school to the ball park and then festivities at the ball park.
It started out rainy on this one, but cleared up in time for all the good stuff. Paul Allen brought Miles out to see this one.
Here are few pictures to share of that.
I will close with Gus in his St. Patrick's Day bow tie after his grooming. I think I will pop it back on him for the 17th.
Grateful and blessed,
It is so good to get this catch-up post, Sandy!! I loved seeing all of the pictures you shared. Beautiful children (and pup!!)! I know your life is more than full right now. No need to apologize. Post when you can (it can be therapeutic, too). We will be here. xo
ReplyDeleteThanks Terri. I would not want to lose touch with so many of you. You've seen me through lots of things and I call you friends and mean it.
DeleteYou are certainly busy with all the good stuff, and that is perfectly understandable! Love seeing the little guys! And little Valerie is so precious, too! Looks like they are growing like weeds! Love your flowers. That's one thing I don't have around my yard, and I am ready to make that happen hopefully this spring! Just waiting to see if we have another frost. I've been watching my neighbor's pop up! And watching the birds and squirrels...all so relaxing for me! You just check in when you can. I'm down to about one post myself a week, and sometimes I go longer than a week. Take care!